#!/bin/sh # # adddepinfo.sh # # This script adds support for dependencies on Slackware # repositories. It creates a "ghost" repository that only holds # the dependency info and diverts all traffic to a real Slackware # repository. # # You will need to have a directory with dependency files named # "packagename.dep" for each package in the slackware repository. That # file should include a comma separated list of dependencies. # # The script checks if there are any updated packages on the Slackware # repository. If there are, the PACKAGES.TXT file is created again with # dependency info from those .dep files. # # If you want to force the creation of a new PACKAGES.TXT file, even if # there are no package updates in the Slackware repository, like if you # update a .dep file, you can run the script with the "-f" switch. # # You can change the SLACKREPO variable to point the traffic to a # different Slackware repository than the default one. # # Written by George Vlahavas for Salix # # Licensed under the GPLv3 # SLACKREPO="http://ftp.arm.slackware.com/slackwarearm/slackwarearm-14.0/" #SLACKREPO="ftp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/slackware/slackware-13.1/" EXCLUDE=" arts k3b3 kdelibs3 qca-tls1 qca1 qt3 tightvnc " cd $(dirname $0) CWD=`pwd` DEPSDIR="$CWD/deps" # # Don't touch anything after this # par=$1 update_packages_txt() { rm -f .CHECKSUMS.md5.new wget $SLACKREPO/$SUBDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5 -O .CHECKSUMS.md5.new || exit 1 touch CHECKSUMS.md5 if [[ ! `diff CHECKSUMS.md5 .CHECKSUMS.md5.new` = "" ]] || [[ "$par" = "-f" ]] ; then rm -f .PACKAGES.TXT.new .PACKAGES.TXT.salix .CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.new ChangeLog.txt wget $SLACKREPO/$SUBDIR/PACKAGES.TXT -O .PACKAGES.TXT.new || exit 1 wget $SLACKREPO/$SUBDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc -O .CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.new || exit 1 wget $SLACKREPO/$SUBDIR/ChangeLog.txt echo -n "Adding dependency info to PACKAGES.TXT, this may take a while" for i in `grep "PACKAGE NAME: .*t[gx]z$" .PACKAGES.TXT.new | sed "s/PACKAGE NAME: //"`;do echo -n "." PKGNAME=`echo $i | sed "s/\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\)-\(.*\).t[gx]z/\1/"` if [ -f $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.dep ]; then DEPS=`cat $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.dep` else DEPS="" fi if [ -f $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.con ]; then CONFLICTS=`cat $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.con` else CONFLICTS="" fi if [ -f $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.sug ]; then SUGGESTS=`cat $DEPSDIR/$PKGNAME.sug` else SUGGESTS="" fi if [[ ! $EXCLUDE =~ ".* $PKGNAME .*" ]]; then sed -n -e "/^PACKAGE NAME: $i/!d" -e '/^.\+$/{h;n}; :a /^.\+$/{H;n;ba};H;x; s/PACKAGE \(MIRROR\|REQUIRED\|CONFLICTS\|SUGGESTS\):[^\n]\+\n//g;' -e "s@\(PACKAGE NAME:[^\n]\+\n\)\(.*PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed):[^\n]\+\n\)@\1PACKAGE MIRROR: ${SLACKREPO}${REPODIR}\n\2PACKAGE REQUIRED: $DEPS\nPACKAGE CONFLICTS: $CONFLICTS\nPACKAGE SUGGESTS: $SUGGESTS\n@g;p;q" .PACKAGES.TXT.new >> .PACKAGES.TXT.salix fi done # add an extra empty line before every package name, just to be # sure sed -i "s/^PACKAGE NAME:/\nPACKAGE NAME:/" .PACKAGES.TXT.salix # Prefer the solibs packages if none is installed sed -i \ "s/seamonkey|seamonkey-solibs/seamonkey-solibs|seamonkey/" \ .PACKAGES.TXT.salix sed -i \ "s/glibc|glibc-solibs/glibc-solibs|glibc/" \ .PACKAGES.TXT.salix sed -i \ "s/openssl|openssl-solibs/openssl-solibs|openssl/" \ .PACKAGES.TXT.salix mv -f .PACKAGES.TXT.salix PACKAGES.TXT rm -f .PACKAGES.TXT.new rm -f PACKAGES.TXT.gz cat PACKAGES.TXT | gzip -9 -c - > PACKAGES.TXT.gz mv -f .CHECKSUMS.md5.new CHECKSUMS.md5 mv -f .CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.new CHECKSUMS.md5.asc echo "" else echo "No new packages found." rm .CHECKSUMS.md5.new fi } SUBDIR="" REPODIR="" update_packages_txt [ ! -d $CWD/patches ] && mkdir $CWD/patches cd $CWD/patches SUBDIR="patches" update_packages_txt [ ! -d $CWD/extra ] && mkdir $CWD/extra cd $CWD/extra SUBDIR="extra" REPODIR="extra/" update_packages_txt cd $CWD