#Maintainer: George Vlahavas <vlahavas~at~gmail~dot~com> pkgname=salixtools pkgver=0.9.9 pkgrel=1gv arch=noarch source=("salixtools-1.0.1.tar.gz" "salixtools-gtk-1.0.4.tar.gz" "clocksetup-launch" "keyboardsetup-launch" "localesetup-launch" "servicesetup-launch" "usersetup-launch") docs=("COPYING" "INSTALL") dotnew=(etc/rc.d/rc.numlock) options=('nosrcpack') slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "salixtools (various system utilities)" "This package includes tools related to system administration. A set of" "command line and dialog based tools that can be used from the linux" "terminal are included, as well as a set of gtk-based tools that can be" "used from inside a graphical environment." ) build() { # Install the command line tools cd $startdir/src/$pkgname ./compile.sh DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg ./install.sh for i in clocksetup keyboardsetup localesetup usersetup servicesetup service; do mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/salixtools-$pkgver/$i cp $i/ChangeLog $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/salixtools-$pkgver/$i done # Install the gtk tools cd $startdir/src/salixtools-gtk ./compile.sh DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg ./install.sh # Install the launchers that help launch the appropriate kind of # tool, depending on where you're launching it from and if pygtk # is available cp $startdir/src/*-launch $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin/ chmod 755 $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin/*-launch sed -i "s/^Exec=\(.*\) gtk\(.*\)/Exec=\1 \2-launch/" $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/*.desktop }