#Maintainer: Thorsten Muehlfelder <thenktor(at)gmx.de> pkgname=lilo pkgver=22.8 pkgrel=9tm arch=i486 source=("ftp://ftp.slackware.at/slackware-current/slackware/a/lilo-$pkgver-$arch-14.txz" "http://thenktor.dyndns.org/packages/$pkgname/salix.bmp" "http://thenktor.dyndns.org/packages/$arch/a/$pkgname/liloconfig") slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "$pkgname (Linux Loader)" "Generic Boot Loader for Linux ('LInux LOader') by Werner Almesberger." "LILO boots Linux from your hard drive. It can also boot other" "operating systems such as MS-DOS and OS/2, and can even boot DOS from" "the second hard drive. LILO comes with utilities and documentation" "that make it easier to install, such as 'liloconfig' and 'QuickStart'." "NOTE: Installing boot loaders is inherently dangerous. Be sure to have" "some means to boot your system from a different media if you install" "LILO on your hard disk." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/ # # just take the slackware package and add our own background bitmap and settings # # background bitmap mv salix.bmp boot/ || return 1 rm boot/slack.bmp # liloconfig mv liloconfig sbin/ || return 1 chmod 755 sbin/liloconfig ## tweak some lilo default settings in original liloconfig #sed -i s/slack.bmp/salix.bmp/g sbin/liloconfig #sed -i s/bmp-timer\ =\ .*/bmp-timer\ =\ 65,29,0,255/ sbin/liloconfig #sed -i s/bmp-colors\ =\ .*/bmp-colors\ =\ 255,20,255,20,255,20/ sbin/liloconfig #sed -i s/timeout\ =\ .*/timeout\ =\ 50/ sbin/liloconfig #sed -i s/APPEND=\"/APPEND=\"quiet\ / sbin/liloconfig # mv everything to the new package mv boot install sbin var $startdir/pkg/ mv usr/* $startdir/pkg/usr/ }