JACK is a low-latency audio server written primarily for Linux. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allow them to share audio among themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (ie. as a normal application) or they can run within a JACK server instance (i.e. as a "plugin"). jackd has to run with realtime privileges. One way to do this on Slackware would be to use set_rlimits. Since 12.2 there's another way - if you have a filesystem that supports posix capabilities (reiserfs does not), you can grant jackd the rights to run in realtime mode, even when started as a normal user, with the following command: setcap cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_nice=ep /usr/bin/jackd If you use qjackctl to start jack, it will need the same capabilities set to be able to start jack as non-root user. You can use the same command with 'qjackctl' instead of 'jackd' Optional dependencies are libffado and celt.