/-------------------------------------------------------\ | How to add a custom action for BackInTime in Thunar ? | \-------------------------------------------------------/ 1./ Check Check if you have the file /etc/xfce/xdg/Thunar/uca.xml If you don't have it, fill it with that: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE actions [ <!ELEMENT actions (action)+> <!ELEMENT action (icon|patterns|name|command|description|directories|audio-files|image-files|other-files|text-files|video-files)*> <!ELEMENT icon (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT command (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT patterns (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST name xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST description xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT directories EMPTY> <!ELEMENT audio-files EMPTY> <!ELEMENT image-files EMPTY> <!ELEMENT other-files EMPTY> <!ELEMENT text-files EMPTY> <!ELEMENT video-files EMPTY> ]> <actions> </actions> 2./ Fill Add the following action before the </actions> line: <action> <icon>gtk-save</icon> <patterns>*</patterns> <name>Open with BackInTime</name> <name xml:lang="fr">Ouvrir avec BackInTime</name> <name xml:lang="de">Mit BackInTime öffnen</name> <name xml:lang="el">Άνοιγμα με το BackInTime</name> <command>backintime-gnome %f</command> <description>Go back to an old version</description> <description xml:lang="fr">Revenir à une ancienne version</description> <description xml:lang="de">Zu einer alten Version zurückkehren</description> <description xml:lang="el">ΕπιστÏοφή σε Ï€ÏοηγοÏμενη Îκδοση</description> <directories/> </action> 3./ Enjoy :)