; ; Test file for D52. ; This, with the associated test.ctl file, demonstrates the ; use of control file directives. ; accum equ 0e0h ; org 0 ; start: nop ajmp main ljmp subrt ; main: rr a inc accum inc 12h inc @r0 inc @r1 inc r0 jbc acc.3,label acall subrt lcall subrt label: rrc a dec a dec 10h dec @r0 dec @r1 dec r0 cjne a,#12h,label mov dptr,#vectbl jmp @a+dptr ; subrt: nop nop nop nop nop ret ; vectbl: dw subrt dw 0 ; mesg: db 'This is text',0 ; bindat: db 0,1,2,3 wordat: dw 10h,20h,30h ; ; random junk to fake out the disassembler ; db 80h,29h,44h,33h ; ; valid code: ; delay: mov r0,#5 delay1: clr 20h djnz r0,delay1 ret ; end ;