#Maintainer: R S Ananda Murthy <rsamurti@gmail.com> pkgname=dejagnu pkgver=1.4.4 pkgrel=1am arch=i486 source=("ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/dejagnu/dejagnu-1.4.4.tar.gz") sourcetemplate=http://people.salixos.org/rsamurti/$pkgname docs=("readme" "install" "copying" "changelog" "authors" "news" "todo" "MAINTAINERS") url=http://www.gnu.org/software/dejagnu/ slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "DejaGnu (A framework for testing other programs)" "Its purpose is to provide a single front end for all tests. Think of" "it as a custom library of Tcl procedures crafted to support writing a" "test harness. A test harness is the testing infrastructure that is" "created to support a specific program or tool. Each program can have" "multiple test suites, all supported by a single test harness. DejaGnu" "is written in Expect, which in turn uses Tcl." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \ --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --infodir=/usr/info make || return 1 make check make overview.ps make overview.pdf make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg }