#!/bin/bash ######################################################################## #### Script Name: inxi #### version: 1.8.14 #### Date: July 30 2012 #### Patch Number: 00 ######################################################################## #### SPECIAL THANKS ######################################################################## #### Special thanks to all those in #lsc and #smxi for their tireless #### dedication helping test inxi modules. ######################################################################## #### ABOUT INXI ######################################################################## #### inxi is a fork of infobash 3.02, the original bash sys info script by locsmif #### As time permits functionality improvements and recoding will occur. #### #### inxi, the universal, portable, system info script for irc. #### Tested with Irssi, Xchat, Konversation, BitchX, KSirc, ircII, #### Gaim/Pidgin, Weechat, KVIrc and Kopete. #### Original infobash author and copyright holder: #### Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif #### inxi version: Copyright (C) 2008-12 Scott Rogers & Harald Hope #### Further fixes (listed as known): Horst Tritremmel #### Steven Barrett (aka: damentz) - usb audio patch; swap percent used patch #### Jarett.Stevens - dmidecde -M patch for older systems with the /sys #### #### Current script home page: http://techpatterns.com/forums/about1131.html #### Script svn: http://code.google.com/p/inxi #### #### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #### the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or #### (at your option) any later version. #### #### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #### GNU General Public License for more details. #### #### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #### along with this program. If not, see . #### #### If you don't understand what Free Software is, please read (or reread) #### this page: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html ######################################################################## #### * Package names in (...) are the Debian Squeeze package name. Check your #### distro for proper package name by doing this: which #### then find what package owns that application file. Or run --recommends #### which shows package names for Debian/Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora/Redhat/Suse #### #### DEPENDENCIES #### * bash >=3.0 (bash); df, readlink, stty, tr, uname, wc (coreutils); #### gawk (gawk); grep (grep); lspci (pciutils); #### free, ps, uptime (procps); find (findutils) #### * Also the proc filesystem should be present and mounted #### * Some features, like -M and -d will not work, or will work incompletely, #### if /sys is missing #### #### Apparently unpatched bash 3.0 has arrays broken; bug reports: #### http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bash/bash-3.0-patches/bash30-008 #### http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2004-08/msg00144.html #### Bash 3.1 for proper array use #### #### Arrays work in bash 2.05b, but "grep -Em" does not #### #### RECOMMENDS (Needed to run certain features, listed by option) #### -A - for output of usb audio information: lsusb (usbutils) #### -Ax -Nx - for audio/network module version: modinfo (module-init-tools) #### -Dx - for hdd temp output (root only default): hddtemp (hddtemp) #### For user level hdd temp output: sudo (sudo) #### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file) #### -G - full graphics output requires: glxinfo (mesa-utils); xdpyinfo (X11-utils); #### xrandr (x11-xserver-utils) #### -i - IP information, local/wan - ip (iproute) legacy, not used if ip present: ifconfig (net-tools) #### -Ix - view current runlevel while not in X window system (or with -x): runlevel (sysvinit) #### -M - for older systems whose kernel does not have /sys data for machine, dmidecode (dmidecode) #### -o - for unmounted file system information in unmounted drives (root only default): file (file) #### Note: requires user action for this feature to run as user (edit /etc/sudoers file) #### For user level unmounted file system type output: sudo (sudo) #### -s For any sensors output, fan, temp, etc: sensors (lm-sensors) #### Note: requires setup of lm-sensors (sensors-detect and adding modules/modprobe/reboot, #### and ideally, pwmconfig) prior to full output being available. #### -S For desktop environment, user must be in X and have xprop installed (in X11-utils) ######################################################################## #### CONVENTIONS: #### * Character Encoding: UTF-8 - this file contains special characters that must be opened and saved as UTF8 #### * Indentation: TABS #### * Do not use `....` (back quotes), those are totally non-reabable, use $(....). #### * Do not use one liner flow controls. #### The ONLY time you should use ';' (semi-colon) is in this single case: if [[ condition ]];then. #### Never use compound 'if': ie, if [[ condition ]] && statement. #### * Note: [[ -n $something ]] - double brackets does not require quotes for variables: ie, "$something". #### * Always use quotes, double or single, for all string values. #### * All new code/methods must be in a function. #### * For all boolean tests, use 'true' / 'false'. #### !! Do NOT use 0 or 1 unless it's a function return. #### * Avoid complicated tests in the if condition itself. #### * To 'return' a value in a function, use 'echo '. #### * For gawk: use always if ( num_of_cores > 1 ) { hanging { starter for all blocks #### This lets us use one method for all gawk structures, including BEGIN/END, if, for, etc #### #### VARIABLE/FUNCTION NAMING: #### * All functions should follow standard naming--verb adjective noun. #### ie, get_cpu_data #### * All variables MUST be initialized / declared explicitly, either top of file, for Globals, or using local #### * All variables should clearly explain what they are, except counters like i, j. #### * Each word of Bash variable must be separated by '_' (underscore) (camel form), like: cpu_data #### * Each word of Gawk variable must be like this (first word lower, following start with upper): cpuData #### * Global variables are 'UPPER CASE', at top of script. #### ie, SOME_VARIABLE='' #### * Local variables are 'lower case' and declared at the top of the function using local, always. #### ie: local some_variable='' #### * Locals that will be inherited by child functions have first char capitalized (so you know they are inherited). #### ie, Some_Variable #### * Booleans should start with b_ (local) or B_ (global) and state clearly what is being tested. #### * Arrays should start with a_ (local) or A_ (global). #### #### SPECIAL NOTES: #### * The color variable ${C2} must always be followed by a space unless you know what #### character is going to be next for certain. Otherwise irc color codes can be accidentally #### activated or altered. #### * For native script konversation support (check distro for correct konvi scripts path): #### ln -s /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi #### DCOP doesn't like \n, so avoid using it for most output unless required, as in error messages. #### * print_screen_output " " # requires space, not null, to avoid error in for example in irssi #### * For logging of array data, array must be placed into the temp_array, otherwise only the first key logs #### * In gawk search patterns, . is a wildcard EXCEPT in [0-9.] type containers, then it's a literal #### So outside of bracketed items, it must be escaped, \. but inside, no need. Outside of gawk it should #### be escaped in search patterns if you are using it as a literal. #### #### As with all 'rules' there are acceptions, these are noted where used. ################################################################################### #### KDE Konversation information. Moving from dcop(qt3/KDE3) to dbus(qt4/KDE4) ################################################################################### #### * dcop and dbus -- these talk back to Konversation from this script #### * Scripting info -- http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/scripting.html #### -- http://www.kde.org.uk/apps/konversation/ #### * dbus info -- http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-tutorial.html #### view dbus info -- https://fedorahosted.org/d-feet/ #### -- or run qdbus #### * Konvi dbus/usage-- qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say #### * Python usage -- http://wiki.python.org/moin/DbusExamples (just in case) #### #### Because webpages come and go, the above information needs to be moved to inxi's wiki ######################################################################## #### Valuable Resources #### gawk arrays: http://www.math.utah.edu/docs/info/gawk_12.html #### raid mdstat: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg3T1011259 #### http://www.howtoforge.com/replacing_hard_disks_in_a_raid1_array #### https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Mdstat ######################################################################## #### TESTING FLAGS #### inxi supports advanced testing triggers to do various things, using -! #### -! 1 - triggers default B_TESTING_1='true' to trigger some test or other #### -! 2 - triggers default B_TESTING_2='true' to trigger some test or other #### -! 3 - triggers B_TESTING_1='true' and B_TESTING_2='true' #### -! 10 - triggers an update from the primary dev download server instead of svn #### -! 11 - triggers an update from svn branch one - if present, of course #### -! 12 - triggers an update from svn branch two - if present, of course #### -! 13 - triggers an update from svn branch three - if present, of course #### -! 14 - triggers an update from svn branch four - if present, of course #### -! - Triggers an update from whatever server you list. #### LOG FLAGS (logs to $HOME/.inxi/inxi.log with rotate 3 total) #### -@ 8 - Basic data logging of generated data / array values #### -@ 9 - Full logging of all data used, including cat of files and system data #### -@ 10 - Basic data logging plus color code logging ######################################################################## #### VARIABLES ######################################################################## ## NOTE: we can use hwinfo if it's available in all systems, or most, to get ## a lot more data and verbosity levels going # set to default LANG to avoid locales errors with , or . LANG=C ### Variable initializations: null values CMDL_MAX='' COLOR_SCHEME='' # override in user config if desired, seems like less than .3 doesn't work as reliably CPU_SLEEP='0.3' DEV_DISK_ID='' DEV_DISK_LABEL='' DEV_DISK_UUID='' FILTER_STRING='' IRC_CLIENT='' IRC_CLIENT_VERSION='' LINE_MAX='' LINE_MAX_CONSOLE='115' LINE_MAX_IRC='105' PS_COUNT=5 PS_THROTTLED='' REPO_DATA='' REPO_FILE_ID='' ### primary data array holders ## usage: 'A_' A_ALSA_DATA='' A_AUDIO_DATA='' A_CMDL='' A_CPU_CORE_DATA='' A_CPU_DATA='' A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT='' A_DEBUG_BUFFER='' A_GCC_VERSIONS='' A_GFX_CARD_DATA='' A_GLX_DATA='' A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS='' A_HDD_DATA='' A_INTERFACES_DATA='' A_MACHINE_DATA='' A_NETWORK_DATA='' A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA='' A_PARTITION_DATA='' A_PS_DATA='' A_RAID_DATA='' A_SENSORS_DATA='' A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA='' A_X_DATA='' ### Boolean true/false globals ## usage: 'B_' # flag to allow distro maintainers to turn off update features. If false, turns off # -U and -! testing/advanced update options, as well as removing the -U help menu item B_ALLOW_UPDATE='true' B_COLOR_SCHEME_SET='false' B_CONSOLE_IRC='false' # triggers full display of cpu flags B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL='false' # test for dbus irc client B_DBUS_CLIENT='false' # kde dcop B_DCOP='false' # Debug flood override: make 'true' to allow long debug output B_DEBUG_FLOOD='false' # show extra output data B_EXTRA_DATA='false' # triggered by -xx B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA='false' B_ID_SET='false' # override certain errors due to currupted data B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA='false' B_LABEL_SET='false' B_LOG_COLORS='false' B_LOG_FULL_DATA='false' B_OUTPUT_FILTER='false' B_OVERRIDE_FILTER='false' # kde qdbus B_QDBUS='false' B_PORTABLE='false' B_ROOT='false' B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='false' # Running in a shell? Defaults to false, and is determined later. B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL='false' if tty >/dev/null;then B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL='true' fi # this sets the debug buffer B_SCRIPT_UP='false' B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK='false' # Show sound card data B_SHOW_AUDIO='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_CPU='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_OPTICAL='false' B_SHOW_CPU='false' B_SHOW_DISK_TOTAL='false' B_SHOW_DISK='false' # Show full hard disk output B_SHOW_FULL_HDD='false' B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL='false' B_SHOW_GRAPHICS='false' # Set this to 'false' to avoid printing the hostname, this isn't used except for # user configuration options via config files B_SHOW_HOST='true' B_SHOW_INFO='false' B_SHOW_IP='false' B_SHOW_LABELS='false' B_SHOW_MACHINE='false' B_SHOW_NETWORK='false' # either -v > 3 or -P will show partitions B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='false' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS_FULL='false' B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA='false' B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA='false' B_SHOW_RAID='false' # because many systems have no mdstat file, -b/-F should not show error if no raid file found B_SHOW_RAID_R='false' B_SHOW_REPOS='false' B_RUNNING_IN_X='false' B_SHOW_SENSORS='false' # triggers only short inxi output B_SHOW_SHORT_OUTPUT='false' B_SHOW_SYSTEM='false' B_SHOW_UNMOUNTED_PARTITIONS='false' B_SHOW_UUIDS='false' B_SHOW_X_DATA='false' # triggers various debugging and new option testing B_TESTING_1='false' B_TESTING_2='false' B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA='false' B_USB_NETWORKING='false' # set to true here for debug logging from script start B_USE_LOGGING='false' B_UUID_SET='false' B_XORG_LOG='false' ### Directory/file exist flags; test as [[ $(boolean) ]] not [[ $boolean ]] B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE='false' B_ASOUND_VERSION_FILE='false' B_BASH_ARRAY='false' B_CPUINFO_FILE='false' B_LSB_FILE='false' B_MDSTAT_FILE='false' B_MEMINFO_FILE='false' B_MODULES_FILE='false' # B_MOUNTS_FILE='false' B_OS_RELEASE='false' # new default distro id file? will this one work where lsb-release didn't? B_PARTITIONS_FILE='false' # B_PROC_DIR='false' B_SCSI_FILE='false' ### File's used when present FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE='/proc/asound/cards' FILE_ASOUND_MODULES='/proc/asound/modules' # not used but maybe for -A? FILE_ASOUND_VERSION='/proc/asound/version' FILE_CPUINFO='/proc/cpuinfo' FILE_LSB_RELEASE='/etc/lsb-release' FILE_MDSTAT='/proc/mdstat' FILE_MEMINFO='/proc/meminfo' FILE_MODULES='/proc/modules' FILE_MOUNTS='/proc/mounts' FILE_OS_RELEASE='/etc/os-release' FILE_PARTITIONS='/proc/partitions' FILE_SCSI='/proc/scsi/scsi' FILE_XORG_LOG='/var/log/Xorg.0.log' # if not found, search and replace with actual location ## app tested for and present, to avoid repeat tests B_FILE_TESTED='false' B_HDDTEMP_TESTED='false' B_MODINFO_TESTED='false' B_SUDO_TESTED='false' FILE_PATH='' HDDTEMP_PATH='' MODINFO_PATH='' SUDO_PATH='' ### Variable initializations: constants DCOPOBJ="default" DEBUG=0 # Set debug levels from 1-10 (8-10 trigger logging levels) # Debug Buffer Index, index into a debug buffer storing debug messages until inxi is 'all up' DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX=0 ## note: the debugger rerouting to /dev/null has been moved to the end of the get_parameters function ## so -@[number] debug levels can be set if there is a failure, otherwise you can't even see the errors # Defaults to 2, make this 1 for normal, 0 for no colorcodes at all. Use following variables in config # files to change defaults for each type, or global # Same as runtime parameter. DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME=2 # Always leave these blank, these are only going to be set in inxi.conf files, that makes testing # for user changes easier after sourcing the files GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME='' IRC_COLOR_SCHEME='' IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME='' IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME='' CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME='' VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME='' # Default indentation level INDENT=10 # logging eval variables, start and end function: Insert to LOGFS LOGFE when debug level >= 8 LOGFS_STRING='log_function_data fs $FUNCNAME "$( echo $@ )"' LOGFE_STRING='log_function_data fe $FUNCNAME' LOGFS='' LOGFE='' # uncomment for debugging from script start # LOGFS=$LOGFS_STRING # LOGFE=$LOGFE_STRING # default to false, no konversation found, 1 is native konvi (qt3/KDE3) script mode, 2 is /cmd inxi start, ## 3 is Konversation > 1.2 (qt4/KDE4) KONVI=0 # NO_CPU_COUNT=0 # Wether or not the string "dual" or similar is found in cpuinfo output. If so, avoid dups. # This is a variable that controls how many parameters inxi will parse in a /proc//cmdline file before stopping. PARAMETER_LIMIT=30 SCHEME=0 # set default scheme - do not change this, it's set dynamically # this is set in user prefs file, to override dynamic temp1/temp2 determination of sensors output in case # cpu runs colder than mobo SENSORS_CPU_NO='' # SHOW_IRC=1 to avoid showing the irc client version number, or SHOW_IRC=0 to disable client information completely. SHOW_IRC=2 # Verbosity level defaults to 0, this can also be set with -v0, -v2, -v3, etc as a parameter. VERBOSITY_LEVEL=0 # Supported number of verbosity levels, including 0 VERBOSITY_LEVELS=7 # Clear nullglob, because it creates unpredictable situations with IFS=$'\n' ARR=($VAR) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # type constructs. Stuff like [rev a1] is now seen as a glob expansion pattern, and fails, and # therefore results in nothing. shopt -u nullglob ## info on bash built in: $IFS - http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internalvariables.html # Backup the current Internal Field Separator ORIGINAL_IFS="$IFS" # These two determine separators in single line output, to force irc clients not to break off sections SEP1='~' SEP2=' ' # these will assign a separator to non irc states. Important! Using ':' can trigger stupid emoticon # behaviors in output on IRC, so do not use those. SEP3_IRC='' SEP3_CONSOLE=':' SEP3='' # do not set, will be set dynamically ### Script names/paths - must be non root writable SCRIPT_DATA_DIR="$HOME/.inxi" ALTERNATE_FTP='' # for data uploads LOG_FILE="$SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/inxi.log" LOG_FILE_1="$SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/inxi.1.log" LOG_FILE_2="$SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/inxi.2.log" MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/inxi.8.gz' MAN_FILE_LOCATION='/usr/share/man/man8' SCRIPT_NAME="inxi" SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER='' SCRIPT_PATH="" #filled-in in Main SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER="" #filled-in in Main SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/' SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_1='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/branches/one/' SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_2='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/branches/two/' SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_3='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/branches/three/' SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_4='http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/branches/four/' SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_DEV='http://smxi.org/test/' # note, you can use any ip url here as long as it's the only line on the output page. # Also the ip address must be the last thing on that line. WAN_IP_URL='http://smxi.org/opt/ip.php' KONVI_CFG="konversation/scripts/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf" # relative path to $(kde-config --path data) ### Script Localization # Make sure every program speaks English. LC_ALL="C" export LC_ALL ### Output Colors # A more elegant way to have a scheme that doesn't print color codes (neither ANSI nor mIRC) at all. See below. unset EMPTY # DGREY BLACK RED DRED GREEN DGREEN YELLOW DYELLOW ANSI_COLORS="       " IRC_COLORS=" \x0314 \x0301 \x0304 \x0305 \x0309 \x0303 \x0308 \x0307" # BLUE DBLUE MAGENTA DMAGENTA CYAN DCYAN WHITE GREY NORMAL ANSI_COLORS="$ANSI_COLORS         " IRC_COLORS=" $IRC_COLORS \x0312 \x0302 \x0313 \x0306 \x0311 \x0310 \x0300 \x0315 \x03" #ANSI_COLORS=($ANSI_COLORS); IRC_COLORS=($IRC_COLORS) A_COLORS_AVAILABLE=( DGREY BLACK RED DRED GREEN DGREEN YELLOW DYELLOW BLUE DBLUE MAGENTA DMAGENTA CYAN DCYAN WHITE GREY NORMAL ) # See above for notes on EMPTY ## note: group 1: 0, 1 are null/normal ## Following: group 2: generic, light/dark or dark/light; group 3: dark on light; group 4 light on dark; # this is the count of the first two groups, starting at zero SAFE_COLOR_COUNT=12 A_COLOR_SCHEMES=( EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY NORMAL,NORMAL,NORMAL BLUE,NORMAL,NORMAL BLUE,RED,NORMAL CYAN,BLUE,NORMAL DCYAN,NORMAL,NORMAL DCYAN,BLUE,NORMAL DGREEN,NORMAL,NORMAL DYELLOW,NORMAL,NORMAL GREEN,DGREEN,NORMAL GREEN,NORMAL,NORMAL MAGENTA,NORMAL,NORMAL RED,NORMAL,NORMAL BLACK,DGREY,NORMAL DBLUE,DGREY,NORMAL DBLUE,DMAGENTA,NORMAL DBLUE,DRED,NORMAL DBLUE,BLACK,NORMAL DGREEN,DYELLOW,NORMAL DYELLOW,BLACK,NORMAL DMAGENTA,BLACK,NORMAL DCYAN,DBLUE,NORMAL WHITE,GREY,NORMAL GREY,WHITE,NORMAL CYAN,GREY,NORMAL GREEN,WHITE,NORMAL GREEN,YELLOW,NORMAL YELLOW,WHITE,NORMAL MAGENTA,CYAN,NORMAL MAGENTA,YELLOW,NORMAL RED,CYAN,NORMAL RED,WHITE,NORMAL BLUE,WHITE,NORMAL ) ## Actual color variables C1='' C2='' CN='' ### Distro Data # In cases of derived distros where the version file of the base distro can also be found under /etc, # the derived distro's version file should go first. (Such as with Sabayon / Gentoo) DISTROS_DERIVED="antix-version aptosid-version kanotix-version knoppix-version mandrake-release pardus-release sabayon-release siduction-version sidux-version turbolinux-release zenwalk-version" # debian_version excluded from DISTROS_PRIMARY so Debian can fall through to /etc/issue detection. Same goes for Ubuntu. DISTROS_EXCLUDE_LIST="debian_version ubuntu_version" DISTROS_PRIMARY="gentoo-release redhat-release slackware-version SuSE-release" DISTROS_LSB_GOOD="mandrake-release mandriva-release mandrakelinux-release" ## Distros with known problems # DSL (Bash 2.05b: grep -m doesn't work; arrays won't work) --> unusable output # Puppy Linux 4.1.2 (Bash 3.0: arrays won't work) --> works partially ### Bans Data # Note that \ bans only words, not parts of strings; in \ you can't use punctuation characters like . or , # we're saving about 10+% of the total script exec time by hand building the ban lists here, using hard quotes. BAN_LIST_NORMAL='computing|computer|corporation|communications|electronics|electrical|electric|gmbh|group|industrial|international|revision|software|technologies|technology|ltd\.|\|inc\.|\|intl\.|co\.|\|corp\.|\|\(tm\)|\(r\)|®|\(rev ..\)' BAN_LIST_CPU='@|cpu deca|dual core|dual-core|tri core|tri-core|quad core|quad-core|ennea|genuine|hepta|hexa|multi|octa|penta|processor|single|triple|[0-9\.]+ *[MmGg][Hh][Zz]' SENSORS_GPU_SEARCH='intel|radeon|nouveau' ### USB networking search string data, because some brands can have other products than ### wifi/nic cards, they need further identifiers, with wildcards. ### putting the most common and likely first, then the less common, then some specifics USB_NETWORK_SEARCH="Wi-Fi.*Adapter|Wireless.*Adapter|WLAN.*Adapter|Network.*Adapter|802\.11|Atheros|Atmel|D-Link.*Adapter|D-Link.*Wireless|Linksys|Netgea|Ralink|Realtek.*Network|Realtek.*Wireless|Realtek.*WLAN|Belkin.*Wireless|Belkin.*WLAN|Belkin.*Network" USB_NETWORK_SEARCH="$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH|Actiontec.*Wireless|Actiontec.*Network|AirLink.*Wireless|Asus.*Network|Asus.*Wireless|Buffalo.*Wireless|Davicom|DWA-.*RangeBooster|DWA-.*Wireless|ENUWI-.*Wireless|LG.*Wi-Fi|Rosewill.*Wireless|RNX-.*Wireless|Samsung.*LinkStick|Samsung.*Wireless|Sony.*Wireless|TEW-.*Wireless|TP-Link.*Wireless|WG[0-9][0-9][0-9].*Wireless|WNA[0-9][0-9][0-9]|WNDA[0-9][0-9][0-9]|Zonet.*ZEW.*Wireless|54 Mbps" # then a few known hard to ID ones added # belkin=050d; d-link=07d1; netgear=0846; ralink=148f; realtek=0bda; USB_NETWORK_SEARCH="$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH|050d:935b|0bda:8189|0bda:8197" # WARNING: In the main part below (search for 'KONVI') # there's a check for Konversation-specific config files. # Any one of these can override the above if inxi is run # from Konversation! ######################################################################## #### MAIN: Where it all begins ######################################################################## main() { eval $LOGFS local color_scheme='' # This function just initializes variables initialize_script_data # Check for dependencies BEFORE running ANYTHING else except above functions # Not all distro's have these depends installed by default. Don't want to run # this if the user is requesting to see this information in the first place if [[ $1 != '--recommends' ]];then check_script_depends check_script_suggested_apps fi ### Only continue if depends ok SCRIPT_PATH=$( dirname $0 ) SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER=$( grep -im 1 'version:' $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME | gawk '{print $3}' ) SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER=$( grep -im 1 'Patch Number:' $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME | gawk '{print $4}' ) ### Source global config overrides if [[ -s /etc/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf ]];then source /etc/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf fi # Source user config variables override /etc/inxi.conf variables if [[ -s $HOME/.$SCRIPT_NAME/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf ]];then source $HOME/.$SCRIPT_NAME/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf fi ## this needs to run before the KONVI stuff is set below ## Konversation 1.2 apparently does not like the $PPID test in get_start_client ## So far there is no known way to detect if qt4_konvi is the parent process ## this method will infer qt4_konvi as parent get_start_client # note: this only works if it's run from inside konversation as a script builtin or something # only do this if inxi has been started as a konversation script, otherwise bypass this # KONVI=3 ## for testing puroses if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 || $KONVI -eq 3 ]];then if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 ]]; then ## dcop Konversation (ie 1.x < 1.2(qt3)) DCPORT="$1" DCSERVER="$2" DCTARGET="$3" shift 3 elif [[ $KONVI -eq 3 ]]; then ## dbus Konversation (> 1.2 (qt4)) DCSERVER="$1" ##dbus testing DCTARGET="$2" ##dbus testing shift 2 fi # The section below is on request of Argonel from the Konversation developer team: # it sources config files like $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/inxi.conf IFS=":" for kde_config in $( kde-config --path data ) do if [[ -r ${kde_config}${KONVI_CFG} ]];then source "${kde_config}${KONVI_CFG}" break fi done IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" fi ## leave this for debugging dcop stuff if we get that working # print_screen_output "DCPORT: $DCPORT" # print_screen_output "DCSERVER: $DCSERVER" # print_screen_output "DCTARGET: $DCTARGET" # first init function must be set first for colors etc. Remember, no debugger # stuff works on this function unless you set the debugging flag manually. # Debugging flag -@ [number] will not work until get_parameters runs. # "$@" passes every parameter separately quoted, "$*" passes all parameters as one quoted parameter. # must be here to allow debugger and other flags to be set. get_parameters "$@" # If no colorscheme was set in the parameter handling routine, then set the default scheme if [[ $B_COLOR_SCHEME_SET != 'true' ]];then # This let's user pick their color scheme. For IRC, only shows the color schemes, no interactive # The override value only will be placed in user config files. /etc/inxi.conf can also override if [[ $B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR == 'true' ]];then select_default_color_scheme else # set the default, then override as required color_scheme=$DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME if [[ -n $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then color_scheme=$GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME else if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then color_scheme=$CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME elif [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then color_scheme=$VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME fi else if [[ -n $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME && $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' && -n $DISPLAY ]];then color_scheme=$IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME elif [[ -n $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then color_scheme=$IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME elif [[ -n $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then color_scheme=$IRC_COLOR_SCHEME fi fi fi set_color_scheme $color_scheme fi fi if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then LINE_MAX=$LINE_MAX_CONSOLE SEP3=$SEP3_CONSOLE else # too hard to read if no colors, so force that for users on irc if [[ $SCHEME == 0 ]];then SEP3=$SEP3_CONSOLE else SEP3=$SEP3_IRC fi LINE_MAX=$LINE_MAX_IRC fi # all the pre-start stuff is in place now B_SCRIPT_UP='true' script_debugger "Debugger: $SCRIPT_NAME is up and running..." # then create the output print_it_out ## last steps if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' && $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then echo -n "" fi eval $LOGFE # weechat's executor plugin forced me to do this, and rightfully so, because else the exit code # from the last command is taken.. exit 0 } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### basic tests: set script data, booleans, PATH #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set PATH data so we can access all programs as user. Set BAN lists. # initialize some boleans, these directories are used throughout the script # some apps are used for extended functions any directory used, should be # checked here first. # No args taken. initialize_script_data() { eval $LOGFS # now set the script BOOLEANS for files required to run features if [[ -d "/proc/" ]];then B_PROC_DIR='true' else error_handler 6 fi initialize_script_paths # found a case of battery existing but having nothing in it on desktop mobo # not all laptops show the first, if [[ -n $( ls /proc/acpi/battery 2>/dev/null ) ]];then B_PORTABLE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_CPUINFO ]]; then B_CPUINFO_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_MEMINFO ]];then B_MEMINFO_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE ]];then B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_ASOUND_VERSION ]];then B_ASOUND_VERSION_FILE='true' fi if [[ -f $FILE_LSB_RELEASE ]];then B_LSB_FILE='true' fi if [[ -f $FILE_OS_RELEASE ]];then B_OS_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_SCSI ]];then B_SCSI_FILE='true' fi if [[ -n $DISPLAY ]];then B_SHOW_X_DATA='true' B_RUNNING_IN_X='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_MDSTAT ]];then B_MDSTAT_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_MODULES ]];then B_MODULES_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_MOUNTS ]];then B_MOUNTS_FILE='true' fi if [[ -e $FILE_PARTITIONS ]];then B_PARTITIONS_FILE='true' fi # default to the normal location, then search for it if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then B_XORG_LOG='true' else # Detect location of the Xorg log file if [[ -n $( type -p xset ) ]]; then FILE_XORG_LOG=$( xset q 2>/dev/null | grep -i 'Log file' | gawk '{print $3}') if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then B_XORG_LOG='true' fi fi fi # gfx output will require this flag if [[ $( whoami ) == 'root' ]];then B_ROOT='true' fi eval $LOGFE } initialize_script_paths() { local path='' added_path='' b_path_found='' sys_path='' # Extra path variable to make execute failures less likely, merged below local extra_paths="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" # Fallback paths put into $extra_paths; This might, among others, help on gentoo. # Now, create a difference of $PATH and $extra_paths and add that to $PATH: IFS=":" for path in $extra_paths do b_path_found='false' for sys_path in $PATH do if [[ $path == $sys_path ]];then b_path_found='true' fi done if [[ $b_path_found == 'false' ]];then added_path="$added_path:$path" fi done IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" PATH="${PATH}${added_path}" ##echo "PATH='$PATH'" ##/bin/sh -c 'echo "PATH in subshell=\"$PATH\""' } # No args taken. check_script_suggested_apps() { eval $LOGFS local bash_array_test=( "one" "two" ) # check for array ability of bash, this is only good for the warning at this time # the boolean could be used later # bash version 2.05b is used in DSL # bash version 3.0 is used in Puppy Linux; it has a known array bug # versions older than 3.1 don't handle arrays # distro's using below 2.05b are unknown, released in 2002 if [[ ${bash_array_test[1]} -eq "two" ]];then B_BASH_ARRAY='true' else script_debugger "Suggestion: update to Bash v3.1 for optimal inxi output" fi # now setting qdbus/dcop for first run, some systems can have both by the way if [[ -n $( type -p qdbus ) ]];then B_QDBUS='true' fi if [[ -n $( type -p dcop ) ]];then B_DCOP='true' fi eval $LOGFE } # Determine if any of the absolutely necessary tools are absent # No args taken. check_script_depends() { eval $LOGFS local app_name='' app_path='' # bc removed from deps for now local depends="df free gawk grep lspci ps readlink tr uname uptime wc" # no need to add xprop because it will just give N/A if not there, but if we expand use of xprop, # should add that here as a test, then use the B_SHOW_X_DATA flag to trigger the tests in de function local x_apps="xrandr xdpyinfo glxinfo" if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_X == 'true' ]];then for app_name in $x_apps do app_path=$( type -p $app_name ) if [[ -z $app_path ]];then script_debugger "Resuming in non X mode: $app_name not found. For package install advice run: $SCRIPT_NAME --recommends" B_SHOW_X_DATA='false' break fi done fi app_name='' for app_name in $depends do app_path=$( type -p $app_name ) if [[ -z $app_path ]];then error_handler 5 "$app_name" fi done eval $LOGFE } ## note: this is now running inside each gawk sequence directly to avoid exiting gawk ## looping in bash through arrays, then re-entering gawk to clean up, then writing back to array ## in bash. For now I'll leave this here because there's still some interesting stuff to get re methods # Enforce boilerplate and buzzword filters # args: $1 - BAN_LIST_NORMAL/BAN_LIST_CPU; $2 - string to sanitize sanitize_characters() { eval $LOGFS # Cannot use strong quotes to unquote a string with pipes in it! # bash will interpret the |'s as usual and try to run a subshell! # Using weak quotes instead, or use '"..."' echo "$2" | gawk " BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } { gsub(/${!1}/,\"\") gsub(/ [ ]+/,\" \") ## ([ ]+) with (space) gsub(/^ +| +$/,\"\") ## (pipe char) with (nothing) print ## prints (returns) cleaned input }" eval $LOGFE } # Set the colorscheme # args: $1 = |<"none"> set_color_scheme() { eval $LOGFS local i='' a_script_colors='' a_color_codes='' if [[ $1 -ge ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]} ]];then set -- 1 fi # Set a global variable to allow checking for chosen scheme later SCHEME="$1" if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then a_color_codes=( $ANSI_COLORS ) else a_color_codes=( $IRC_COLORS ) fi for (( i=0; i < ${#A_COLORS_AVAILABLE[@]}; i++ )) do eval "${A_COLORS_AVAILABLE[i]}=\"${a_color_codes[i]}\"" done IFS="," a_script_colors=( ${A_COLOR_SCHEMES[$1]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # then assign the colors globally C1="${!a_script_colors[0]}" C2="${!a_script_colors[1]}" CN="${!a_script_colors[2]}" # ((COLOR_SCHEME++)) ## note: why is this? ## eval $LOGFE } select_default_color_scheme() { eval $LOGFS local spacer=' ' options='' user_selection='' config_variable='' local config_file="$HOME/.$SCRIPT_NAME/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf" local irc_clear="" local irc_gui='Unset' irc_console='Unset' irc_x_term='Unset' local console='Unset' virt_term='Unset' global='Unset' if [[ -n $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then irc_gui="Set: $IRC_COLOR_SCHEME" fi if [[ -n $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then irc_console="Set: $IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME" fi if [[ -n $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then irc_x_term="Set: $IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME" fi if [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then virt_term="Set: $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME" fi if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then console="Set: $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME" fi if [[ -n $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then global="Set: $GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME" fi # don't want these printing in irc since they show literally if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL != 'true' ]];then irc_clear='' fi # first make output neutral so it's just plain default for console client set_color_scheme "0" if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "Welcome to $SCRIPT_NAME! Please select the default $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme." # print_screen_output "You will see this message only one time per user account, unless you set preferences in: /etc/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf" print_screen_output " " fi print_screen_output "Because there is no way to know your $COLOR_SELECTION foreground/background colors, you can" print_screen_output "set your color preferences from color scheme option list below. 0 is no colors, 1 neutral." print_screen_output "After these, there are 3 sets: 1-dark or light backgrounds; 2-light backgrounds; 3-dark backgrounds." if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "Please note that this will set the $COLOR_SELECTION preferences only for user: $(whoami)" fi print_screen_output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" for (( i=0; i < ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]}; i++ )) do if [[ $i -gt 9 ]];then spacer=' ' fi # only offer the safe universal defaults case $COLOR_SELECTION in global|irc|irc-console|irc-virtual-terminal) if [[ $i -gt $SAFE_COLOR_COUNT ]];then break fi ;; esac set_color_scheme $i print_screen_output "$irc_clear $i)$spacer${C1}Card:${C2} nVidia G86 [GeForce 8400 GS] ${C1}X.Org${C2} 1.7.7" done set_color_scheme 0 if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then echo -n "" print_screen_output "$irc_clear $i)${spacer}Remove all color settings. Restore $SCRIPT_NAME default." print_screen_output "$irc_clear $(($i+1)))${spacer}Continue, no changes or config file setting." print_screen_output "$irc_clear $(($i+2)))${spacer}Exit, use another terminal, or set manually." print_screen_output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_screen_output "Simply type the number for the color scheme that looks best to your eyes for your $COLOR_SELECTION settings" print_screen_output "and hit ENTER. NOTE: You can bring this option list up by starting $SCRIPT_NAME with option: -c plus one of these numbers:" print_screen_output "94 (console, no X - $console); 95 (terminal, X - $virt_term); 96 (irc, gui, X - $irc_gui);" print_screen_output "97 (irc, X, in terminal - $irc_x_term); 98 (irc, no X - $irc_console); 99 (global - $global)" print_screen_output "Your selection(s) will be stored here: $config_file" print_screen_output "Global overrides all individual color schemes. Individual schemes remove the global setting." print_screen_output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" read user_selection if [[ -n $( grep -Es '^([0-9]+)$' <<< "$user_selection" ) && $user_selection -lt $i ]];then case $COLOR_SELECTION in irc) config_variable='IRC_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; irc-console) config_variable='IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; irc-virtual-terminal) config_variable='IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; console) config_variable='CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; virtual-terminal) config_variable='VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; global) config_variable='GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME' ;; esac set_color_scheme $user_selection # make file/directory first if missing if [[ ! -f $config_file ]];then if [[ ! -d $HOME/.$SCRIPT_NAME ]];then mkdir $HOME/.$SCRIPT_NAME fi touch $config_file fi if [[ -z $( grep -s "$config_variable=" $config_file ) ]];then print_screen_output "Creating and updating config file for $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme now..." echo "$config_variable=$user_selection" >> $config_file else print_screen_output "Updating config file for $COLOR_SELECTION color scheme now..." sed -i "s/$config_variable=.*/$config_variable=$user_selection/" $config_file fi # file exists now so we can go on to cleanup case $COLOR_SELECTION in irc|irc-console|irc-virtual-terminal|console|virtual-terminal) sed -i '/GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file ;; global) sed -i -e '/VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' \ -e '/IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file ;; esac elif [[ $user_selection == $i ]];then print_screen_output "Removing all color settings from config file now..." sed -i -e '/VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/GLOBAL_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' \ -e '/IRC_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_CONS_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' -e '/IRC_X_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME=/d' $config_file set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME elif [[ $user_selection == $(( $i+1 )) ]];then print_screen_output "Ok, continuing $SCRIPT_NAME unchanged. You can set the colors anytime by starting with: -c 95 to 99" if [[ -n $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME && -z $DISPLAY ]];then set_color_scheme $CONSOLE_COLOR_SCHEME elif [[ -n $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME ]];then set_color_scheme $VIRT_TERM_COLOR_SCHEME else set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME fi elif [[ $user_selection == $(( $i+2 )) ]];then set_color_scheme $DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEME print_screen_output "Ok, exiting $SCRIPT_NAME now. You can set the colors later." exit 0 else print_screen_output "Error - Invalid Selection. You entered this: $user_selection" print_screen_output " " select_default_color_scheme fi else print_screen_output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_screen_output "After finding the scheme number you like, simply run this again in a terminal to set the configuration" print_screen_output "data file for your irc client. You can set color schemes for the following: start inxi with -c plus:" print_screen_output "94 (console, no X - $console); 95 (terminal, X - $virt_term); 96 (irc, gui, X - $irc_gui);" print_screen_output "97 (irc, X, in terminal - $irc_x_term); 98 (irc, no X - $irc_console); 99 (global - $global)" exit 0 fi eval $LOGFE } ######################################################################## #### UTILITY FUNCTIONS ######################################################################## #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### error handler, debugger, script updater #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Error handling # args: $1 - error number; $2 - optional, extra information error_handler() { eval $LOGFS local error_message='' # assemble the error message case $1 in 2) error_message="large flood danger, debug buffer full!" ;; 3) error_message="unsupported color scheme number: $2" ;; 4) error_message="unsupported verbosity level: $2" ;; 5) error_message="dependency not met: $2 not found in path.\nFor distribution installation package names and missing apps information, run: $SCRIPT_NAME --recommends" ;; 6) error_message="/proc not found! Quitting..." ;; 7) error_message="One of the options you entered in your script parameters: $2\nis not supported.The option may require extra arguments to work.\nFor supported options (and their arguments), check the help menu: $SCRIPT_NAME -h" ;; 8) error_message="the self-updater failed, wget exited with error: $2.\nYou probably need to be root.\nHint, to make for easy updates without being root, do: chown $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME" ;; 9) error_message="unsupported debugging level: $2" ;; 10) error_message="the alt download url you provided: $2\nappears to be wrong, download aborted. Please note, the url\nneeds to end in /, without $SCRIPT_NAME, like: http://yoursite.com/downloads/" ;; 11) error_message="unsupported testing option argument: -! $2" ;; 12) error_message="the svn branch download url: $2\nappears to be empty currently. Make sure there is an actual svn branch version\nactive before you try this again. Check http://code.google.com/p/inxi\nto verify the branch status." ;; 13) error_message="The -t option requires the following extra arguments (no spaces between letters/numbers):\nc m cm [required], for example: -t cm8 OR -t cm OR -t c9\n(numbers: 1-20, > 5 throttled to 5 in irc clients) You entered: $2" ;; 14) error_message="failed to write correctly downloaded $SCRIPT_NAME to location $SCRIPT_PATH.\nThis usually means you don't have permission to write to that location, maybe you need to be root?\nThe operation failed with error: $2" ;; 15) error_message="failed set execute permissions on $SCRIPT_NAME at location $SCRIPT_PATH.\nThis usually means you don't have permission to set permissions on files there, maybe you need to be root?\nThe operation failed with error: $2" ;; 16) error_message="$SCRIPT_NAME downloaded but the file data is corrupted. Purged data and using current version." ;; 20) error_message="The option you selected has been deprecated. $2\nSee the -h (help) menu for currently supported options." ;; *) error_message="error unknown: $@" set -- 99 ;; esac # then print it and exit print_screen_output "Error $1: $error_message" eval $LOGFE exit $1 } # prior to script up set, pack the data into an array # then we'll print it out later. # args: $1 - $@ debugging string text script_debugger() { eval $LOGFS if [[ $B_SCRIPT_UP == 'true' ]];then # only return if debugger is off and no pre start up errors have occured if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 && $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -eq 0 ]];then return 0 # print out the stored debugging information if errors occured elif [[ $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -gt 0 ]];then for (( DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX=0; DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX < ${#A_DEBUG_BUFFER[@]}; DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX++ )) do print_screen_output "${A_DEBUG_BUFFER[$DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX]}" done DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX=0 fi # or print out normal debugger messages if debugger is on if [[ $DEBUG -gt 0 ]];then print_screen_output "$1" fi else if [[ $B_DEBUG_FLOOD == 'true' && $DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX -gt 10 ]];then error_handler 2 # this case stores the data for later printout, will print out only # at B_SCRIPT_UP == 'true' if array index > 0 else A_DEBUG_BUFFER[$DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX]="$1" # increment count for next pre script up debugging error (( DEBUG_BUFFER_INDEX++ )) fi fi eval $LOGFE } # NOTE: no logging available until get_parameters is run, since that's what sets logging # in order to trigger earlier logging manually set B_USE_LOGGING to true in top variables. # $1 alone: logs data; $2 with or without $3 logs func start/end. # $1 type (fs/fe/cat/raw) or logged data; [$2 is $FUNCNAME; [$3 - function args]] log_function_data() { if [ "$B_USE_LOGGING" == 'true' ];then local logged_data='' spacer=' ' line='----------------------------------------' case $1 in fs) logged_data="Function: $2 - Primary: Start" if [ -n "$3" ];then logged_data="$logged_data\n${spacer}Args: $3" fi spacer='' ;; fe) logged_data="Function: $2 - Primary: End" spacer='' ;; cat) if [[ $B_LOG_FULL_DATA == 'true' ]];then logged_data="\n$line\nFull file data: cat $2\n\n$( cat $2 )\n$line\n" spacer='' fi ;; raw) if [[ $B_LOG_FULL_DATA == 'true' ]];then logged_data="\n$line\nRaw system data:\n\n$2\n$line\n" spacer='' fi ;; *) logged_data="$1" ;; esac # Create any required line breaks and strip out escape color code, either ansi (case 1)or irc (case 2). # This pattern doesn't work for irc colors, if we need that someone can figure it out if [[ -n $logged_data ]];then if [[ $B_LOG_COLORS != 'true' ]];then echo -e "${spacer}$logged_data" | sed -r 's/\x1b\[[0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2}){0,2}m//g' >> $LOG_FILE else echo -e "${spacer}$logged_data" >> $LOG_FILE fi fi fi } # called in the initial -@ 10 script args setting so we can get logging as soon as possible # will have max 3 files, inxi.log, inxi.1.log, inxi.2.log create_rotate_logfiles() { if [[ ! -d $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR ]];then mkdir $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR fi # do the rotation if logfile exists if [[ -f $LOG_FILE ]];then # copy if present second to third if [[ -f $LOG_FILE_1 ]];then mv -f $LOG_FILE_1 $LOG_FILE_2 fi # then copy initial to second mv -f $LOG_FILE $LOG_FILE_1 fi # now create the logfile touch $LOG_FILE # and echo the start data echo "=========================================================" >> $LOG_FILE echo "START $SCRIPT_NAME LOGGING:" >> $LOG_FILE echo "Script started: $( date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S )" >> $LOG_FILE echo "=========================================================" >> $LOG_FILE } # args: $1 - download url, not including file name; $2 - string to print out # note that $1 must end in / to properly construct the url path script_self_updater() { eval $LOGFS local wget_error=0 file_contents='' wget_man_error=0 local man_file_path="$MAN_FILE_LOCATION/inxi.8.gz" print_screen_output "Starting $SCRIPT_NAME self updater." print_screen_output "Currently running $SCRIPT_NAME version number: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER" print_screen_output "Current version patch number: $SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER" print_screen_output "Updating $SCRIPT_NAME in $SCRIPT_PATH using $2 as download source..." file_contents="$( wget -q -O - $1$SCRIPT_NAME )" || wget_error=$? # then do the actual download if [[ $wget_error -eq 0 ]];then # make sure the whole file got downloaded and is in the variable if [[ -n $( grep '###\*\*EOF\*\*###' <<< "$file_contents" ) ]];then echo "$file_contents" > $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME || error_handler 14 "$?" chmod +x $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME || error_handler 15 "$?" SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER=$( grep -im 1 'version:' $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME | gawk '{print $3}' ) SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER=$( grep -im 1 'Patch Number:' $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME | gawk '{print $4}' ) print_screen_output "Successfully updated to $2 version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER" print_screen_output "New $2 version patch number: $SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER" print_screen_output "To run the new version, just start $SCRIPT_NAME again." print_screen_output "----------------------------------------" print_screen_output "Starting download of man page file now." if [[ ! -d $MAN_FILE_LOCATION ]];then print_screen_output "The required man directory was not detected on your system, unable to continue: $MAN_FILE_LOCATION" else if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "Checking Man page download URL..." wget -q --spider $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || wget_man_error=$? if [[ $wget_man_error -eq 0 ]];then print_screen_output "Man file download URL verified: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD" print_screen_output "Downloading Man page file now." wget -q -O $man_file_path $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD || wget_man_error=$? if [[ $wget_man_error -gt 0 ]];then print_screen_output "Oh no! Something went wrong downloading the Man gz file at: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD" print_screen_output "Check the error messages for what happened. Error: $wget_man_error" else print_screen_output "Download/install of man page successful. Check to make sure it works: man inxi" fi else print_screen_output "Man file download URL failed, unable to continue: $MAN_FILE_DOWNLOAD" fi else print_screen_output "Updating / Installing the Man page requires root user, writing to: $MAN_FILE_LOCATION" print_screen_output "If you want the man page, you'll have to run $SCRIPT_NAME -U as root." fi fi exit 0 else error_handler 16 fi # now run the error handlers on any wget failure else if [[ $2 == 'svn server' ]];then error_handler 8 "$wget_error" elif [[ $2 == 'alt server' ]];then error_handler 10 "$1" else error_handler 12 "$1" fi fi eval $LOGFS } # args: $1 - debug data type: sys|xorg|disk debug_data_collector() { local xiin_app='' xiin_data_file='' xiin_download='' error='' b_run_xiin='false' local debug_data_dir="inxi-$(tr ' ' '-' <<< $HOSTNAME | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' )-$1-$(date +%Y%m%d)" local completed_gz_file='' xiin_file='xiin.py' ftp_upload='ftp.techpatterns.com/incoming' local Line='-------------------------' if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n $ALTERNATE_FTP ]];then ftp_upload=$ALTERNATE_FTP fi echo "Starting debugging data collection type: $1" echo -n "Checking/creating required directories... " if [[ ! -d $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR ]];then mkdir $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR fi echo 'completed' cd $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR if [[ -d $debug_data_dir ]];then echo 'Deleting previous xiin data directory...' rm -rf $debug_data_dir fi mkdir $debug_data_dir if [[ -f $debug_data_dir.tar.gz ]];then echo 'Deleting previous tar.gz file...' rm -f $debug_data_dir.tar.gz fi echo 'Collecting system info: sensors, lsusb, lspci, lspci -v data, plus /proc data' lsusb &> $debug_data_dir/lsusb.txt lspci &> $debug_data_dir/lspci.txt lspci -v &> $debug_data_dir/lspci-v.txt ps aux &> $debug_data_dir/ps-aux.txt sensors &> $debug_data_dir/sensors.txt ls /usr/bin/gcc* &> $debug_data_dir/gcc-sys-versions.txt gcc --version &> $debug_data_dir/gcc-version.txt cat $FILE_LSB_RELEASE &> $debug_data_dir/lsb-release.txt cat $FILE_OS_RELEASE &> $debug_data_dir/os-release.txt cat $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE &> $debug_data_dir/proc-asound-device.txt cat $FILE_ASOUND_VERSION &> $debug_data_dir/proc-asound-version.txt cat $FILE_CPUINFO &> $debug_data_dir/proc-cpu-info.txt cat $FILE_MEMINFO &> $debug_data_dir/proc-meminfo.txt cat $FILE_MODULES &> $debug_data_dir/proc-modules.txt cat /proc/net/arp &> $debug_data_dir/proc-net-arp.txt check_recommends &> $debug_data_dir/check-recommends.txt # first download and verify xiin if [[ $B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA == 'true' || $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'all' ]];then touch $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt echo "Downloading required tree traverse tool $xiin_file..." if [[ -f xiin && ! -f $xiin_file ]];then mv -f xiin $xiin_file fi # -Nc is creating really weird download anomolies, so using -O instead xiin_download="$( wget -q -O - http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/branches/xiin/$xiin_file )" # if nothing got downloaded kick out error, otherwise we'll use an older version if [[ $? -gt 0 && ! -f $xiin_file ]];then echo -e "ERROR: Failed to download required file: $xiin_file\nMaybe the remote site is down or your networking is broken?" echo "Continuing with incomplete data collection." echo "$xiin_file download failed and no existing $xiin_file" >> $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt elif [[ -n $( grep -s '# EOF' <<< "$xiin_download" ) || -f $xiin_file ]];then if [[ -n $( grep -s '# EOF' <<< "$xiin_download" ) ]];then echo "Updating $xiin_file from remote location" echo "$xiin_download" > $xiin_file else echo "Using local $xiin_file due to download failure" fi b_run_xiin='true' else echo -e "ERROR: $xiin_file downloaded but the program file data is corrupted.\nContinuing with incomplete data collection." echo "$xiin_file downloaded but the program file data is corrupted." >> $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt fi fi # note, only bash 4> supports ;;& for case, so using if/then here if [[ $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'sys' || $1 == 'all' ]];then xiin_data_file=$SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/$debug_data_dir/xiin-sys.txt echo 'Collecting networking data...' ifconfig &> $debug_data_dir/ifconfig.txt ip addr &> $debug_data_dir/ip-addr.txt if [[ $b_run_xiin == 'true' ]];then echo $Line echo "Running $xiin_file tool now on /sys..." echo "Using Python version:" && python --version python --version &> $debug_data_dir/python-version.txt python ./$xiin_file -d /sys -f $xiin_data_file if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then error=$? echo -e "ERROR: $xiin_file exited with error $error - removing data file.\nContinuing with incomplete data collection." echo "Continuing with incomplete data collection." rm -f $xiin_data_file echo "$xiin_file data generation failed with python error $error" >> $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt fi echo $Line fi fi if [[ $1 == 'xorg' || $1 == 'all' ]];then if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_X != 'true' ]];then echo 'Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are not in X' touch $debug_data_dir/warning-user-not-in-x fi if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then echo 'Warning: only some of the data collection can occur if you are running as Root user' touch $debug_data_dir/warning-root-user fi echo 'Collecting Xorg log and xorg.conf files' if [[ -e $FILE_XORG_LOG ]];then cat $FILE_XORG_LOG &> $debug_data_dir/xorg-log-file.txt else touch $debug_data_dir/no-xorg-log-file fi if [[ -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf ]];then cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf $debug_data_dir else touch $debug_data_dir/no-xorg-conf-file fi if [[ -n $( ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ 2>/dev/null ) ]];then ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d &> $debug_data_dir/ls-etc-x11-xorg-conf-d.txt cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d $debug_data_dir else touch $debug_data_dir/no-xorg-conf-d-files fi echo 'Collecting X, xprop, glxinfo, xrandr, xdpyinfo data...' xprop -root &> $debug_data_dir/xprop_root.txt glxinfo &> $debug_data_dir/glxinfo.txt xdpyinfo &> $debug_data_dir/xdpyinfo.txt xrandr &> $debug_data_dir/xrandr.txt X -version &> $debug_data_dir/x-version.txt Xorg -version &> $debug_data_dir/xorg-version.txt fi if [[ $1 == 'disk' || $1 == 'all' ]];then echo 'Collecting dev, label, disk, uuid data, df...' ls -l /dev &> $debug_data_dir/dev-data.txt ls -l /dev/disk &> $debug_data_dir/dev-disk-data.txt ls -l /dev/disk/by-id &> $debug_data_dir/dev-disk-id-data.txt ls -l /dev/disk/by-label &> $debug_data_dir/dev-disk-label-data.txt ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid &> $debug_data_dir/dev-disk-uuid-data.txt ls -l /dev/disk/by-path &> $debug_data_dir/dev-disk-path-data.txt readlink /dev/root &> $debug_data_dir/dev-root.txt df -h -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=fdescfs &> $debug_data_dir/df-h-T-excludes.txt swapon -s &> $debug_data_dir/swapon-s.txt df -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 &> $debug_data_dir/df-excludes.txt cat /proc/mdstat &> $debug_data_dir/proc-mdstat.txt cat $FILE_PARTITIONS &> $debug_data_dir/proc-partitions.txt cat $FILE_SCSI &> $debug_data_dir/proc-scsi.txt cat $FILE_MOUNTS &> $debug_data_dir/proc-mounts.txt cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info &> $debug_data_dir/proc-cdrom-info.txt ls /proc/ide/ &> $debug_data_dir/proc-ide.txt cat /proc/ide/*/* &> $debug_data_dir/proc-ide-hdx-cat.txt cat /etc/fstab &> $debug_data_dir/etc-fstab.txt cat /etc/mtab &> $debug_data_dir/etc-mtab.txt fi echo 'Creating inxi output file now. This can take a few seconds...' $SCRIPT_NAME -Fploudxx -c 0 -@ 8 > $debug_data_dir/inxi-Fploudxx.txt cp $LOG_FILE $SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/$debug_data_dir if [[ -f $debug_data_dir.tar.gz ]];then echo "Found and removing previous tar.gz data file: $debug_data_dir.tar.gz" rm -f $debug_data_dir.tar.gz fi echo 'Creating tar.gz compressed file of this material now. Contents:' echo $Line tar -cvzf $debug_data_dir.tar.gz $debug_data_dir echo $Line echo 'Cleaning up leftovers...' rm -rf $debug_data_dir echo 'Testing gzip file integrity...' gzip -t $debug_data_dir.tar.gz if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo 'Data in gz is corrupted, removing gzip file, try running data collector again.' rm -f $debug_data_dir.tar.gz echo "Data in gz is corrupted, removed gzip file" >> $debug_data_dir/gzip-error.txt else echo 'All done, you can find your data gzipped directory here:' completed_gz_file=$SCRIPT_DATA_DIR/$debug_data_dir.tar.gz echo $completed_gz_file if [[ $B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA == 'true' ]];then echo $Line if [[ $b_run_xiin == 'true' ]];then echo "Running automatic upload of data to remote server $ftp_upload now..." python ./$xiin_file --version python ./$xiin_file -u $completed_gz_file $ftp_upload if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo $Line echo "Error: looks like the ftp upload failed. Error number: $?" echo "The ftp upload failed. Error number: $?" >> $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt fi else echo 'Unable to run the automoatic ftp upload because of an error with the xiin download.' echo "Unable to run the automoatic ftp upload because of an error with the xiin download" >> $debug_data_dir/xiin-error.txt fi else echo 'You can upload this here using most file managers: ftp.techpatterns.com/incoming' echo 'then let a maintainer know it is uploaded.' fi fi else echo 'This feature only available in console or shell client! Exiting now.' fi exit 0 } check_recommends() { local Line='-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' local gawk_version='N/A' sed_version='N/A' sudo_version='N/A' python_version='N/A' if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL != 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "Sorry, you can't run this option in an IRC client." exit 1 fi initialize_script_paths echo "$SCRIPT_NAME will now begin checking for the programs it needs to operate. First a check of" echo "the main languages and tools $SCRIPT_NAME uses. Python is only for debugging data collection." echo $Line echo "Bash version: $( bash --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^GNU bash/ {print $4}' )" if [[ -n $( type -p gawk ) ]];then gawk_version=$( gawk --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^GNU Awk/ {print $3}' ) fi if [[ -n $( type -p sed ) ]];then sed_version=$( sed --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^GNU sed version/ {print $4}' ) fi if [[ -n $( type -p sudo ) ]];then sudo_version=$( sudo -V 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^Sudo version/ {print $3}' ) fi if [[ -n $( type -p python ) ]];then python_version=$( python --version 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /^Python/ {print $2}' ) fi echo "Gawk version: $gawk_version" echo "Sed version: $sed_version" echo "Sudo version: $sudo_version" echo "Python version: $python_version" echo $Line echo "Test One: Required System Directories." echo "If one of these system directories is missing, $SCRIPT_NAME cannot operate:" echo check_recommends_items 'required-dirs' echo "Test Two: Required Core Applications." echo "If one of these applications is missing, $SCRIPT_NAME cannot operate:" echo check_recommends_items 'required-apps' echo 'Test Three: Script Recommends for Graphics Features. If you do not use X these do not matter.' echo "If one of these applications is missing, $SCRIPT_NAME will have incomplete output:" echo check_recommends_items 'recommended-x-apps' echo 'Test Four: Script Recommends for Remaining Features.' echo "If one of these applications is missing, $SCRIPT_NAME will have incomplete output:" echo check_recommends_items 'recommended-apps' echo 'Test Five: System Directories for Various Information.' echo "If one of these directories is missing, $SCRIPT_NAME will have incomplete output:" echo check_recommends_items 'system-dirs' echo 'All tests completed.' } # args: $1 - check item check_recommends_items() { local item='' item_list='' item_string='' missing_items='' missing_string='' local package='' application='' feature='' type='' starter='' finisher='' local package_deb='' package_pacman='' package_rpm='' local print_string='' separator='' local required_dirs='/proc /sys' # package-owner: 1 - debian/ubuntu; 2 - arch; 3 - yum/rpm # pardus: pisi sf -q /usr/bin/package local required_apps=' df:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:partition_data free:procps~procps~procps~:system_memory gawk:gawk~gawk~gawk~:core_tool grep:grep~grep~grep~:string_search lspci:pciutils~pciutils~pciutils~:hardware_data ps:procps~procps~procps~:process_data readlink:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~: sed:sed~sed~sed~:string_replace tr:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:character_replace uname:uname~coreutils~coreutils~:kernel_data uptime:procps~procps~procps~: wc:coreutils~coreutils~coreutils~:word_character_count ' local x_recommends=' glxinfo:mesa-utils~mesa-demos~glx-utils~:-G_glx_info xdpyinfo:X11-utils~xorg-xdpyinfo~xorg-x11-utils~:-G_multi_screen_resolution xprop:X11-utils~xorg-xprop~x11-utils~:-S_desktop_data xrandr:x11-xserver-utils~xrandr~x11-server-utils~:-G_single_screen_resolution ' local recommended_apps=' file:file~file~file~:-o_unmounted_file_system hddtemp:hddtemp~hddtemp~hddtemp~:-Dx_show_hdd_temp ifconfig:net-tools~net-tools~net-tools~:-i_ip_lan-deprecated ip:iproute~iproute2~iproute~:-i_ip_lan sensors:lm-sensors~lm_sensors~lm-sensors~:-s_sensors_output lsusb:usbutils~usbutils~usbutils~:-A_usb_audio;-N_usb_networking modinfo:module-init-tools~module-init-tools~module-init-tools~:-Ax,-Nx_module_version runlevel:sysvinit~sysvinit~systemd~:-I_runlevel sudo:sudo~sudo~sudo~:-Dx_hddtemp-user;-o_file-user ' local recommended_dirs=' /sys/class/dmi/id:-M_system,_motherboard,_bios /dev:-l,-u,-o,-p,-P,-D_disk_partition_data /dev/disk/by-label:-l,-o,-p,-P_partition_labels /dev/disk/by-uuid:-u,-o,-p,-P_partition_uuid ' case $1 in required-dirs) item_list=$required_dirs item_string='Required file system' missing_string='system directories' type='directories' ;; required-apps) item_list=$required_apps item_string='Required application' missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,' type='applications' ;; recommended-x-apps) item_list=$x_recommends item_string='Recommended X application' missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,' type='applications' ;; recommended-apps) item_list=$recommended_apps item_string='Recommended application' missing_string='applications, and their corresponding packages,' type='applications' ;; system-dirs) item_list=$recommended_dirs item_string='System directory' missing_string='system directories' type='directories' ;; esac # great trick from: http://ideatrash.net/2011/01/bash-string-padding-with-sed.html # left pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/& /;ta' # right pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ &/;ta' # center pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ & /;ta' for item in $item_list do if [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -eq 0 ]];then application=$item package='' feature='' location='' elif [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -eq 1 ]];then application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item ) package='' feature=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item ) location='' else application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item ) package=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item ) location=$( type -p $application ) if [[ $( awk -F ":" '{print NF-1}' <<< $item ) -eq 2 ]];then feature=$( cut -d ':' -f 3 <<< $item ) else feature='' fi fi if [[ -n $feature ]];then print_string="$item_string: $application (info: $( sed 's/_/ /g' <<< $feature ))" else print_string="$item_string: $application" fi starter="$( sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,75\}$/&./;ta' <<< $print_string )" if [[ -z $( grep '^/' <<< $application ) && -n $location ]] || [[ -d $application ]];then if [[ -n $location ]];then finisher=" $location" else finisher=" Present" fi else finisher=" Missing" missing_items="$missing_items$separator$application:$package" separator=' ' fi echo "$starter$finisher" done echo if [[ -n $missing_items ]];then echo "The following $type are missing from your system:" for item in $missing_items do application=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $item ) if [[ $type == 'applications' ]];then # echo '--------------------------------------------------------' echo package=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $item ) package_deb=$( cut -d '~' -f 1 <<< $package ) package_pacman=$( cut -d '~' -f 2 <<< $package ) package_rpm=$( cut -d '~' -f 3 <<< $package ) echo "Application: $application" echo "To add to your system, install the proper distribution package for your system:" echo "Debian/Ubuntu: $package_deb :: Arch Linux: $package_pacman :: Redhat/Fedora/Suse: $package_rpm" else echo "Directory: $application" fi done if [[ $item_string == 'System directory' ]];then echo "These directories are created by the kernel, so don't worry if they are not present." fi else echo "All the $( cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<< $item_string | sed -e 's/Re/re/' -e 's/Sy/sy/' ) $type are present." fi echo $Line } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### print / output cleaners #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # inxi speaks through here. When run by Konversation script alias mode, uses DCOP # for dcop to work, must use 'say' operator, AND colors must be evaluated by echo -e # note: dcop does not seem able to handle \n so that's being stripped out and replaced with space. print_screen_output() { eval $LOGFS # the double quotes are needed to avoid losing whitespace in data when certain output types are used local print_data="$( echo -e "$1" )" # just using basic debugger stuff so you can tell which thing is printing out the data. This # should help debug kde 4 konvi issues when that is released into sid, we'll see. Turning off # the redundant debugger output which as far as I can tell does exactly nothing to help debugging. if [[ $DEBUG -gt 5 ]];then if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 ]];then # konvi doesn't seem to like \n characters, it just prints them literally # print_data="$( tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$print_data" )" # dcop "$DCPORT" "$DCOPOBJ" say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "konvi='$KONVI' saying : '$print_data'" print_data="KP-$KONVI: $print_data" elif [[ $KONVI -eq 2 ]];then # echo "konvi='$KONVI' saying : '$print_data'" print_data="KP-$KONVI: $print_data" else # echo "printing out: '$print_data'" print_data="P: $print_data" fi fi if [[ $KONVI -eq 1 && $B_DCOP == 'true' ]]; then ## dcop Konversation (<= 1.1 (qt3)) # konvi doesn't seem to like \n characters, it just prints them literally $print_data="$( tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$print_data" )" dcop "$DCPORT" "$DCOPOBJ" say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "$print_data" elif [[ $KONVI -eq 3 && $B_QDBUS == 'true' ]]; then ## dbus Konversation (> 1.2 (qt4)) qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say "$DCSERVER" "$DCTARGET" "$print_data" # elif [[ $IRC_CLIENT == 'X-Chat' ]]; then # qdbus org.xchat.service print "$print_data\n" else # the -n is needed to avoid double spacing of output in terminal echo -ne "$print_data\n" fi eval $LOGFE } ## this handles all verbose line construction with indentation/line starter ## args: $1 - null (, actually: " ") or line starter; $2 - line content create_print_line() { eval $LOGFS printf "${C1}%-${INDENT}s${C2} %s" "$1" "$2" eval $LOGFE } # this removes newline and pipes. # args: $1 - string to clean remove_erroneous_chars() { eval $LOGFS ## RS is input record separator ## gsub is substitute; gawk ' BEGIN { RS="" } { gsub(/\n$/,"") ## (newline; end of string) with (nothing) gsub(/\n/," "); ## (newline) with (space) gsub(/^ *| *$/, "") ## (pipe char) with (nothing) gsub(/ +/, " ") ## ( +) with (space) gsub(/ [ ]+/, " ") ## ([ ]+) with (space) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "") ## (pipe char) with (nothing) printf $0 }' "$1" ## prints (returns) cleaned input eval $LOGFE } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### parameter handling, print usage functions. #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the parameters. Note: standard options should be lower case, advanced or testing, upper # args: $1 - full script startup args: $@ get_parameters() { eval $LOGFS local opt='' wget_test='' update_flags='U!:' debug_data_type='' local use_short='true' # this is needed to trigger short output, every v/d/F/line trigger sets this false # If distro maintainers want to not allow updates, turn off that option for users if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'false' ]];then update_flags='' fi if [[ $1 == '--version' ]];then print_version_info exit 0 elif [[ $1 == '--help' ]];then show_options exit 0 elif [[ $1 == '--recommends' ]];then check_recommends exit 0 # the short form only runs if no args output args are used # no need to run through these if there are no args # reserved for future use: -g for extra Graphics; -m for extra Machine; -d for extra Disk elif [[ -n $1 ]];then while getopts Abc:CdDfFGhHiIlMnNopPrRsSt:uv:VxzZ%@:${update_flags} opt do case $opt in A) B_SHOW_AUDIO='true' use_short='false' ;; b) use_short='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_CPU='true' B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID='true' B_SHOW_DISK_TOTAL='true' B_SHOW_GRAPHICS='true' B_SHOW_INFO='true' B_SHOW_MACHINE='true' B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true' ;; c) if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9][0-9]?$' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then case $OPTARG in 99) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='global' ;; 98) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='irc-console' ;; 97) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='irc-virtual-terminal' ;; 96) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='irc' ;; 95) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='virtual-terminal' ;; 94) B_RUN_COLOR_SELECTOR='true' COLOR_SELECTION='console' ;; *) B_COLOR_SCHEME_SET='true' ## note: not sure about this, you'd think user values should be overridden, but ## we'll leave this for now if [[ -z $COLOR_SCHEME ]];then set_color_scheme "$OPTARG" fi ;; esac else error_handler 3 "$OPTARG" fi ;; C) B_SHOW_CPU='true' use_short='false' ;; d) B_SHOW_DISK='true' B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL='true' use_short='false' # error_handler 20 "-d has been replaced by -b" ;; D) B_SHOW_DISK='true' use_short='false' ;; f) B_SHOW_CPU='true' B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL='true' use_short='false' ;; F) # B_EXTRA_DATA='true' B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_AUDIO='true' # B_SHOW_BASIC_OPTICAL='true' B_SHOW_CPU='true' B_SHOW_DISK='true' B_SHOW_GRAPHICS='true' B_SHOW_INFO='true' B_SHOW_MACHINE='true' B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' B_SHOW_RAID='true' B_SHOW_SENSORS='true' B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true' use_short='false' ;; G) B_SHOW_GRAPHICS='true' use_short='false' ;; i) B_SHOW_IP='true' B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK='true' use_short='false' ;; I) B_SHOW_INFO='true' use_short='false' ;; l) B_SHOW_LABELS='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' use_short='false' ;; M) B_SHOW_MACHINE='true' use_short='false' ;; n) B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' use_short='false' ;; N) B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' use_short='false' ;; o) B_SHOW_UNMOUNTED_PARTITIONS='true' use_short='false' ;; p) B_SHOW_PARTITIONS_FULL='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' use_short='false' ;; P) B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' use_short='false' ;; r) B_SHOW_REPOS='true' use_short='false' ;; R) B_SHOW_RAID='true' # it turns out only users with mdraid software installed will have raid, # so unless -R is explicitly called, blank -b/-F/-v6 and less output will not show # error if file is missing. B_SHOW_RAID_R='true' use_short='false' ;; s) B_SHOW_SENSORS='true' use_short='false' ;; S) B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true' use_short='false' ;; t) if [[ -n $( grep -E '^(c|m|cm|mc)([1-9]|1[0-9]|20)?$' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then use_short='false' if [[ -n $( grep -E '[0-9]+' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then PS_COUNT=$( grep -Eo '[0-9]+' <<< $OPTARG ) fi if [[ -n $( grep 'c' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA='true' fi if [[ -n $( grep 'm' <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA='true' fi else error_handler 13 "$OPTARG" fi ;; u) B_SHOW_UUIDS='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' use_short='false' ;; v) if [[ -n $( grep -E "^[0-9][0-9]?$" <<< $OPTARG ) && $OPTARG -le $VERBOSITY_LEVELS ]];then if [[ $OPTARG -ge 1 ]];then use_short='false' B_SHOW_BASIC_CPU='true' B_SHOW_DISK_TOTAL='true' B_SHOW_GRAPHICS='true' B_SHOW_INFO='true' B_SHOW_SYSTEM='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 2 ]];then B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK='true' B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID='true' B_SHOW_MACHINE='true' B_SHOW_NETWORK='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 3 ]];then B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK='true' B_SHOW_CPU='true' B_EXTRA_DATA='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 4 ]];then B_SHOW_DISK='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 5 ]];then B_SHOW_AUDIO='true' B_SHOW_BASIC_OPTICAL='true' B_SHOW_SENSORS='true' B_SHOW_LABELS='true' B_SHOW_UUIDS='true' B_SHOW_RAID='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 6 ]];then B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL='true' B_SHOW_PARTITIONS_FULL='true' B_SHOW_UNMOUNTED_PARTITIONS='true' B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA='true' fi if [[ $OPTARG -ge 7 ]];then B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA='true' B_SHOW_IP='true' B_SHOW_RAID_R='true' fi else error_handler 4 "$OPTARG" fi ;; U) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD" 'svn server' ;; V) print_version_info exit 0 ;; # this will trigger either with x, xx, xxx or with Fx but not with xF x) if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA='true' elif [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA='true' else B_EXTRA_DATA='true' fi ;; z) B_OUTPUT_FILTER='true' ;; Z) B_OVERRIDE_FILTER='true' ;; h) show_options exit 0 ;; H) show_options 'full' exit 0 ;; ## debuggers and testing tools %) B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA='true' ;; @) if [[ -n $( grep -E "^([1-9]|1[0-4])$" <<< $OPTARG ) ]];then DEBUG=$OPTARG if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then B_UPLOAD_DEBUG_DATA='true' fi exec 2>&1 # switch on logging only for -@ 8-10 case $OPTARG in 8|9|10) if [[ $OPTARG -eq 10 ]];then B_LOG_COLORS='true' elif [[ $OPTARG -eq 9 ]];then B_LOG_FULL_DATA='true' fi B_USE_LOGGING='true' # pack the logging data for evals function start/end LOGFS=$LOGFS_STRING LOGFE=$LOGFE_STRING create_rotate_logfiles # create/rotate logfiles before we do anything else ;; 11|12|13|14) case $OPTARG in 11) debug_data_type='sys' ;; 12) debug_data_type='xorg' ;; 13) debug_data_type='disk' ;; 14) debug_data_type='all' ;; esac initialize_script_data debug_data_collector $debug_data_type ;; esac else error_handler 9 "$OPTARG" fi ;; !) # test for various supported methods case $OPTARG in 1) B_TESTING_1='true' ;; 2) B_TESTING_2='true' ;; 3) B_TESTING_1='true' B_TESTING_2='true' ;; 10) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_DEV" 'dev server' ;; 11) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_1" 'svn: branch one server' ;; 12) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_2" 'svn: branch two server' ;; 13) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_3" 'svn: branch three server' ;; 14) script_self_updater "$SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_BRANCH_4" 'svn: branch four server' ;; ftp*) ALTERNATE_FTP="$OPTARG" ;; http*) script_self_updater "$OPTARG" 'alt server' ;; *) error_handler 11 "$OPTARG" ;; esac ;; *) error_handler 7 "$1" ;; esac done fi ## this must occur here so you can use the debugging flag to show errors ## Reroute all error messages to the bitbucket (if not debugging) if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]];then exec 2>/dev/null fi #((DEBUG)) && exec 2>&1 # This is for debugging konversation # after all the args have been processed, if no long output args used, run short output if [[ $use_short == 'true' ]];then B_SHOW_SHORT_OUTPUT='true' fi # just in case someone insists on using -zZ if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER == 'true' ]];then B_OUTPUT_FILTER='false' fi # change basic to full if user requested it or if arg overrides it if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID == 'true' && $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID='false' fi eval $LOGFE } ## print out help menu, not including Testing or Debugger stuff because it's not needed show_options() { local color_scheme_count=$(( ${#A_COLOR_SCHEMES[@]} - 1 )) if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL != 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "Sorry, you can't run the help option in an IRC client." exit 1 fi print_screen_output "$SCRIPT_NAME supports the following options. You can combine them, or list them" print_screen_output "one by one: Examples: $SCRIPT_NAME -v4 -c6 OR $SCRIPT_NAME -bDc 6" print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "If you start $SCRIPT_NAME with no arguments, it will show the short form." print_screen_output "The following options if used without -F, -b, or -v will show just the complete line(s):" print_screen_output "A,C,D,G,I,M,N,P,S,f,i,n,o,p,l,u,r,s,t - you can use these alone or together to show" print_screen_output "just the line(s) you want to see." print_screen_output "If you use them with -v [level], -b or -F, it will show the full output for that line " print_screen_output "along with the output for the chosen verbosity level." print_screen_output "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" print_screen_output "Output Control Options:" print_screen_output "-A Show Audio/sound card information." print_screen_output "-b Shows basic output, short form. Like $SCRIPT_NAME -v 2, only minus hard disk names." print_screen_output "-c Available color schemes. Scheme number is required. Color selectors run a color selector option" print_screen_output " prior to $SCRIPT_NAME starting which lets you set the config file value for the selection." print_screen_output " Supported color schemes: 0-$color_scheme_count Example: $SCRIPT_NAME -c 11" print_screen_output " Color selectors for each type display (NOTE: irc and global only show safe color set):" print_screen_output " 94 - Console, out of X" print_screen_output " 95 - Terminal, running in X - like xTerm" print_screen_output " 96 - Gui IRC, running in X - like Xchat, Quassel, Konversation etc." print_screen_output " 97 - Console IRC running in X - like irssi in xTerm" print_screen_output " 98 - Console IRC not in X" print_screen_output " 99 - Global - Overrides/removes all settings. Setting specific removes global." print_screen_output "-C Show full CPU output, including per CPU clockspeed." print_screen_output "-d Shows optical drive data. Same as -Dd. With -x, adds features line to output. -xx adds a few more features." print_screen_output "-D Show full hard Disk info, not only model, ie: /dev/sda ST380817AS 80.0GB. See also -x and -xx." print_screen_output "-f Show all cpu flags used, not just the short list. Not shown with -F to avoid spamming." print_screen_output "-F Show Full output for $SCRIPT_NAME. Includes all Upper Case line letters, plus -s and -n." print_screen_output " Does not show extra verbose options like -x -d -f -u -l -o -p -t -r unless you use that argument." print_screen_output "-G Show Graphic card information (card, x type, resolution, glx renderer, version)." print_screen_output "-i Show Wan IP address, and shows local interfaces (requires ifconfig network tool). Same as -Nni" print_screen_output " Not shown with -F for user security reasons, you shouldn't paste your local/wan IP." print_screen_output "-I Show Information: processes, uptime, memory, irc client, inxi version." print_screen_output "-l Show partition labels. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pl (or -plu)." print_screen_output "-M Show machine data. Motherboard, Bios, and if present, System Builder (Like Lenovo)." print_screen_output " Older systems/kernels without the required /sys data can use dmidecode instead, run as root." print_screen_output "-n Show Advanced Network card information. Same as -Nn. Shows interface, speed, mac id, state, etc." print_screen_output "-N Show Network card information. With -x, shows PCI BusID, Port number." print_screen_output "-o Show unmounted partition information (includes UUID and LABEL if available)." print_screen_output " Shows file system type if you have file installed, if you are root OR if you have" print_screen_output " added to /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer): ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/file (sample)" print_screen_output "-p Show full partition information (-P plus all other detected partitions)." print_screen_output "-P Show Partition information (shows what -v 4 would show, but without extra data)." print_screen_output " Shows, if detected: / /boot /home /tmp /usr /var. Use -p to see all mounted partitions." print_screen_output "-r Show distro repository data. Currently supported repo types: APT; PACMAN; PISI; YUM." print_screen_output "-R Show RAID data. Shows RAID devices, states, levels, and components, and extra data with -x/-xx" print_screen_output " If device is resyncing, shows resync progress line as well." print_screen_output "-s Show sensors output (if sensors installed/configured): mobo/cpu/gpu temp; detected fan speeds." print_screen_output " Gpu temp only for Fglrx/Nvidia drivers. Nvidia shows screen number for > 1 screens." print_screen_output "-S Show System information: host name, kernel, desktop environment (if in X), distro" print_screen_output "-t Show processes. Requires extra options: c (cpu) m (memory) cm (cpu+memory). If followed by numbers 1-20," print_screen_output " shows that number of processes for each type (default: $PS_COUNT; if in irc, max: 5): -t cm10" print_screen_output " Make sure to have no space between letters and numbers (-t cm10 - right, -t cm 10 - wrong)." print_screen_output "-u Show partition UUIDs. Default: short partition -P. For full -p output, use: -pu (or -plu)." print_screen_output "-v Script verbosity levels. Verbosity level number is required. Should not be used with -b or -F" print_screen_output " Supported levels: 0-${VERBOSITY_LEVELS} Example: $SCRIPT_NAME -v 4" print_screen_output " 0 - Short output, same as: $SCRIPT_NAME" print_screen_output " 1 - Basic verbose, -S + basic CPU + -G + basic Disk + -I." print_screen_output " 2 - Adds networking card (-N), Machine (-M) data, shows basic hard disk data (names only)," print_screen_output " and, if present, basic raid (devices only, and if inactive, notes that). similar to: $SCRIPT_NAME -b" print_screen_output " 3 - Adds advanced CPU (-C), network (-n) data, and switches on -x advanced data option." print_screen_output " 4 - Adds partition size/filled data (-P) for (if present):/, /home, /var/, /boot" print_screen_output " Shows full disk data (-D)." print_screen_output " 5 - Adds audio card (-A); sensors (-s), partition label (-l) and UUID (-u), short form of optical drives," print_screen_output " standard raid data (-R)." print_screen_output " 6 - Adds data types: full partition (-p), unmounted partition (-o), optical drive (-d), full raid; triggers -xx." print_screen_output " 7 - Adds network IP data (-i); triggers -xxx." print_screen_output "-x Show extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form): " print_screen_output " -C - bogomips on Cpu;" print_screen_output " -d - Adds items to features line of optical drive; adds rev version to optical drive." print_screen_output " -D - Hdd temp with disk data if you have hddtemp installed, if you are root OR if you have added to" print_screen_output " /etc/sudoers (sudo v. 1.7 or newer): ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp (sample)" print_screen_output " -G - Direct rendering status for Graphics (in X)." print_screen_output " -G - (for single gpu, nvidia driver) screen number gpu is running on." print_screen_output " -i - Show IPv6 as well for LAN interface (IF) devices." print_screen_output " -I - Show system GCC, default. With -xx, also show other installed GCC versions." print_screen_output " -N -A - Adds version/port(s)/driver version (if available) for Network/Audio;" print_screen_output " -N -A -G - Network, audio, graphics, shows PCI Bus ID/Usb ID number of card;" print_screen_output " -R - Shows component raid id. Adds second RAID Info line: raid level; report on drives (like 5/5);" print_screen_output " blocks; chunk size; bitmap (if present). Resync line, shows blocks synced/total blocks." print_screen_output " -S - Desktop toolkit if avaliable (GNOME/XFCE/KDE only); Kernel gcc version" print_screen_output " -t - Adds memory use output to cpu (-xt c), and cpu use to memory (-xt m)." print_screen_output "-xx Show extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form): " print_screen_output " -D - Adds disk serial number." print_screen_output " -I - Adds other detected installed gcc versions to primary gcc output (if present)." print_screen_output " -M - Adds chassis information, if any data for that is available." print_screen_output " -R - Adds superblock (if present); algorythm, U data. Adds system info line (kernel support," print_screen_output " read ahead, raid events). Adds if present, unused device line. Resync line, shows progress bar." print_screen_output " -S - Adds display manager (dm) to desktop output, if in X (like kdm, gdm3, lightdm)." print_screen_output " -xx -@ <11-14> - Automatically uploads debugger data tar.gz file to ftp.techpatterns.com." print_screen_output "-xxx Show extra, extra, extra data (only works with verbose or line output, not short form): " print_screen_output " -S - Adds panel/shell information to desktop output, if in X (like gnome-shell, cinnamon, mate-panel)." print_screen_output "-z Adds security filters for IP addresses, Mac, and user home directory name. Default on for irc clients." print_screen_output "-Z Absolute override for output filters. Useful for debugging networking issues in irc for example." print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "Additional Options:" print_screen_output "-h --help This help menu." print_screen_output "-H This help menu, plus developer options. Do not use dev options in normal operation!" print_screen_output "--recommends Checks $SCRIPT_NAME application dependencies + recommends, and directories, then shows" print_screen_output " what package(s) you need to install to add support for that feature." if [[ $B_ALLOW_UPDATE == 'true' ]];then print_screen_output "-U Auto-update script. Will also install/update man page. Note: if you installed as root, you" print_screen_output " must be root to update, otherwise user is fine. Man page installs require root user mode." fi print_screen_output "-V --version $SCRIPT_NAME version information. Prints information then exits." print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "Debugging Options:" print_screen_output "-% Overrides defective or corrupted data." print_screen_output "-@ Triggers debugger output. Requires debugging level 1-14 (8-10 - logging of data)." print_screen_output " Less than 8 just triggers $SCRIPT_NAME debugger output on screen." print_screen_output " 1-7 - On screen debugger output" print_screen_output " 8 - Basic logging" print_screen_output " 9 - Full file/sys info logging" print_screen_output " 10 - Color logging." print_screen_output " The following create a tar.gz file of system data, plus collecting the inxi output to file:" print_screen_output " To automatically upload debugger data tar.gz file to ftp.techpatterns.com: inxi -xx@ <11-14>" print_screen_output " For alternate ftp upload locations: Example: inxi -! ftp.yourserver.com/incoming -xx@ 14" print_screen_output " 11 - With data file of xiin read of /sys." print_screen_output " 12 - With xorg conf and log data, xrandr, xprop, xdpyinfo, glxinfo etc." print_screen_output " 13 - With data from dev, disks, partitions, etc., plus xiin data file." print_screen_output " 14 - Everything, full data collection." if [[ $1 == 'full' ]];then print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "Developer and Testing Options (Advanced):" print_screen_output "-! 1 - Sets testing flag B_TESTING_1='true' to trigger testing condition 1." print_screen_output "-! 2 - Sets testing flag B_TESTING_2='true' to trigger testing condition 2." print_screen_output "-! 3 - Sets flags B_TESTING_1='true' and B_TESTING_2='true'." print_screen_output "-! 10 - Triggers an update from the primary dev download server instead of svn." print_screen_output "-! 11 - Triggers an update from svn branch one - if present, of course." print_screen_output "-! 12 - Triggers an update from svn branch two - if present, of course." print_screen_output "-! 13 - Triggers an update from svn branch three - if present, of course." print_screen_output "-! 14 - Triggers an update from svn branch four - if present, of course." print_screen_output "-! - Triggers an update from whatever server you list." print_screen_output "-! - Changes debugging data ftp upload location to whatever you enter here." print_screen_output " Only used together with -xx@ 11-14, and must be used in front of that." print_screen_output " Example: inxi -! ftp.yourserver.com/incoming -xx@ 14" print_screen_output " " fi print_screen_output " " } ## print out version information for -V/--version print_version_info() { local last_modified=$( grep -im 1 'date:' $SCRIPT_PATH/$SCRIPT_NAME | gawk '{print $3,$4,$5}' ) print_screen_output "$SCRIPT_NAME - the universal, portable, system info script for console and irc." print_screen_output "Version: $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER-$SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER" print_screen_output "Script Last Modified: $last_modified" print_screen_output "Script Location: $SCRIPT_PATH" print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "Tested in Irssi, Xchat, Konversation, BitchX, KSirc, ircII," print_screen_output "Gaim/Pidgin, Weechat, KVIrc, Quassel, Kopete, and others." print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "This script is a fork of Infobash 3.02, which is:" print_screen_output "Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif" print_screen_output "Subsequent changes and modifications (after Infobash 3.02) are:" print_screen_output "Copyright (C) 2008-$(date +%y) Scott Rogers, Harald Hope, aka trash80 & h2" print_screen_output " " print_screen_output "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify" print_screen_output "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by" print_screen_output "the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or" print_screen_output "(at your option) any later version." } ######################################################################## #### MAIN FUNCTIONS ######################################################################## #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### initial startup stuff #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine where inxi was run from, set IRC_CLIENT and IRC_CLIENT_VERSION get_start_client() { eval $LOGFS local irc_client_path='' irc_client_path_lower='' non_native_konvi='' i='' local b_non_native_app='false' pppid='' app_working_name='' local b_qt4_konvi='false' if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' ]];then IRC_CLIENT='Shell' unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION elif [[ -n $PPID && -f /proc/$PPID/exe ]];then if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER != 'true' ]];then B_OUTPUT_FILTER='true' fi irc_client_path=$( readlink /proc/$PPID/exe ) irc_client_path_lower=$( tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $irc_client_path ) app_working_name=$( basename $irc_client_path_lower ) # handles the xchat/sh/bash/dash cases, and the konversation/perl cases, where clients # report themselves as perl or unknown shell. IE: when konversation starts inxi # from inside itself, as a script, the parent is konversation/xchat, not perl/bash etc # note: perl can report as: perl5.10.0, so it needs wildcard handling case $app_working_name in bash|dash|sh|python*|perl*) # We want to know who wrapped it into the shell or perl. pppid="$( ps -p $PPID -o ppid --no-headers | sed 's/ //g' )" if [[ -n $pppid && -f /proc/$pppid/exe ]];then irc_client_path="$( readlink /proc/$pppid/exe )" irc_client_path_lower="$( tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $irc_client_path )" app_working_name=$( basename $irc_client_path_lower ) b_non_native_app='true' fi ;; esac # replacing loose detection with tight detection, bugs will be handled with app names # as they appear. case $app_working_name in # check for shell first bash|dash|sh) unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION IRC_CLIENT="Shell wrapper" ;; # now start on irc clients, alphabetically bitchx) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk ' /Version/ { a=tolower($2) gsub(/[()]|bitchx-/,"",a) print a exit } $2 == "version" { a=tolower($3) sub(/bitchx-/,"",a) print a exit }' )" B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' IRC_CLIENT="BitchX" ;; finch) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' IRC_CLIENT="Finch" ;; gaim) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" IRC_CLIENT="Gaim" ;; hexchat) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" IRC_CLIENT="HexChat" ;; ircii) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $3 }' )" B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' IRC_CLIENT="ircII" ;; irssi-text|irssi) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' IRC_CLIENT="Irssi" ;; konversation) ## konvi < 1.2 (qt4) # this is necessary to avoid the dcop errors from starting inxi as a /cmd started script if [[ $b_non_native_app == 'true' ]];then ## true negative is confusing KONVI=2 else # if native app KONVI=1 fi IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk ' /Konversation:/ { for ( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ) { if (i == NF) { print $i } else { printf $i" " } } exit }' )" T=($IRC_CLIENT_VERSION) if [[ ${T[0]} == *+* ]];then # < Sho_> locsmif: The version numbers of SVN versions look like this: # "+ #= 20090226)) # Quassel IRC: v0.4.0 [+60] (git-22effe5) # note: early < 0.4.1 quassels do not have -v IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v 2>/dev/null | gawk -F ': ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 clientVersion="" } /Quassel IRC/ { clientVersion = $2 } END { # this handles pre 0.4.1 cases with no -v if ( clientVersion == "" ) { clientVersion = "(pre v0.4.1)" } print clientVersion }' )" # now handle primary, client, and core. quasselcore doesn't actually # handle scripts with exec, but it's here just to be complete case $app_working_name in quassel) IRC_CLIENT="Quassel [M]" ;; quasselclient) IRC_CLIENT="Quassel" ;; quasselcore) IRC_CLIENT="Quassel (core)" ;; esac ;; weechat-curses) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v ) " B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' IRC_CLIENT="Weechat" ;; xchat-gnome) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" IRC_CLIENT="X-Chat-Gnome" ;; xchat) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( $irc_client_path -v | gawk 'NR == 1 { print $2 }' )" IRC_CLIENT="X-Chat" ;; # then do some perl type searches, do this last since it's a wildcard search perl*|ksirc|dsirc) unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION # KSirc is one of the possibilities now. KSirc is a wrapper around dsirc, a perl client get_cmdline $PPID for (( i=0; i <= $CMDL_MAX; i++ )) do case ${A_CMDL[i]} in *dsirc*) IRC_CLIENT="KSirc" # Dynamic runpath detection is too complex with KSirc, because KSirc is started from # kdeinit. /proc//exe is a link to /usr/bin/kdeinit # with one parameter which contains parameters separated by spaces(??), first param being KSirc. # Then, KSirc runs dsirc as the perl irc script and wraps around it. When /exec is executed, # dsirc is the program that runs inxi, therefore that is the parent process that we see. # You can imagine how hosed I am if I try to make inxi find out dynamically with which path # KSirc was run by browsing up the process tree in /proc. That alone is straightjacket material. # (KSirc sucks anyway ;) IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( ksirc -v | gawk ' /KSirc:/ { print $2 exit }' )" break ;; esac done B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' set_perl_python_konvi "$app_working_name" ;; python*) # B_CONSOLE_IRC='true' # are there even any python type console irc clients? check. set_perl_python_konvi "$app_working_name" ;; # then unset, set unknown data *) IRC_CLIENT="Unknown : ${irc_client_path##*/}" unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION ;; esac if [[ $SHOW_IRC -lt 2 ]];then unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION fi else ## lets look to see if qt4_konvi is the parent. There is no direct way to tell, so lets infer it. ## because $PPID does not work with qt4_konvi, the above case does not work if [[ $B_OVERRIDE_FILTER != 'true' ]];then B_OUTPUT_FILTER='true' fi b_qt4_konvi=$( is_this_qt4_konvi ) if [[ $b_qt4_konvi == 'true' ]];then KONVI=3 IRC_CLIENT='Konversation' IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( konversation -v | gawk ' /Konversation:/ { for ( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ) { if (i == NF) { print $i } else { printf $i" " } } exit }' )" else IRC_CLIENT="PPID=\"$PPID\" - empty?" unset IRC_CLIENT_VERSION fi fi log_function_data "IRC_CLIENT: $IRC_CLIENT :: IRC_CLIENT_VERSION: $IRC_CLIENT_VERSION :: PPID: $PPID" eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - app_working_name set_perl_python_konvi() { if [[ -z $IRC_CLIENT_VERSION ]];then # this is a hack to try to show konversation if inxi is running but started via /cmd if [[ -n $( ps aux | grep -i 'konversation' | grep -v 'grep' ) && $B_RUNNING_IN_X == 'true' ]];then IRC_CLIENT='Konversation' IRC_CLIENT_VERSION=" $( konversation --version 2>/dev/null | gawk '/^Konversation/ {print $2}' )" B_CONSOLE_IRC='false' else IRC_CLIENT="Unknown $1 client" fi fi } ## try to infer the use of Konversation >= 1.2, which shows $PPID improperly ## no known method of finding Kovni >= 1.2 as parent process, so we look to see if it is running, ## and all other irc clients are not running. is_this_qt4_konvi() { local konvi_qt4_client='' konvi_dbus_exist='' konvi_pid='' konvi_home_dir='' local konvi='' konvi_qt4_ver='' b_is_qt4='' # fringe cases can throw error, always if untested app, use 2>/dev/null after testing if present if [[ $B_QDBUS == 'true' ]];then konvi_dbus_exist=$( qdbus 2>/dev/null | grep "org.kde.konversation" ) fi # sabayon uses /usr/share/apps/konversation as path if [[ -n $konvi_dbus_exist ]] && [[ -e /usr/share/kde4/apps/konversation || -e /usr/share/apps/konversation ]]; then konvi_pid=$( ps -A | grep -i 'konversation' ) konvi_pid=$( echo $konvi_pid | gawk '{ print $1 }' ) konvi_home_dir=$( readlink /proc/$konvi_pid/exe ) konvi=$( echo $konvi_home_dir | sed "s/\// /g" ) konvi=($konvi) if [[ ${konvi[2]} == 'konversation' ]];then konvi_qt4_ver=$( konversation -v | grep -i 'konversation' ) # note: we need to change this back to a single dot number, like 1.3, not 1.3.2 konvi_qt4_client=$( echo "$konvi_qt4_ver" | gawk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d '.' -f 1,2 ) if [[ $konvi_qt4_client > 1.1 ]]; then b_is_qt4='true' fi fi else konvi_qt4="qt3" b_is_qt4='false' fi log_function_data "b_is_qt4: $b_is_qt4" echo $b_is_qt4 ## for testing this module #qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say $1 $2 "getpid_dir: $konvi_qt4 qt4_konvi: $konvi_qt4_ver verNum: $konvi_qt4_ver_num pid: $konvi_pid ppid: $PPID konvi_home_dir: ${konvi[2]}" } # This needs some cleanup and comments, not quite understanding what is happening, although generally output is known # Parse the null separated commandline under /proc//cmdline # args: $1 - $PPID get_cmdline() { eval $LOGFS local i=0 ppid=$1 if [[ ! -e /proc/$ppid/cmdline ]];then echo 0 return fi ##print_screen_output "Marker" ##print_screen_output "\$ppid='$ppid' -=- $(< /proc/$ppid/cmdline)" unset A_CMDL ## note: need to figure this one out, and ideally clean it up and make it readable while read -d $'\0' L && [[ $i -lt 32 ]] do A_CMDL[i++]="$L" ## note: make sure this is valid - What does L mean? ## done < /proc/$ppid/cmdline ##print_screen_output "\$i='$i'" if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then A_CMDL[0]=$(< /proc/$ppid/cmdline) if [[ -n ${A_CMDL[0]} ]];then i=1 fi fi CMDL_MAX=$i log_function_data "CMDL_MAX: $CMDL_MAX" eval $LOGFE } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### get data types #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- ## create array of sound cards installed on system, and if found, use asound data as well get_audio_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' alsa_data='' alsa_driver='' device_count='' temp_array='' IFS=$'\n' # this first step handles the drivers for cases where the second step fails to find one device_count=$( echo "$Lspci_Data" | grep -iEc '(multimedia audio controller|audio device)' ) if [[ $device_count -eq 1 ]] && [[ $B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE == 'true' ]];then alsa_driver=$( gawk -F ']: ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } # filtering out modems and usb devices like webcams, this might get a # usb audio card as well, this will take some trial and error $0 !~ /modem|usb|webcam/ { driver=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) gsub(/^ +| +$/,"",driver) if ( driver != "" ){ print driver } }' $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE" fi # this is to safeguard against line breaks from results > 1, which if inserted into following # array will create a false array entry. This is a hack, not a permanent solution. alsa_driver=$( echo $alsa_driver ) # now we'll build the main audio data, card name, driver, and port. If no driver is found, # and if the first method above is not null, and one card is found, it will use that instead. A_AUDIO_DATA=( $( echo "$Lspci_Data" | gawk -F ': ' -v alsaDriver="$alsa_driver" ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /multimedia audio controller|audio device/ { audioCard=gensub(/^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: (.+)$/,"\\1","g",$0) # The doublequotes are necessary because of the pipes in the variable. gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", audioCard) gsub(/,/, " ", audioCard) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", audioCard) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", audioCard) aPciBusId[audioCard] = gensub(/(^[0-9a-f:\.]+) [^:]+: .+$/,"\\1","g",$0) cards[audioCard]++ # loop until you get to the end of the data block while (getline && !/^$/) { gsub( /,/, "", $0 ) if (/driver in use/) { drivers[audioCard] = drivers[audioCard] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2", "g" ,$0 ) "" } else if (/kernel modules:/) { modules[audioCard] = modules[audioCard] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) "" } else if (/I\/O/) { portsTemp = gensub(/\t*I\/O ports at (.*) \[.*\]/,"\\1","g",$0) ports[audioCard] = ports[audioCard] portsTemp " " } } } END { j=0 for (i in cards) { useDrivers="" useModules="" usePorts="" usePciBusId="" if (cards[i]>1) { a[j]=cards[i]"x "i if (drivers[i] != "") { useDrivers=drivers[i] } } else { a[j]=i # little trick here to try to catch the driver if there is # only one card and it was null, from the first test of asound/cards if (drivers[i] != "") { useDrivers=drivers[i] } else if ( alsaDriver != "" ) { useDrivers=alsaDriver } } if (ports[i] != "") { usePorts = ports[i] } if (modules[i] != "" ) { useModules = modules[i] } if ( aPciBusId[i] != "" ) { usePciBusId = aPciBusId[i] } # create array primary item for master array sub( / $/, "", usePorts ) # clean off trailing whitespace print a[j] "," useDrivers "," usePorts "," useModules "," usePciBusId j++ } }') ) # in case of failure of first check do this instead if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -eq 0 ]] && [[ $B_ASOUND_DEVICE_FILE == 'true' ]];then A_AUDIO_DATA=( $( gawk -F ']: ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } $1 !~ /modem/ && $2 !~ /modem/ { card=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\3", 1, $2 ) driver=gensub( /^(.+)( - )(.+)$/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) if ( card != "" ){ print card","driver } }' $FILE_ASOUND_DEVICE ) ) fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" get_audio_usb_data # handle cases where card detection fails, like in PS3, where lspci gives no output, or headless boxes.. if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -eq 0 ]];then A_AUDIO_DATA[0]='Failed to Detect Sound Card!' fi temp_array=${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_AUDIO_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # alsa usb detection by damentz get_audio_usb_data() { eval $LOGFS local usb_proc_file='' array_count='' usb_data='' usb_id='' lsusb_path='' lsusb_data='' local temp_array='' IFS=$'\n' lsusb_path=$( type -p lsusb ) if [[ -n $lsusb_path ]];then lsusb_data=$( $lsusb_path 2>/dev/null ) fi log_function_data 'raw' "usb_data:\n$lsusb_data" if [[ -n $lsusb_data ]];then # for every sound card symlink in /proc/asound - display information about it for usb_proc_file in /proc/asound/* do # If the file is a symlink, and contains an important usb exclusive file: continue if [[ -L $usb_proc_file && -e $usb_proc_file/usbid ]]; then # find the contents of usbid in lsusb and print everything after the 7th word on the # corresponding line. Finally, strip out commas as they will change the driver :) usb_id=$( cat $usb_proc_file/usbid ) usb_data=$( grep "$usb_id" <<< "$lsusb_data" ) if [[ -n $usb_data && -n $usb_id ]];then usb_data=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 string="" separator="" } { gsub( /,/, " ", $0 ) gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) for ( i=7; i<= NF; i++ ) { string = string separator $i separator = " " } if ( $6 != "" ){ print string ",USB Audio,,," $6 } }' <<< "$usb_data" ) fi # this method is interesting, it shouldn't work but it does #A_AUDIO_DATA=( "${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}" "$usb_data,USB Audio,," ) # but until we learn why the above worked, I'm using this one, which is safer if [[ -n $usb_data ]];then array_count=${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} A_AUDIO_DATA[$array_count]="$usb_data" fi fi done fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_AUDIO_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } get_audio_alsa_data() { eval $LOGFS local alsa_data='' temp_array='' # now we'll get the alsa data if the file exists if [[ $B_ASOUND_VERSION_FILE == 'true' ]];then IFS="," A_ALSA_DATA=( $( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 alsa="" version="" } # some alsa strings have the build date in (...) # remove trailing . and remove possible second line if compiled by user $0 !~ /compile/ { gsub( /Driver | [(].*[)]|\.$/,"",$0 ) gsub(/,/, " ", $0) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) sub(/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture/, "ALSA", $0) if ( $1 == "ALSA" ){ alsa=$1 } version=$NF print alsa "," version }' $FILE_ASOUND_VERSION ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_ASOUND_VERSION" fi temp_array=${A_ALSA_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_ALSA_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } get_console_irc_tty() { eval $LOGFS local tty_number='' if [[ -n ${IRC_CLIENT} ]];then tty_number=$( ps aux | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /'${IRC_CLIENT}'/ { gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", $7) print $7 }' ) fi log_function_data "tty_number: $tty_number" echo $tty_number eval $LOGFE } ## create A_CPU_CORE_DATA, currently with two values: integer core count; core string text ## return value cpu core count string, this helps resolve the multi redundant lines of old style output get_cpu_core_count() { eval $LOGFS if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]]; then # load the A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT core data array get_cpu_ht_multicore_smp_data ## Because of the upcoming release of cpus with core counts over 6, a count of cores is given after Deca (10) # count the number of processors given local cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[1]} local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[2]} local cpu_type=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[0]} # match the numberic value to an alpha value case $cpu_core_count in 1) cpu_alpha_count='Single';; 2) cpu_alpha_count='Dual';; 3) cpu_alpha_count='Triple';; 4) cpu_alpha_count='Quad';; 5) cpu_alpha_count='Penta';; 6) cpu_alpha_count='Hexa';; 7) cpu_alpha_count='Hepta';; 8) cpu_alpha_count='Octa';; 9) cpu_alpha_count='Ennea';; 10) cpu_alpha_count='Deca';; *) cpu_alpha_count='Multi';; esac # create array, core count integer; core count string # A_CPU_CORE_DATA=( "$cpu_core_count" "$cpu_alpha_count Core$cpu_type" ) A_CPU_CORE_DATA=( "$cpu_physical_count" "$cpu_alpha_count" "$cpu_type" "$cpu_core_count" ) fi temp_array=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_CPU_CORE_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } ## main cpu data collector get_cpu_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' j='' cpu_array_nu='' a_cpu_working='' multi_cpu='' bits='' temp_array='' if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]];then # stop script for a bit to let cpu slow down before parsing cpu /proc file sleep $CPU_SLEEP IFS=$'\n' A_CPU_DATA=( $( gawk -F': ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } # TAKE STRONGER NOTE: \t+ does NOT always work, MUST be [ \t]+ # TAKE NOTE: \t+ will work for $FILE_CPUINFO, but SOME ARBITRARY FILE used for TESTING might contain SPACES! # Therefore PATCH to use [ \t]+ when TESTING! /^processor[ \t]+:/ { nr = $NF } /^model name|^cpu\t+:/ { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF ) gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_CPU"'/, "", $NF ) gsub(/,/, " ", $NF) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF) cpu[nr, "model"] = $NF } /^cpu MHz|^clock\t+:/ { if (!min) { min = $NF } else { if ($NF < min) { min = $NF } } if ($NF > max) { max = $NF } gsub(/MHZ/,"",$NF) ## clears out for cell cpu gsub(/.00[0]+$/,".00",$NF) ## clears out excessive zeros cpu[nr, "speed"] = $NF } /^cache size/ { cpu[nr, "cache"] = $NF } /^flags/ { cpu[nr, "flags"] = $NF } /^bogomips/ { cpu[nr, "bogomips"] = $NF } /vendor_id/ { gsub(/genuine|authentic/,"",$NF) cpu[nr, "vendor"] = tolower( $NF ) } END { #if (!nr) { print ",,,"; exit } # <- should this be necessary or should bash handle that for ( i = 0; i <= nr; i++ ) { print cpu[i, "model"] "," cpu[i, "speed"] "," cpu[i, "cache"] "," cpu[i, "flags"] "," cpu[i, "bogomips"] "," cpu[nr, "vendor"] } if (!min) { print "not found" exit } if (min != max) { printf("Min:%s%s Max:%s%s\n", min, "Mhz", max, "Mhz") } else { printf("%s %s\n", max, "Mhz") } }' $FILE_CPUINFO ) ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_CPUINFO" fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_CPU_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_CPU_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE # echo getMainCpu: ${[@]} } ## this is for counting processors and finding HT types get_cpu_ht_multicore_smp_data() { eval $LOGFS # in /proc/cpuinfo local temp_array='' if [[ $B_CPUINFO_FILE == 'true' ]]; then A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT=( $( gawk ' BEGIN { FS=": " IGNORECASE = 1 num_of_cores = 0 num_of_processors = 0 num_of_cpus = 0 cpu_core_count = 0 core_id[0] processor_id[0] cpu_id[0] type = "-" iter = 0 } # array of logical processors, both HT and physical /^processor/ { processor_id[iter] = $NF } # array of physical cpus ids /^physical/ { cpu_id[iter] = $NF } # array of core ids /^core id/ { core_id[iter] = $NF iter++ } # this will be used to fix an intel glitch if needed, cause, intel # sometimes reports core id as the same number for each core, 0 # so if cpu cores shows greater value than number of cores, use this /^cpu cores/ { cpu_core_count = $NF } END { ## Look thru the array and filter same numbers. ## only unique numbers required ## this is to get an accurate count ## we are only concerned with array length i = 0 ## count unique processors ## # note, this fails for intel cpus at times for ( i in processor_id ) { procHolder[processor_id[i]] = 1 } for ( i in procHolder ) { num_of_processors++ } i = 0 ## count unique physical cpus ## for ( i in cpu_id ) { cpuHolder[cpu_id[i]] = 1 } for ( i in cpuHolder ) { num_of_cpus++ } i = 0 ## count unique cores ## for ( i in core_id ) { coreHolder[core_id[i]] = 1 } for ( i in coreHolder ) { num_of_cores++ } # final check, override the num of cores value if it clearly is wrong # and use the raw core count and synthesize the total instead of real count if ( ( num_of_cores == 1 ) && ( cpu_core_count * num_of_cpus > 1 ) ) { num_of_cores = cpu_core_count * num_of_cpus } #################################################################### # algorithm # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) == core id then Hyperthreaded (HT) # if > 1 processor && processor id (physical id) != core id then Multi-Core Processors (MCP) # if > 1 processor && processor ids (physical id) > 1 then Multiple Processors (SMP) # if = 1 processor then single core/processor Uni-Processor (UP) if ( num_of_processors > 1 ) { # non-multicore HT if ( num_of_processors == (num_of_cores * 2)) { type = type "HT-" } # non-HT multi-core or HT multi-core if (( num_of_processors == num_of_cores) || ( num_of_cpus < num_of_cores)) { type = type "MCP-" } # >1 cpu sockets active if ( num_of_cpus > 1 ) { type = type "SMP-" } } else { type = type "UP-" } print type " " num_of_cpus " " num_of_cores } ' $FILE_CPUINFO ) ) fi temp_array=${A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT[@]} log_function_data "A_CPU_TYPE_PCNT_CCNT: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # Detect desktop environment in use, initial rough logic from: compiz-check # http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check get_desktop_environment() { eval $LOGFS # set the default, this function only runs in X, if null, don't print data out local desktop_environment='' xprop_root='' ps_aux='' local version='' version_data='' toolkit='' # note, GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is deprecated so we'll see how that works out # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=542880 if [[ -n $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID ]]; then version=$( get_de_app_version 'gnome-about' 'gnome' '3' ) if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then # this is a hack, and has to be changed with every toolkit version change toolkit=$( pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0 2>/dev/null ) if [[ -z $toolkit ]];then toolkit=$( pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null ) fi if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="Gnome" # assume 5 will id the same, why not, no need to update in future elif [[ $KDE_SESSION_VERSION == '5' ]]; then version_data=$( kded5 --version 2>/dev/null ) version=$( grep -si '^KDE Development Platform:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $4}' ) if [[ -z $version ]];then version='5' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' ) if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Qt $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="KDE" elif [[ $KDE_SESSION_VERSION == '4' ]]; then version_data=$( kded4 --version 2>/dev/null ) version=$( grep -si '^KDE Development Platform:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $4}' ) if [[ -z $version ]];then version='4' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' ) if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Qt $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="KDE" # KDE_FULL_SESSION property is only available since KDE 3.5.5. # src: http://humanreadable.nfshost.com/files/startkde elif [[ $KDE_FULL_SESSION == 'true' ]]; then version_data=$( kded --version 2>/dev/null ) version=$( grep -si '^KDE:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' ) # version=$( get_de_app_version 'kded' '^KDE:' '2' ) if [[ -z $version ]];then version='3.5' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then toolkit=$( grep -si '^Qt:' <<< "$version_data" | gawk '{print $2}' ) if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Qt $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="KDE" # now that the primary ones have been handled, next is to find the ones with unique # xprop detections possible else ps_aux="$( ps aux )" if [[ -n $( type -p xprop ) ]];then xprop_root="$( xprop -root 2>/dev/null )" # String: "This is xfdesktop version 4.2.12" if [[ -n $( grep -Eis '\"xfce4\"' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'xfdesktop' 'xfdesktop[[:space:]]version' '5' ) if [[ -z $version ]];then version='4' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then toolkit=$( get_de_app_version 'xfdesktop' 'Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK' '4' ) if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="Xfce" # when 5 is released, the string may need updating elif [[ -n $( grep -is '\"xfce5\"' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'xfdesktop' 'xfdesktop[[:space:]]version' '5' ) if [[ -z $version ]];then version='5' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then toolkit=$( get_de_app_version 'xfdesktop' 'Built[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]GTK' '4' ) if [[ -n $toolkit ]];then version="$version (Gtk $toolkit)" fi fi desktop_environment="Xfce" elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'BLACKBOX_PID' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then if [[ -n $( grep -is 'fluxbox' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'fluxbox' '^fluxbox' '2' ) desktop_environment='Fluxbox' else desktop_environment='Blackbox' fi elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'OPENBOX_PID' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'openbox' '^openbox' '2' ) if [[ -n $( grep -is 'lxde' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then if [[ -n $version ]];then version="(Openbox $version)" fi desktop_environment='LXDE' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'razor-desktop' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then if [[ -n $version ]];then version="(Openbox $version)" fi desktop_environment='Razor-QT' else desktop_environment='Openbox' fi elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'ICEWM' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'icewm' '^icewm' '2' ) desktop_environment='IceWM' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'ENLIGHTENMENT' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then # no -v or --version but version is in xprop -root # ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION(STRING) = "Enlightenment 0.16.999.49898" version=$( grep -is 'ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION' <<< "$xprop_root" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | gawk '{print $2}' ) desktop_environment='Enlightenment' elif [[ -n $( grep -is '^I3_' <<< "$xprop_root" ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'i3' '^i3' '3' ) desktop_environment='i3' fi fi # a few manual hacks for things that don't id with xprop, these are just good guesses # note that gawk is going to exit after first occurance of search string, so no need for extra if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then if [[ -n $( grep -is 'fvwm-crystal' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'fvwm' '^fvwm' '2' ) desktop_environment='FVWM-Crystal' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'fvwm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'fvwm' '^fvwm' '2' ) desktop_environment='FVWM' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'pekwm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'pekwm' '^pekwm' '3' ) desktop_environment='pekwm' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'awesome' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'awesome' '^awesome' '2' ) desktop_environment='Awesome' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'scrotwm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'scrotwm' '^welcome.*scrotwm' '4' ) desktop_environment='Scrotwm' # no --version for this one elif [[ -n $( grep -Eis '([[:space:]]|/)twm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then desktop_environment='Twm' # no --version for this one elif [[ -n $( grep -Eis '([[:space:]]|/)dwm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'dwm' '^dwm' '1' ) desktop_environment='dwm' elif [[ -n $( grep -is 'wmii' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'wmii' '^wmii' '1' ) desktop_environment='wmii' elif [[ -n $( grep -Eis '([[:space:]]|/)jwm' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -v 'grep' ) ]];then version=$( get_de_app_version 'jwm' '^jwm' '2' ) desktop_environment='JWM' fi fi fi if [[ -n $version ]];then version=" $version" fi echo "$desktop_environment${version}" eval $LOGFE } # note: gawk doesn't support white spaces in search string, gave errors, so use [[:space:]] instead # args: $1 - desktop command for --version; $2 - search string; $3 - gawk print number get_de_app_version() { local version_data='' version='' get_version='--version' case $1 in dwm|jwm|wmii) get_version='-v' ;; esac # note, some wm send version info to stderr instead of stdout case $1 in dwm|scrotwm) version_data="$( $1 $get_version 2>&1 )" ;; *) version_data="$( $1 $get_version 2>/dev/null )" ;; esac if [[ -n $version_data ]];then version=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /'$2'/ { # sample: dwm-5.8.2, ©.. etc, why no space? who knows. Also get rid of v in number string # xfce, and other, output has , in it, so dump all commas gsub(/(,|dwm-|wmii-|v|V)/, "",$'$3') print $'$3' exit # quit after first match prints }' <<< "$version_data" ) fi echo $version } get_desktop_extra_data() { eval $LOGFS local de_data=$( ps -A | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 desktops="" separator="" } /(cinnamon|gnome-shell|gnome-panel|kicker|lxpanel|mate-panel|plasma-desktop|xfce4-panel)$/ { # only one entry per type, can be multiple if ( desktops !~ $NF ) { desktops = desktops separator $NF separator = "," } } END { print desktops } ' ) echo $de_data eval $LOGFE } # see which dm has started if any get_display_manager() { eval $LOGFS # ldm - LTSP display manager local dm_id_list='entranced.pid entrance/entranced.pid gdm.pid gdm3.pid kdm.pid ldm.pid lightdm.pid lxdm.pid mdm.pid nodm.pid slim.lock tint2.pid wdm.pid xdm.pid' local dm_id='' dm='' separator='' # note we don't need to filter grep if we do it this way local ps_aux="$( ps aux )" local x_is_running=$( grep '/usr.*/X' <<< "$ps_aux" | grep -iv '/Xprt' ) for dm_id in $dm_id_list do if [[ -e /var/run/$dm_id || -e /run/$dm_id ]];then # just on the off chance that two dms are running, good info to have in that case, if possible dm=$dm$separator$( basename $dm_id | cut -d '.' -f 1 ) separator=',' fi done # might add this in, but the rate of new dm's makes it more likely it's an unknown dm, so # we'll keep output to N/A if [[ -n $x_is_running && -z $dm ]];then if [[ -n $( grep 'startx$' <<< "$ps_aux" ) ]];then dm='(startx)' fi fi echo $dm log_function_data "display manager: $dm" eval $LOGFE } # for more on distro id, please reference this python thread: http://bugs.python.org/issue1322 ## return distro name/id if found get_distro_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' j='' distro='' distro_file='' a_distro_glob='' # get the wild carded array of release/version /etc files if present shopt -s nullglob cd /etc a_distro_glob=(*[-_]{release,version}) cd "$OLDPWD" shopt -u nullglob if [[ ${#a_distro_glob[@]} -eq 1 ]];then distro_file="${a_distro_glob}" # use the file if it's in the known good lists elif [[ ${#a_distro_glob[@]} -gt 1 ]];then for i in $DISTROS_DERIVED $DISTROS_PRIMARY do # Only echo works with ${var[@]}, not print_screen_output() or script_debugger() # This is a known bug, search for the word "strange" inside comments # echo "i='$i' a_distro_glob[@]='${a_distro_glob[@]}'" if [[ " ${a_distro_glob[@]} " == *" $i "* ]];then # Now lets see if the distro file is in the known-good working-lsb-list # if so, use lsb-release, if not, then just use the found file # this is for only those distro's with self named release/version files # because Mint does not use such, it must be done as below ## this if statement requires the spaces and * as it is, else it won't work ## if [[ " $DISTROS_LSB_GOOD " == *" ${i} "* ]] && [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]];then distro_file='lsb-release' else distro_file="${i}" fi break fi done fi log_function_data "distro_file: $distro_file" # first test for the legacy antiX distro id file if [[ -e /etc/antiX ]];then distro="$( grep -Eoi 'antix.*\.iso' <<< $( remove_erroneous_chars '/etc/antiX' ) | sed 's/\.iso//' )" # this handles case where only one release/version file was found, and it's lsb-release. This would # never apply for ubuntu or debian, which will filter down to the following conditions. In general # if there's a specific distro release file available, that's to be preferred, but this is a good backup. elif [[ -n $distro_file && -f $FILE_LSB_RELEASE && " $DISTROS_LSB_GOOD" == *" $distro_file "* ]];then distro=$( get_distro_lsb_data ) elif [[ $distro_file == 'lsb-release' ]];then distro=$( get_distro_lsb_data ) # then if the distro id file was found and it's not in the exluded primary distro file list, read it elif [[ -n $distro_file && -s /etc/$distro_file && " $DISTROS_EXCLUDE_LIST " != *" $distro_file "* ]];then distro=$( remove_erroneous_chars "/etc/$distro_file" ) # otherwise try the default debian/ubuntu /etc/issue file elif [[ -f /etc/issue ]];then # lsb gives more manageable and accurate output than issue, but mint should use issue for now # some bashism, boolean must be in parenthesis to work correctly, ie [[ $(boolean) ]] not [[ $boolean ]] if [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]] && [[ -z $( grep -i 'mint' /etc/issue ) ]];then distro=$( get_distro_lsb_data ) else distro=$( gawk ' BEGIN { RS="" } { gsub(/\\[a-z]/, "") gsub(/,/, " ") gsub(/^ +| +$/, "") gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ") print }' /etc/issue ) fi fi if [[ ${#distro} -gt 80 ]] && [[ $B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA != 'true' ]];then distro="${RED}/etc/${distro_file} corrupted, use -% to override${NORMAL}" fi ## note: would like to actually understand the method even if it's not used # : ${distro:=Unknown distro o_O} ## test for /etc/lsb-release as a backup in case of failure, in cases where > one version/release file ## were found but the above resulted in null distro value if [[ -z $distro ]] && [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]];then distro=$( get_distro_lsb_data ) fi # now some final null tries if [[ -z $distro ]];then # if the file was null but present, which can happen in some cases, then use the file name itself to # set the distro value. Why say unknown if we have a pretty good idea, after all? if [[ -n $distro_file ]] && [[ " $DISTROS_DERIVED $DISTROS_PRIMARY " == *" $distro_file "* ]];then distro=$( sed -E -e 's/[-_]//' -e 's/(release|version)//' <<< $distro_file | sed -E 's/^([a-z])/\u\1/' ) fi ## finally, if all else has failed, give up if [[ -z $distro ]];then distro='unknown' fi fi # this handles an arch bug where /etc/arch-release is empty and /etc/issue is corrupted if [[ -n $( grep -i 'arch linux' <<< $distro ) ]];then distro='Arch Linux' fi echo "$distro" log_function_data "distro: $distro" eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - optional, app, uses the app test, not being used now get_distro_lsb_data() { eval $LOGFS local distro='' if [[ $B_LSB_FILE == 'true' ]] && [[ $1 != 'app' ]];then distro=$( gawk -F '=' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } # note: adding the spacing directly to variable to make sure distro output is null if not found /^DISTRIB_ID/ { gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) # this is needed because grep for "arch" is too loose to be safe if ( $NF == "arch" ) { distroId = "Arch Linux" } else if ( $NF != "n/a" ) { distroId = $NF " " } } /^DISTRIB_RELEASE/ { gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) if ( $NF != "n/a" ) { distroRelease = $NF " " } } /^DISTRIB_CODENAME/ { gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) if ( $NF != "n/a" ) { distroCodename = $NF " " } } # sometimes some distros cannot do their lsb-release files correctly, so here is # one last chance to get it right. /^DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION/ { gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0) if ( $NF != "n/a" ) { # slice out the part inside "", like: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux" gsub(/DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=|"/,"",$0) distroDescription = $0 } } END { fullString="" if ( distroId == "" && distroRelease == "" && distroCodename == "" && distroDescription != "" ){ fullString = distroDescription } else { fullString = distroId distroRelease distroCodename } print fullString } ' $FILE_LSB_RELEASE ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_LSB_RELEASE" fi # this is HORRIBLY slow, but I don't know why, it runs fast in shell # if [[ -n $( type -p lsb_release ) && $1 == 'app' ]];then # distro=$( echo "$( lsb_release -irc )" | gawk ' # { IGNORECASE=1 } # /^Distributor ID/ { # gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) # distroId = $NF # } # /^Release/ { # gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) # distroRelease = $NF # } # /^Codename/ { # gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) # distroCodename = $NF # } # END { # print distroId " " distroRelease " (" distroCodename ")" # }' ) # fi echo $distro log_function_data "distro: $distro" eval $LOGFE } get_gcc_kernel_version() { # note that we use gawk to get the last part because beta, alpha, git versions can be non-numeric local gccVersion=$( grep -Eio 'gcc[[:space:]]*version[[:space:]]*([^ \t]*)' /proc/version 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $3}' ) echo $gccVersion } get_gcc_system_version() { eval $LOGFS local separator='' gcc_installed='' gcc_list='' gcc_others='' temp_array='' local gcc_version=$( gcc --version 2>/dev/null | sed -E 's/\([^\)]*\)//g' | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /^gcc/ { print $2 exit }' ) # can't use xargs -l basename because not all systems support thats if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then gcc_others=$( ls /usr/bin/gcc-* 2>/dev/null ) if [[ -n $gcc_others ]];then for item in $gcc_others do gcc_installed=$( basename $item | gawk -F '-' ' $2 ~ /^[0-9\.]+$/ { print $2 }' ) if [[ -n $gcc_installed && -z $( grep "^$gcc_installed" <<< $gcc_version ) ]];then gcc_list=$gcc_list$separator$gcc_installed separator=',' fi done fi fi if [[ -n $gcc_version ]];then A_GCC_VERSIONS=( "$gcc_version" $gcc_list ) fi temp_array=${A_GCC_VERSIONS[@]} log_function_data "A_GCC_VERSIONS: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } get_gpu_temp_data() { local gpu_temp='' gpu_fan='' screens='' screen_nu='' gpu_temp_looper='' # we'll try for nvidia/ati, then add if more are shown if [[ -n $( type -p nvidia-settings ) ]];then # first get the number of screens screens=$( nvidia-settings -q screens | gawk ' /:[0-9]\.[0-9]/ { screens=screens gensub(/(.*)(:[0-9]\.[0-9])(.*)/, "\\2", "1", $0) " " } END { print screens } ' ) # now we'll get the gpu temp for each screen discovered. The print out function # will handle removing screen data for single gpu systems for screen_nu in $screens do gpu_temp_looper=$( nvidia-settings -c $screen_nu -q GPUCoreTemp | gawk -F ': ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 gpuTemp="" gpuTempWorking="" } /Attribute (.*)[0-9]+\.$/ { gsub(/\./, "", $2) if ( $2 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) { gpuTemp=gpuTemp $2 "C " } } END { print gpuTemp }' ) screen_nu=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $screen_nu ) gpu_temp="$gpu_temp$screen_nu:$gpu_temp_looper " done elif [[ -n $( type -p aticonfig ) ]];then # gpu_temp=$( aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-gettemperature | gawk -F ': ' ' gpu_temp=$( aticonfig --adapter=all --od-gettemperature | gawk -F ': ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 gpuTemp="" gpuTempWorking="" } /Sensor (.*)[0-9\.]+ / { gpuTempWorking=gensub(/(.*) ([0-9\.]+) (.*)/, "\\2", "1", $2) if ( gpuTempWorking ~ /^[0-9\.]+$/ ) { gpuTemp=gpuTemp gpuTempWorking "C " } } END { print gpuTemp }' ) # this handles some newer cases of free driver temp readouts, will require modifications as # more user data appears. elif [[ -n $Sensors_Data ]];then gpu_temp=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 gpuTemp="" separator="" } /^('"$SENSORS_GPU_SEARCH"')-pci/ { while ( getline && !/^$/ ) { if ( /^temp/ ) { sub(/^[[:alnum:]]*.*:/, "", $0 ) # clear out everything to the : gsub(/[\+ \t°]/, "", $1) # ° is a special case, like a space for gawk gpuTemp=gpuTemp separator $1 separator="," } } } END { print gpuTemp }' <<< "$Sensors_Data" ) fi if [[ -n $gpu_temp ]];then echo $gpu_temp fi } ## for possible future data, not currently used get_graphics_agp_data() { eval $LOGFS local agp_module='' if [[ $B_MODULES_FILE == 'true' ]];then ## not used currently agp_module=$( gawk ' /agp/ && !/agpgart/ && $3 > 0 { print(gensub(/(.*)_agp.*/,"\\1","g",$1)) }' $FILE_MODULES ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MODULES" fi log_function_data "agp_module: $agp_module" eval $LOGFE } ## create array of gfx cards installed on system get_graphics_card_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' temp_array='' IFS=$'\n' A_GFX_CARD_DATA=( $( gawk -F': ' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 busId="" } /vga compatible controller/ { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $NF) gsub(/,/, " ", $NF) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $NF) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $NF) busId=gensub(/^([0-9a-f:\.]+) (.+)$/,"\\1","",$1) print $NF "," busId }' <<< "$Lspci_Data" ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GFX_CARD_DATA[@]}; i++ )) # do # A_GFX_CARD_DATA[i]=$( sanitize_characters BAN_LIST_NORMAL "${A_GFX_CARD_DATA[i]}" ) # done # GFXMEM is UNUSED at the moment, because it shows AGP aperture size, which is not necessarily equal to GFX memory.. # GFXMEM="size=[$(echo "$Lspci_Data" | gawk '/VGA/{while (!/^$/) {getline;if (/size=[0-9][0-9]*M/) {size2=gensub(/.*\[size=([0-9]+)M\].*/,"\\1","g",$0);if (size 1 cases of detections I guess function join( arr, sep ) { s="" i=flag=0 for ( i in arr ) { if ( flag++ ) { s = s sep } s = s i } return s } BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /opengl renderer/ { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $2) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) # get rid of the created white spaces gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2) if ( $2 ~ /mesa/ ) { # Allow all mesas # if ( $2 ~ / r[3-9][0-9][0-9] / ) { a[$2] # this counter failed in one case, a bug, and is not needed now # f++ # } next } $2 && a[$2] } # dropping all conditions from this test to just show full mesa information # there is a user case where not f and mesa apply, atom mobo # /opengl version/ && ( f || $2 !~ /mesa/ ) { /opengl version/ { # fglrx started appearing with this extra string, does not appear to communicate anything of value sub(/Compatibility Profile Context/, "- CPC", $2 ) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) # get rid of the created white spaces gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2) $2 && b[$2] } /direct rendering/ { $2 && c[$2] } END { printf( "%s\n%s\n%s\n", join( a, ", " ), join( b, ", " ), join( c, ", " ) ) }' ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # GLXR=$(glxinfo | gawk -F ': ' 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /opengl renderer/ && $2 !~ /mesa/ {seen[$2]++} END {for (i in seen) {printf("%s ",i)}}') # GLXV=$(glxinfo | gawk -F ': ' 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1} /opengl version/ && $2 !~ /mesa/ {seen[$2]++} END {for (i in seen) {printf("%s ",i)}}') fi temp_array=${A_GLX_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_GLX_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } ## return screen resolution / tty resolution get_graphics_res_data() { eval $LOGFS local screen_resolution='' xdpy_data='' screens_count=0 if [[ $B_SHOW_X_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then # Added the two ?'s , because the resolution is now reported without spaces around the 'x', as in # 1400x1050 instead of 1400 x 1050. Change as of X.org version 1.3.0 xdpy_data="$( xdpyinfo )" xdpy_count=$( grep -c 'dimensions' <<< "$xdpy_data" ) # we get a bit more info from xrandr than xdpyinfo, but xrandr fails to handle # multiple screens from different video cards if [[ $xdpy_count -eq 1 ]];then screen_resolution=$( xrandr | gawk ' /\*/ { res[++m] = gensub(/^.* ([0-9]+) ?x ?([0-9]+)[_ ].* ([0-9\.]+)\*.*$/,"\\1x\\2@\\3hz","g",$0) } END { for (n in res) { if (res[n] ~ /^[[:digit:]]+x[[:digit:]]+/) { line = line ? line ", " res[n] : res[n] } } if (line) { print(line) } }' ) fi if [[ -z $screen_resolution || $xdpy_count -gt 1 ]];then screen_resolution=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 screens = "" separator = "" } /dimensions/ { screens = screens separator # first time, this is null, next, has comma last screens = screens $2 # then tack on the new value for nice comma list separator = ", " } END { print screens }' <<< "$xdpy_data" ) fi else screen_resolution=$( stty -F $( readlink /proc/$PPID/fd/0 ) size | gawk '{ print $2"x"$1 }' ) fi echo "$screen_resolution" log_function_data "screen_resolution: $screen_resolution" eval $LOGFE } ## create array of x vendor/version data get_graphics_x_data() { eval $LOGFS local x_vendor='' x_version='' temp_array='' xdpy_info='' a_x_working='' if [[ $B_SHOW_X_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then # X vendor and version detection. # new method added since radeon and X.org and the disappearance of version : ...etc # Later on, the normal textual version string returned, e.g. like: X.Org version: 6.8.2 # A failover mechanism is in place. (if $x_version is empty, the release number is parsed instead) # xdpy_info="$( xdpyinfo )" IFS="," a_x_working=( $( xdpyinfo | gawk -F': +' ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 vendorString="" version="" vendorRelease="" } /vendor string/ { gsub(/the|inc|foundation|project|corporation/, "", $2) gsub(/,/, " ", $2) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) vendorString = $2 } /version:/ { version = $NF } /vendor release number/ { gsub(/0+$/, "", $2) gsub(/0+/, ".", $2) vendorRelease = $2 } END { print vendorString "," version "," vendorRelease }' ) ) x_vendor=${a_x_working[0]} x_version=${a_x_working[1]} # this gives better output than the failure last case, which would only show: # for example: X.org: 1.9 instead of: X.org: 1.9.0 if [[ -z $x_version ]];then x_version=$( get_graphics_x_version ) fi if [[ -z $x_version ]];then x_version=${a_x_working[2]} fi # some distros, like fedora, report themselves as the xorg vendor, so quick check # here to make sure the vendor string includes Xorg in string if [[ -z $( grep -E '(X|xorg|x\.org)' <<< $x_vendor ) ]];then x_vendor="$x_vendor X.org" fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" A_X_DATA[0]="$x_vendor" A_X_DATA[1]="$x_version" else x_version=$( get_graphics_x_version ) if [[ -n $x_version ]];then x_vendor='X.org' A_X_DATA[0]="$x_vendor" A_X_DATA[1]="$x_version" fi fi temp_array=${A_X_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_X_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # if other tests fail, try this one, this works for root, out of X also get_graphics_x_version() { eval $LOGFS local x_version='' x_data='' # note that some users can have /usr/bin/Xorg but not /usr/bin/X if [[ -n $( type -p X ) ]];then # note: MUST be this syntax: X -version 2>&1 # otherwise X -version overrides everything and this comes out null. # two knowns id strings: X.Org X Server 1.7.5 AND X Window System Version 1.7.5 #X -version 2>&1 | gawk '/^X Window System Version/ { print $5 }' x_data="$( X -version 2>&1 )" elif [[ -n $( type -p Xorg ) ]];then x_data="$( Xorg -version 2>&1)" fi if [[ -n $x_data ]];then x_version=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /^x.org x server/ { print $4 exit } /^X Window System Version/ { print $5 exit }' <<< "$x_data" ) fi echo $x_version log_function_data " x_version: $x_version" eval $LOGFE } # this gets just the raw data, total space/percent used and disk/name/per disk capacity get_hdd_data_basic() { eval $LOGFS local hdd_used='' temp_array='' local hdd_data="$( df -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 )" log_function_data 'raw' "hdd_data:\n$hdd_data" hdd_used=$( echo "$hdd_data" | gawk ' # also handles odd dm-1 type, from lvm /^\/dev\/(mapper\/|[hsv]d[a-z][0-9]+|dm[-]?[0-9]+)/ { # this handles the case where the first item is too long # and makes df wrap output to next line, so here we advance # it to the next line for that single case. Using df -P should # make this unneeded but leave it in just in case if ( NF < 5 && $0 !~ /.*%/ ) { getline } # if the first item caused a wrap, use one less than standard # testing for the field with % in it, ie: 34%, then go down from there # this also protects against cases where the mount point has a space in the # file name, thus breaking going down from $NF directly. if ( $4 ~ /.*%/ ) { used += $2 } # otherwise use standard else if ( $5 ~ /.*%/ ) { used += $3 } # and if this is not detected, give up, we need user data to debug else { next } } END { print used }' ) if [[ -z $hdd_used ]];then hdd_used='na' fi log_function_data "hdd_used: $hdd_used" # create the initial array strings: # disk-dev, capacity, name, usb or not # final item is the total of the disk IFS=$'\n' if [[ $B_PARTITIONS_FILE == 'true' ]];then A_HDD_DATA=( $( gawk -v hddused="$hdd_used" ' /[hsv]d[a-z]$/ { driveSize = $(NF - 1)*1024/1000**3 gsub(/,/, " ", driveSize) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", driveSize) printf( $NF",%.1fGB,,\n", driveSize ) } # See http://lanana.org/docs/device-list/devices-2.6+.txt for major numbers used below # $1 ~ /^(3|22|33|8)$/ && $2 % 16 == 0 { # size += $3 # } # special case from this data: 8 0 156290904 sda $1 ~ /^(3|22|33|8)$/ && $NF ~ /[hsv]d[a-z]$/ && ( $2 % 16 == 0 || $2 % 16 == 8 ) { size += $3 } END { size = size*1024/1000**3 # calculate size in GB size workingUsed = hddused*1024/1000**3 # calculate workingUsed in GB used # this handles a special case with livecds where no hdd_used is detected if ( size > 0 && hddused == "na" ) { size = sprintf( "%.1f", size ) print size "GB,-" } else if ( size > 0 && workingUsed > 0 ) { diskUsed = workingUsed*100/size # calculate used percentage diskUsed = sprintf( "%.1f", diskUsed ) size = sprintf( "%.1f", size ) print size "GB," diskUsed "% used" } else { print "NA,-" # print an empty array, this will be further handled in the print out function } }' $FILE_PARTITIONS ) ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_PARTITIONS" fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_HDD_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_HDD_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } ## fills out the A_HDD_DATA array with disk names get_hard_drive_data_advanced() { eval $LOGFS local a_temp_working='' a_temp_scsi='' temp_holder='' temp_name='' i='' j='' local sd_ls_by_id='' ls_disk_by_id='' usb_exists='' temp_array='' ## check for all ide type drives, non libata, only do it if hdx is in array ## this is now being updated for new /sys type paths, this may handle that ok too if [[ -n $( grep -E 'hd[a-z]' <<< ${A_HDD_DATA[@]} ) ]];then # remember, we're using the last array item to store the total size of disks for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ )) do IFS="," a_temp_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if [[ -n $( grep -E '^hd[a-z]' <<< ${a_temp_working[0]} ) ]];then if [[ -e /proc/ide/${a_temp_working[0]}/model ]];then a_temp_working[2]="$( remove_erroneous_chars /proc/ide/${a_temp_working[0]}/model )" else a_temp_working[2]="Name n/a" fi # these loops are to easily extend the cpu array created in the gawk script above with more fields per cpu. for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_working[@]}; j++ )) do if [[ $j -gt 0 ]];then A_HDD_DATA[i]="${A_HDD_DATA[i]},${a_temp_working[$j]}" else A_HDD_DATA[i]="${a_temp_working[$j]}" fi done fi done fi ## then handle libata names # first get the ata device names, put them into an array IFS=$'\n' if [[ $B_SCSI_FILE == 'true' ]]; then a_temp_scsi=( $( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /host/ { getline a[$0] getline b[$0] } END { for (i in a) { if (b[i] ~ / *type: *direct-access.*/) { #c=gensub(/^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev: (.+)$/,"\\1 \\2 \\3","g",a[i]) #c=gensub( /^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev:.*$/,"\\1 \\2","g",a[i] ) # the vendor: string is useless, and is a bug, ATA is not a vendor for example c=gensub( /^ *vendor: (.+) +model: (.+) +rev:.*$/, "\\2", "g", a[i] ) gsub(/,/, " ", c) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", c) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", c) #print a[i] # we actually want this data, so leaving this off for now # if (c ~ /\|\|memory stick|memory card/) { # continue # } print c } } }' $FILE_SCSI ) ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_SCSI" fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" ## then we'll loop through that array looking for matches. if [[ -n $( grep -E 'sd[a-z]' <<< ${A_HDD_DATA[@]} ) ]];then # first pack the main ls variable so we don't have to keep using ls /dev... ls_disk_by_id="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-id )" for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ )) do if [[ -n $( grep -E '^sd[a-z]' <<< ${A_HDD_DATA[$i]} ) ]];then IFS="," a_temp_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # /sys/block/[sda,hda]/device/model # this is handles the new /sys data types first if [[ -e /sys/block/${a_temp_working[0]}/device/model ]];then temp_name="$( remove_erroneous_chars /sys/block/${a_temp_working[0]}/device/model )" temp_name=$( tr ' ' '_' <<< $temp_name | cut -d '-' -f 1 ) elif [[ ${#a_temp_scsi[@]} -gt 0 ]];then for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_scsi[@]}; j++ )) do ## ok, ok, it's incomprehensible, search /dev/disk/by-id for a line that contains the # discovered disk name AND ends with the correct identifier, sdx # get rid of whitespace for some drive names and ids, and extra data after - in name temp_name=$( tr ' ' '_' <<< ${a_temp_scsi[$j]} | cut -d '-' -f 1 ) sd_ls_by_id=$( grep -Em1 ".*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" ) if [[ -n $sd_ls_by_id ]];then temp_name=${a_temp_scsi[$j]} break else # test to see if we can get a better name output when null if [[ -n $temp_name ]];then temp_name=$temp_name fi fi done fi if [[ -z $temp_name ]];then temp_name="Name n/a" else usb_exists=$( grep -Em1 "usb-.*$temp_name.*${a_temp_working[0]}$" <<< "$ls_disk_by_id" ) if [[ -n $usb_exists ]];then a_temp_working[3]='USB' fi fi a_temp_working[2]=$temp_name # these loops are to easily extend the cpu array created in the gawk script above with more fields per cpu. for (( j=0; j < ${#a_temp_working[@]}; j++ )) do if [[ $j -gt 0 ]];then A_HDD_DATA[i]="${A_HDD_DATA[i]},${a_temp_working[$j]}" else A_HDD_DATA[i]="${a_temp_working[$j]}" fi done fi done unset ls_disk_by_id # and then let's dump the data we don't need fi temp_array=${A_HDD_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_HDD_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - which drive to get serial number of get_hdd_serial_number() { eval $LOGFS local hdd_serial='' get_partition_dev_data 'id' # lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Apr 26 09:32 scsi-SATA_ST3160827AS_5MT2HMH6 -> ../../sdc # exit on the first instance hdd_serial=$( gawk ' /'$1'$/ { serial=gensub( /^(.+)_([^_]+)$/, "\\2", 1, $9 ) print serial exit }' <<< "$DEV_DISK_ID" ) echo $hdd_serial log_function_data "hdd serial: $hdd_serial" eval $LOGFE } # a few notes, normally hddtemp requires root, but you can set user rights in /etc/sudoers. # args: $1 - /dev/ to be tested for get_hdd_temp_data() { eval $LOGFS local hdd_temp='' sudo_command='' if [[ $B_HDDTEMP_TESTED != 'true' ]];then B_HDDTEMP_TESTED='true' HDDTEMP_PATH=$( type -p hddtemp ) fi if [[ $B_SUDO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then B_SUDO_TESTED='true' SUDO_PATH=$( type -p sudo ) fi if [[ -n $HDDTEMP_PATH && -n $1 ]];then # only use sudo if not root, -n option requires sudo -V 1.7 or greater. sudo will just error out # which is the safest course here for now, otherwise that interactive sudo password thing is too annoying # important: -n makes it non interactive, no prompt for password if [[ $B_ROOT != 'true' && -n $SUDO_PATH ]];then sudo_command='sudo -n ' fi # this will fail if regular user and no sudo present, but that's fine, it will just return null hdd_temp=$( eval $sudo_command $HDDTEMP_PATH -nq -u C $1 ) if [[ -n $hdd_temp && -n $( grep -E '^([0-9\.]+)$' <<< $hdd_temp ) ]];then echo $hdd_temp fi fi eval $LOGFE } get_lspci_data() { eval $LOGFS local lspci_data="$( lspci -v | gawk '{ gsub(/\(prog-if[^)]*\)/,"") sub(/^0000:/, "", $0) # seen case where the 0000: is prepended, rare, but happens print }' )" echo "$lspci_data" log_function_data 'raw' "lspci_data:\n$lspci_data" eval $LOGFE } get_machine_data() { eval $LOGFS local temp_array='' separator='' id_file='' file_data='' array_string='' local id_dir='/sys/class/dmi/id/' dmi_name='' dmi_data='' local machine_files=" sys_vendor product_name product_version product_serial product_uuid board_vendor board_name board_version board_serial bios_vendor bios_version bios_date " local dmi_names=" system-manufacturer system-product-name system-version system-serial-number system-uuid baseboard-manufacturer baseboard-product-name baseboard-version baseboard-serial-number bios-vendor bios-version bios-release-date " if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then machine_files="$machine_files chassis_vendor chassis_type chassis_version chassis_serial " dmi_names="$dmi_names chassis-manufacturer chassis-type chassis-version chassis-serial-number " fi if [[ -d $id_dir ]];then for id_file in $machine_files do file_data='' if [[ -r $id_dir$id_file ]];then file_data=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0) gsub(/,/, " ", $0) # yes, there is a typo in a user data set, unknow # Base Board Version|Base Board Serial Number # Chassis Manufacturer|Chassis Version|Chassis Serial Number # System manufacturer|System Product Name|System Version # To Be Filled By O.E.M. sub(/^Base Board .*|^Chassis .*|.*O\.E\.M\..*|.*OEM.*|^Not .*|^System .*|.*unknow.*|.*N\/A.*|none|^To be filled.*/, "", $0) gsub(/bios|acpi/, "", $0) sub(/http:\/\/www.abit.com.tw\//, "Abit", $0) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) print $0 }' < $id_dir$id_file ) fi array_string="$array_string$separator$file_data" separator=',' done else if [[ -n $( type -p dmidecode 2>/dev/null ) && -n $( dmidecode 2>/dev/null ) ]];then if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then # this handles very old systems, like Lenny 2.6.26, with dmidecode, but no data if [[ -z $( dmidecode 2>/dev/null | grep -i 'no smbios or dmi' ) ]];then array_string='dmidecode-no-smbios-dmi-data' else for dmi_name in $dmi_names do # echo "$dmi_name" >&2 dmi_data='' dmi_data=$( dmidecode -s $dmi_name | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0) gsub(/,/, " ", $0) # yes, there is a typo in a user data set, unknow # Base Board Version|Base Board Serial Number # Chassis Manufacturer|Chassis Version|Chassis Serial Number # System manufacturer|System Product Name|System Version # To Be Filled By O.E.M. sub(/^Base Board .*|^Chassis .*|.*O\.E\.M\..*|.*OEM.*|^Not .*|^System .*|.*unknow.*|.*N\/A.*|none|^To be filled.*/, "", $0) gsub(/bios|acpi/, "", $0) sub(/http:\/\/www.abit.com.tw\//, "Abit", $0) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) print $0 }' ) array_string="$array_string$separator$dmi_data" separator=',' done fi else array_string='dmidecode-non-root-user' fi fi fi IFS=',' A_MACHINE_DATA=( $array_string ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_MACHINE_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_MACHINE_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } ## return memory used/installed get_memory_data() { eval $LOGFS local memory='' if [[ $B_MEMINFO_FILE == 'true' ]];then memory=$( gawk ' /^MemTotal:/ { tot = $2 } /^(MemFree|Buffers|Cached):/ { notused+=$2 } END { used = tot-notused printf("%.1f/%.1fMB\n", used/1024, tot/1024) }' $FILE_MEMINFO ) log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MEMINFO" fi echo "$memory" log_function_data "memory: $memory" eval $LOGFE } # process and return module version data get_module_version_number() { eval $LOGFS local module_version='' if [[ $B_MODINFO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then B_MODINFO_TESTED='true' MODINFO_PATH=$( type -p modinfo ) fi if [[ -n $MODINFO_PATH ]];then module_version=$( $MODINFO_PATH $1 2>/dev/null | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } /^version/ { gsub(/,/, " ", $2) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $2) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $2) print $2 } ' ) fi echo "$module_version" log_function_data "module_version: $module_version" eval $LOGFE } ## create array of network cards get_networking_data() { eval $LOGFS local B_USB_NETWORKING='false' temp_array='' IFS=$'\n' A_NETWORK_DATA=( $( echo "$Lspci_Data" | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 counter=0 # required to handle cases of > 1 instance of the same chipset } /^[0-9a-f:\.]+ (ethernet|network) (controller|bridge)/ || /^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: .*(ethernet|network).*$/ { nic=gensub(/^[0-9a-f:\.]+ [^:]+: (.+)$/,"\\1","g",$0) gsub(/realtek semiconductor/, "Realtek", nic) gsub(/davicom semiconductor/, "Davicom", nic) # The doublequotes are necessary because of the pipes in the variable. gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", nic) gsub(/,/, " ", nic) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", nic) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", nic) # construct a unique string ending for each chipset detected, this allows for # multiple instances of the same exact chipsets, ie, dual gigabit nic = nic "~~" counter++ aPciBusId[nic] = gensub(/(^[0-9a-f:\.]+) [^:]+: .+$/,"\\1","g",$0) # I do not understand why incrementing a string index makes sense? eth[nic]++ while ( getline && !/^$/ ) { gsub(/,/, "", $0) if ( /I\/O/ ) { ports[nic] = ports[nic] $4 " " } if ( /driver in use/ ) { drivers[nic] = drivers[nic] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) "" } else if ( /kernel modules/ ) { modules[nic] = modules[nic] gensub( /(.*): (.*)/ ,"\\2" ,"g" ,$0 ) "" } } } END { j=0 for (i in eth) { useDrivers="" usePorts="" useModules="" usePciBusId="" if ( eth[i] > 1 ) { a[j] = eth[i] "x " i } else { a[j] = i } ## note: this loses the plural ports case, is it needed anyway? if ( ports[i] != "" ) { usePorts = ports[i] } if ( drivers[i] != "" ) { useDrivers = drivers[i] } if ( modules[i] != "" ) { useModules = modules[i] } if ( aPciBusId[i] != "" ) { usePciBusId = aPciBusId[i] } # create array primary item for master array # and strip out the counter again, this handled dual cards with same chipset sub( /~~[0-9]+$/, "", a[j] ) sub( / $/, "", usePorts ) # clean off trailing whitespace print a[j] "," useDrivers "," usePorts "," useModules, "," usePciBusId j++ } }' ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" get_networking_usb_data if [[ $B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK == 'true' || $B_USB_NETWORKING == 'true' ]];then get_network_advanced_data fi temp_array=${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_NETWORK_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } get_network_advanced_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_network_adv_working='' if_path='' working_path='' working_uevent_path='' dir_path='' local if_id='' speed='' duplex='' mac_id='' oper_state='' local usb_data='' usb_vendor='' usb_product='' product_path='' driver_test='' for (( i=0; i < ${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_network_adv_working=( ${A_NETWORK_DATA[i]} ) # reset these every go round driver_test='' if_id='' speed='' duplex='' mac_id='' oper_state='' usb_data='' if [[ -z $( grep '^usb-' <<< ${a_network_adv_working[4]} ) ]];then # note although this may exist technically don't use it, it's a virtual path # and causes weird cat errors when there's a missing file as well as a virtual path # /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:02:02.0/net/eth1 # real paths are: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e/0/0000:02:02.0/net/eth1/uevent # and on older debian kernels: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:02:02.0/net:eth1/uevent # but broadcom shows this sometimes: # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/0000:03:00.0/ssb0:0/uevent:['DRIVER=b43', 'MODALIAS=ssb:v4243id0812rev0D']: working_path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:${a_network_adv_working[4]}" # now we want the real one, that xiin also displays, without symbolic links. if [[ -e $working_path ]];then working_path=$( readlink -f $working_path 2>/dev/null ) # sometimes there is another directory between the path and /net if [[ ! -e $working_path/net ]];then # using find here, probably will need to also use it in usb part since the grep # method seems to not be working now. Slice off the rest, which leaves the basic path working_path=$( find $working_path/*/net/*/uevent 2>/dev/null | \ sed 's|/net.*||' ) fi fi # working_path=$( ls /sys/devices/pci*/*/0000:${a_network_adv_working[4]}/net/*/uevent ) else # slice off the usb- part usb_data=$( cut -d '-' -f 2-4 <<< ${a_network_adv_working[4]} ) usb_vendor=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $usb_data ) usb_product=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $usb_data ) # this grep returns the path plus the contents of the file, with a colon separator, so slice that off # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/idVendor working_path=$( grep -s "$usb_vendor" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/*/idVendor | \ sed -e "s/idVendor:$usb_vendor//" -e '/driver/d' ) # try an alternate path if first one doesn't work # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/idVendor if [[ -z $working_path ]];then working_path=$( grep -s "$usb_vendor" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/idVendor | \ sed -e "s/idVendor:$usb_vendor//" -e '/driver/d' ) product_path=$( grep -s "$usb_product" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/idProduct | \ sed -e "s/idProduct:$usb_product//" -e '/driver/d' ) else product_path=$( grep -s "$usb_product" /sys/devices/pci*/*/usb*/*/*/idProduct | \ sed -e "s/idProduct:$usb_product//" -e '/driver/d' ) fi # make sure it's the right product/vendor match here, it will almost always be but let's be sure if [[ -n $working_path && -n $product_path ]] && [[ $working_path == $product_path ]];then #if [[ -n $working_path ]];then # now ls that directory and get the numeric starting sub directory and that should be the full path # to the /net directory part dir_path=$( ls ${working_path} 2>/dev/null | grep -sE '^[0-9]' ) working_uevent_path="${working_path}${dir_path}" fi fi # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.2/2-1.2:1.0/uevent grep for DRIVER= # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/uevent if [[ -n $usb_data ]];then driver_test=$( grep -si 'DRIVER=' $working_uevent_path/uevent | cut -d '=' -f 2 ) if [[ -n $driver_test ]];then a_network_adv_working[1]=$driver_test fi fi log_function_data "PRE: working_path: $working_path\nworking_uevent_path: $working_uevent_path" # this applies in two different cases, one, default, standard, two, for usb, this is actually # the short path, minus the last longer numeric directory name, ie: # from debian squeeze 2.6.32-5-686: # /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0b.1/usb1/1-1/net/wlan0/address if [[ -e $working_path/net ]];then if_path=$( ls $working_path/net 2>/dev/null ) if_id=$if_path working_path=$working_path/net/$if_path # this is the normal usb detection if the first one didn't work elif [[ -n $usb_data && -e $working_uevent_path/net ]];then if_path=$( ls $working_uevent_path/net 2>/dev/null ) if_id=$if_path working_path=$working_uevent_path/net/$if_path # 2.6.32 debian lenny kernel shows not: /net/eth0 but /net:eth0 else if_path=$( ls $working_path 2>/dev/null | grep 'net:' ) if_id=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< "$if_path" ) working_path=$working_path/$if_path fi log_function_data "POST: working_path: $working_path\nif_path: $if_path - if_id: $if_id" if [[ -n $if_path ]];then if [[ -r $working_path/speed ]];then speed=$( cat $working_path/speed 2>/dev/null ) fi if [[ -r $working_path/duplex ]];then duplex=$( cat $working_path/duplex 2>/dev/null ) fi if [[ -r $working_path/address ]];then mac_id=$( cat $working_path/address 2>/dev/null ) fi if [[ -r $working_path/operstate ]];then oper_state=$( cat $working_path/operstate 2>/dev/null ) fi fi A_NETWORK_DATA[i]=${a_network_adv_working[0]}","${a_network_adv_working[1]}","${a_network_adv_working[2]}","${a_network_adv_working[3]}","${a_network_adv_working[4]}","$if_id","$oper_state","$speed","$duplex","$mac_id IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" done eval $LOGFE } get_networking_usb_data() { eval $LOGFS local lsusb_path='' lsusb_data='' a_usb='' array_count='' # now we'll check for usb wifi, a work in progress # USB_NETWORK_SEARCH # alsa usb detection by damentz # for every sound card symlink in /proc/asound - display information about it lsusb_path=$( type -p lsusb ) # if lsusb exists, the file is a symlink, and contains an important usb exclusive file: continue if [[ -n $lsusb_path ]]; then # send error messages of lsusb to /dev/null as it will display a bunch if not a super user lsusb_data="$( $lsusb_path 2>/dev/null )" # also, find the contents of usbid in lsusb and print everything after the 7th word on the # corresponding line. Finally, strip out commas as they will change the driver :) if [[ -n $lsusb_data ]];then IFS=$'\n' a_usb=( $( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 string="" separator="" } /'"$USB_NETWORK_SEARCH"'/ && !/bluetooth| hub|keyboard|mouse|printer| ps2|reader|scan|storage/ { string="" gsub( /,/, " ", $0 ) gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) sub(/realtek semiconductor/, "Realtek", $0) sub(/davicom semiconductor/, "Davicom", $0) sub(/Belkin Components/, "Belkin", $0) for ( i=7; i<= NF; i++ ) { string = string separator $i separator = " " } if ( $6 != "" ){ print string ",,,,usb-" $6 } }' <<< "$lsusb_data" ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if [[ ${#a_usb[@]} -gt 0 ]];then array_count=${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} for (( i=0; i < ${#a_usb[@]}; i++ )) do A_NETWORK_DATA[$array_count]=${a_usb[i]} ((array_count++)) done # need this to get the driver data for -N regular output, but no need # to run the advanced stuff unless required B_USB_NETWORKING='true' fi fi fi # echo $B_USB_NETWORKING eval $LOGFE } get_networking_wan_ip_data() { eval $LOGFS local ip='' # get ip using wget redirect to stdout. This is a clean, text only IP output url, # single line only, ending in the ip address. May have to modify this in the future # to handle ipv4 and ipv6 addresses but should not be necessary. # awk has bad regex handling so checking it with grep -E instead # ip=$( echo 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 | gawk --re-interval ' # ip=$( wget -q -O - $WAN_IP_URL | gawk --re-interval ' ip=$( wget -q -O - $WAN_IP_URL | gawk --re-interval ' { #gsub("\n","",$2") print $NF }' ) # validate the data if [[ -z $ip ]];then ip='None Detected!' elif [[ -z $( grep -Es \ '^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}|[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4}:[[:alnum:]]{0,4})$' <<< $ip ) ]];then ip='IP Source Corrupt!' fi echo "$ip" log_function_data "ip: $ip" eval $LOGFE } get_networking_local_ip_data() { eval $LOGFS local ip_tool_command=$( type -p ip ) local temp_array='' ip_tool='ip' ip_tool_data='' # the chances for all new systems to have ip by default are far higher than # the deprecated ifconfig. Only try for ifconfig if ip is not present in system if [[ -z $ip_tool_command ]];then ip_tool_command=$( type -p ifconfig ) ip_tool='ifconfig' else ip_tool_command="$ip_tool_command addr" fi if [[ -n "$ip_tool_command" ]];then if [[ $ip_tool == 'ifconfig' ]];then ip_tool_data="$( $ip_tool_command )" # note, ip addr does not have proper record separation, so creating new lines explicitly here at start # of each IF record item. Also getting rid of the unneeded numeric line starters, now it can be parsed # like ifconfig more or less elif [[ $ip_tool == 'ip' ]];then ip_tool_data="$( eval ${ip_tool_command} | sed 's/^[0-9]\+:[[:space:]]\+/\n/' )" fi fi if [[ -z $ip_tool_command ]];then A_INTERFACES_DATA=( "Interfaces program 'ip' missing. Please check: $SCRIPT_NAME --recommends" ) elif [[ -n "$ip_tool_data" ]];then IFS=$'\n' # $ip_tool_command A_INTERFACES_DATA=( $( gawk -v ipTool=$ip_tool ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 interface="" ifIp="" ifIpV6="" ifMask="" } # skip past the lo item /^lo/ { while (getline && !/^$/ ) { # do nothing, just get past this entry item } } /^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]/ { # not clear on why inet is coming through, but this gets rid of it # as first line item. gsub(/,/, " ", $0) gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $0) gsub(/ [ \t]+/, " ", $0) interface = $1 # prep this this for ip addr: eth0: sub(/:/, "", interface) ifIp="" ifIpV6="" ifMask="" aInterfaces[interface]++ while (getline && !/^$/ ) { if ( ipTool == "ifconfig" ) { if (/inet addr:/) { ifIp = gensub( /addr:([0-9\.]+)/, "\\1", "g", $2 ) if (/mask:/) { ifMask = gensub( /mask:([0-9\.]+)/, "\\1", "g", $NF ) } } if (/inet6 addr:/) { ifIpV6 = $3 } } else if ( ipTool == "ip" ) { if ( $1 == "inet" ) { ifIp = $2 } if ( $1 == "inet6" ) { ifIpV6 = $2 } } } # slice off the digits that are sometimes tacked to the end of the address, # like: /64 or /24 sub(/\/[0-9]+/, "", ifIp) sub(/\/[0-9]+/, "", ifIpV6) ipAddresses[interface] = ifIp "," ifMask "," ifIpV6 } END { j=0 for (i in aInterfaces) { ifData = "" a[j] = i if (ipAddresses[i] != "") { ifData = ipAddresses[i] } # create array primary item for master array # tested needed to avoid bad data from above, if null it is garbage # this is the easiest way to handle junk I found, improve if you want if ( ifData != "" ) { print a[j] "," ifData } j++ } }' <<< "$ip_tool_data" ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" else A_INTERFACES_DATA=( "Interfaces program $ip_tool present but created no data. " ) fi temp_array=${A_INTERFACES_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_INTERFACES_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # get_networking_local_ip_data;exit # get_networking_local_ip_data;exit get_optical_drive_data() { eval $LOGFS local temp_array='' sys_uevent_path='' proc_cdrom='' link_list='' local separator='' linked='' disk='' item_string='' proc_info_string='' local dev_disks_links="$( ls /dev/dvd* /dev/cd* /dev/scd* 2>/dev/null )" # get the actual disk dev location, first try default which is easier to run, need to preserve line breaks local dev_disks_real="$( echo "$dev_disks_links" | xargs -l readlink 2>/dev/null | sort -u )" # Some systems don't support xargs -l so we need to do it manually if [[ -z $dev_disks_real ]];then for linked in $dev_disks_links do disk=$( readlink $linked 2>/dev/null ) if [[ -n $disk ]];then disk=$( basename $disk ) # puppy shows this as /dev/sr0, not sr0 if [[ -z $dev_disks_real || -z $( grep $disk <<< $dev_disks_real ) ]];then # need line break IFS for below, no white space dev_disks_real="$dev_disks_real$separator$disk" separator=$'\n' fi fi done dev_disks_real="$( sort -u <<< "$dev_disks_real" )" linked='' disk='' separator='' fi # A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA indexes: not going to use all these, but it's just as easy to build the full # data array and use what we need from it as to update it later to add features or items # 0 - true dev path, ie, sr0, hdc # 1 - dev links to true path # 2 - device vendor - for hdx drives, vendor model are one string from proc # 3 - device model # 4 - device rev version # 5 - speed # 6 - multisession support # 7 - MCN support # 8 - audio read # 9 - cdr # 10 - cdrw # 11 - dvd read # 12 - dvdr # 13 - dvdram # 14 - state if [[ -n $dev_disks_real ]];then if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then proc_cdrom="$( cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info 2>/dev/null )" fi IFS=$'\n' A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA=( $( for disk in $dev_disks_real do for linked in $dev_disks_links do if [[ -n $( readlink $linked | grep $disk ) ]];then linked=$( basename $linked ) link_list="$link_list$separator$linked" separator='~' fi done item_string="$disk,$link_list" link_list='' linked='' separator='' vendor='' model='' proc_info_string='' rev_number='' state="" sys_path='' # this is only for new sd type paths in /sys, otherwise we'll use /proc/ide if [[ -z $( grep '^hd' <<< $disk ) ]];then sys_path=$( ls /sys/devices/pci*/*/host*/target*/*/block/$disk/uevent 2>/dev/null | sed "s|/block/$disk/uevent||" ) # no need to test for errors yet, probably other user systems will require some alternate paths though if [[ -n $sys_path ]];then vendor=$( cat $sys_path/vendor 2>/dev/null ) model=$( cat $sys_path/model 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' ) state=$( cat $sys_path/state 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' ) rev_number=$( cat $sys_path/rev 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/,//g' ) fi elif [[ -e /proc/ide/$disk/model ]];then vendor=$( cat /proc/ide/$disk/model 2>/dev/null ) fi if [[ -n $vendor ]];then vendor=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } { gsub(/'"$BAN_LIST_NORMAL"'/, "", $0) sub(/TSSTcorp/, "TSST ", $0) # seen more than one of these weird ones gsub(/,/, " ", $0) gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|[[:space:]]*$/, "", $0) gsub(/ [[:space:]]+/, " ", $0) print $0 }' <<< $vendor ) fi # this needs to run no matter if there's proc data or not to create the array comma list if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then proc_info_string=$( gawk -v diskId=$disk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 position="" speed="" multisession="" mcn="" audio="" cdr="" cdrw="" dvd="" dvdr="" dvdram="" } # first get the position of the device name from top field # we will use this to get all the other data for that column /drive name:/ { for ( position=3; position <= NF; position++ ) { if ( $position == diskId ) { break } } } /drive speed:/ { speed = $position } /Can read multisession:/ { multisession=$( position + 1 ) } /Can read MCN:/ { mcn=$( position + 1 ) } /Can play audio:/ { audio=$( position + 1 ) } /Can write CD-R:/ { cdr=$( position + 1 ) } /Can write CD-RW:/ { cdrw=$( position + 1 ) } /Can read DVD:/ { dvd=$( position + 1 ) } /Can write DVD-R:/ { dvdr=$( position + 1 ) } /Can write DVD-RAM:/ { dvdram=$( position + 1 ) } END { print speed "," multisession "," mcn "," audio "," cdr "," cdrw "," dvd "," dvdr "," dvdram } ' <<< "$proc_cdrom" ) fi item_string="$item_string,$vendor,$model,$rev_number,$proc_info_string,$state" echo $item_string done ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" fi temp_array=${A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA: $temp_array" eval $LOGFE } get_partition_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_partition_working='' dev_item='' temp_array='' #local excluded_file_types='--exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660' # df doesn't seem to work in script with variables like at the command line # added devfs linprocfs sysfs fdescfs which show on debian kfreebsd kernel output local main_partition_data="$( df -h -T -P --exclude-type=aufs --exclude-type=squashfs --exclude-type=unionfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=iso9660 --exclude-type=devfs --exclude-type=linprocfs --exclude-type=sysfs --exclude-type=fdescfs )" local swap_data="$( swapon -s )" # set dev disk label/uuid data globals get_partition_dev_data 'label' get_partition_dev_data 'uuid' log_function_data 'raw' "main_partition_data:\n$main_partition_data\n\nswap_data:\n$swap_data" # new kernels/df have rootfs and / repeated, creating two entries for the same partition # so check for two string endings of / then slice out the rootfs one, I could check for it # before slicing it out, but doing that would require the same action twice re code execution if [[ $( grep -cs '[[:space:]]/$' <<< "$main_partition_data" ) -gt 1 ]];then main_partition_data="$( grep -vs '^rootfs' <<< "$main_partition_data" )" fi log_function_data 'raw' "main_partition_data_post_rootfs:\n$main_partition_data\n\nswap_data:\n$swap_data" IFS=$'\n' # sample line: /dev/sda2 ext3 15G 8.9G 4.9G 65% /home # $NF = partition name; $(NF - 4) = partition size; $(NF - 3) = used, in gB; $(NF - 1) = percent used ## note: by subtracting from the last field number NF, we avoid a subtle issue with LVM df output, where if ## the first field is too long, it will occupy its own line, this way we are getting only the needed data A_PARTITION_DATA=( $( echo "$main_partition_data" | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } # this has to be nulled for every iteration so it does not retain value from last iteration devBase="" # this is required because below we are subtracting from NF, so it has to be > 5 # the real issue is long file system names that force the wrap of df output: //fileserver/main # but we still need to handle more dynamically long space containing file names, but later. # Using df -P should fix this, ie, no wrapping of line lines, but leaving this for now ( NF < 6 ) && ( $0 !~ /[0-9]+%/ ) { # set the dev location here for cases of wrapped output if ( NF == 1 ){ devBase=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) } getline } # next set devBase if it didn not get set above here ( $1 ~ /^\/dev\// ) && ( devBase == "" ) { devBase=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) } # this handles yet another fredforfaen special case where a mounted drive # has the search string in its name $NF ~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/home$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$/ { print $NF "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 3) "," $(NF - 1) ",main," $(NF - 5) "," devBase } # skip all these, including the first, header line. Use the --exclude-type # to handle new filesystems types we do not want listed here $NF !~ /^\/$|^\/boot$|^\/var$|^\/home$|^\/tmp$|^\/usr$|^filesystem/ { # this is to avoid file systems with spaces in their names, that will make # the test show the wrong data in each of the fields, if no x%, then do not use # using 3 cases, first default, standard, 2nd, 3rd, handles one and two spaces in name if ( $(NF - 1) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) { print $NF "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 3) "," $(NF - 1) ",secondary," $(NF - 5) "," devBase } # these two cases construct the space containing name else if ( $(NF - 2) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) { print $(NF - 1) " " $NF "," $(NF - 5) "," $(NF - 4) "," $(NF - 2) ",secondary," $(NF - 6) "," devBase } else if ( $(NF - 3) ~ /[0-9]+%/ ) { print $(NF - 2) " " $(NF - 1) " " $NF "," $(NF - 6) "," $(NF - 5) "," $(NF - 3) ",secondary," $(NF - 7) "," devBase } } ' ) # now add the swap partition data, don't want to show swap files, just partitions, # though this can include /dev/ramzswap0. Note: you can also use /proc/swaps for this # data, it's the same exact output as swapon -s $( echo "$swap_data" | gawk ' BEGIN { swapCounter = 1 } /^\/dev/ { size = sprintf( "%.2f", $3*1024/1000**3 ) devBase = gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) used = sprintf( "%.2f", $4*1024/1000**3 ) percentUsed = sprintf( "%.0f", ( $4/$3 )*100 ) print "swap-" swapCounter "," size "GB," used "GB," percentUsed "%,main," "swap," devBase swapCounter = ++swapCounter }' ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]} log_function_data "1: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$temp_array" # now we'll handle some fringe cases where irregular df -hT output shows /dev/disk/.. instead of # /dev/h|sdxy type data for column 1, . A_PARTITION_DATA[6] # Here we just search for the uuid/label and then grab the end of the line to get the right dev item. for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_partition_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" dev_item='' # reset each loop # note: for swap this will already be set if [[ -n $( grep -E '(by-uuid|by-label)' <<< ${a_partition_working[6]} ) ]];then if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID ]];then dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk ' /'$( basename ${a_partition_working[6]} )'/ { item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF ) print item }' ) fi # if we didn't find anything for uuid try label if [[ -z $dev_item && -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL ]];then dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk ' /'$( basename ${a_partition_working[6]} )'/ { item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF ) print item }' ) fi if [[ -n $dev_item ]];then # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid IFS="," A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_partition_working[0]}","${a_partition_working[1]}","${a_partition_working[2]}","${a_partition_working[3]}","${a_partition_working[4]}","${a_partition_working[5]}","$dev_item IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" fi fi done temp_array=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]} log_function_data "2: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$temp_array" if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' ]];then get_partition_data_advanced fi eval $LOGFE } # first get the locations of the mount points for label/uuid detection get_partition_data_advanced() { eval $LOGFS local a_partition_working='' dev_partition_data='' local dev_item='' dev_label='' dev_uuid='' temp_array='' local mount_point='' # set dev disk label/uuid data globals get_partition_dev_data 'label' get_partition_dev_data 'uuid' if [[ $B_MOUNTS_FILE == 'true' ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_partition_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # note: for swap this will already be set if [[ -z ${a_partition_working[6]} ]];then mount_point=$( sed 's|/|\\/|g' <<< ${a_partition_working[0]} ) #echo mount_point $mount_point dev_partition_data=$( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1 partition = "" partTemp = "" } # trying to handle space in name # gsub( /\\040/, " ", $0 ) /[ \t]'$mount_point'[ \t]/ && $1 != "rootfs" { # initialize the variables label = "" uuid = "" # slice out the /dev partition=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) # label and uuid can occur for root, set partition to null now if ( partition ~ /by-label/ ) { label=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-label\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) partition = "" } if ( partition ~ /by-uuid/ ) { uuid=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-uuid\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1 ) partition = "" } # handle /dev/root for / id if ( partition == "root" ) { # if this works, great, otherwise, just set this to null values partTemp="'$( readlink /dev/root 2>/dev/null )'" if ( partTemp != "" ) { if ( partTemp ~ /[hsv]d[a-z][0-9]{1,2}/ ) { partition=gensub( /^(\/dev\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp ) } else if ( partTemp ~ /by-uuid/ ) { uuid=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-uuid\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp ) partition="" # set null to let real location get discovered } else if ( partTemp ~ /by-label/ ) { label=gensub( /^(\/dev\/disk\/by-label\/)(.+)$/, "\\2", 1, partTemp ) partition="" # set null to let real location get discovered } } else { partition = "" label = "" uuid = "" } } print partition "," label "," uuid }' $FILE_MOUNTS ) # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid IFS="," A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_partition_working[0]}","${a_partition_working[1]}","${a_partition_working[2]}","${a_partition_working[3]}","${a_partition_working[4]}","${a_partition_working[5]}","$dev_partition_data IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" fi ## now we're ready to proceed filling in the data IFS="," a_partition_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" dev_item=${a_partition_working[6]} dev_label=${a_partition_working[7]} dev_uuid=${a_partition_working[8]} # then if dev data/uuid is incomplete, try to get missing piece # it's more likely we'll get a uuid than a label. But this should get the # dev item set no matter what, so then we can get the rest of any missing data # first we'll get the dev_item if it's missing if [[ -z $dev_item ]];then if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID && -n $dev_uuid ]];then dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk ' /'$dev_uuid'/ { item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF ) print item }' ) elif [[ -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL && -n $dev_label ]];then dev_item=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk ' # first we need to change space x20 in by-label back to a real space #gsub( /x20/, " ", $0 ) # then we can see if the string is there /'$dev_label'/ { item=gensub( /..\/..\/(.+)/, "\\1", 1, $NF ) print item }' ) fi fi # this can trigger all kinds of weird errors if it is a non /dev path, like: remote:/machine/name if [[ -n $dev_item && -z $( grep -E '(^//|:/)' <<< $dev_item ) ]];then if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_UUID && -z $dev_uuid ]];then dev_uuid=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk ' /'$dev_item'$/ { print $(NF - 2) }' ) fi if [[ -n $DEV_DISK_LABEL && -z $dev_label ]];then dev_label=$( echo "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk ' /'$dev_item'$/ { print $(NF - 2) }' ) fi fi # assemble everything we could get for dev/h/dx, label, and uuid IFS="," A_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_partition_working[0]}","${a_partition_working[1]}","${a_partition_working[2]}","${a_partition_working[3]}","${a_partition_working[4]}","${a_partition_working[5]}","$dev_item","$dev_label","$dev_uuid IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" done log_function_data 'cat' "$FILE_MOUNTS" fi temp_array=${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]} log_function_data "3-advanced: A_PARTITION_DATA:\n$temp_array" eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - uuid/label/id get_partition_dev_data() { eval $LOGFS # only run these tests once per directory to avoid excessive queries to fs case $1 in label) if [[ $B_LABEL_SET != 'true' ]];then if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-label ]];then DEV_DISK_LABEL="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-label )" fi B_LABEL_SET='true' fi ;; uuid) if [[ $B_UUID_SET != 'true' ]];then if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-uuid ]];then DEV_DISK_UUID="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid )" fi B_UUID_SET='true' fi ;; id) if [[ $B_ID_SET != 'true' ]];then if [[ -d /dev/disk/by-uuid ]];then DEV_DISK_ID="$( ls -l /dev/disk/by-id )" fi B_ID_SET='true' fi ;; esac log_function_data 'raw' "DEV_DISK_LABEL:\n$DEV_DISK_LABEL\n\nDEV_DISK_UUID:\n$DEV_DISK_UUID$DEV_DISK_LABEL\n\nDEV_DISK_ID:\n$DEV_DISK_ID" # debugging section, uncomment to insert user data # DEV_DISK_LABEL=' # # ' # DEV_DISK_UUID=' # # ' eval $LOGFE } get_patch_version_string() { local script_patch_number=$( sed 's/^[0]\+//' <<< $SCRIPT_PATCH_NUMBER ) if [[ -n $script_patch_number ]];then script_patch_number="-$script_patch_number" fi echo $script_patch_number } # args: $1 - type cpu/mem get_ps_data() { eval $LOGFS local array_length='' reorder_temp='' i=0 head_tail='' sort_type='' # bummer, have to make it more complex here because of reverse sort # orders in output, pesky lack of support of +rss in old systems case $1 in mem) head_tail='head' sort_type='-rss' ;; cpu) head_tail='tail' sort_type='%cpu' ;; esac # throttle potential irc abuse if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL != 'true' && $PS_COUNT -gt 5 ]];then PS_THROTTLED=$PS_COUNT PS_COUNT=5 fi IFS=$'\n' # note that inxi can use a lot of cpu, and can actually show up here as the script runs A_PS_DATA=( $( ps aux --sort $sort_type | grep -Ev "($SCRIPT_NAME|%CPU|[[:space:]]ps[[:space:]])" | $head_tail -n $PS_COUNT | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 appName="" appPath="" appStarterName="" appStarterPath="" cpu="" mem="" pid="" user="" rss="" } { cpu=$3 mem=$4 pid=$2 user=$1 rss=sprintf( "%.2f", $6/1024 ) # have to get rid of [,],(,) eg: [lockd] which break the printout function compare in bash gsub(/\[|\]|\(|\)/,"~", $0 ) if ( $12 ~ /^\// ){ appStarterPath=$11 appPath=$12 } else { appStarterPath=$11 appPath=$11 } appStarterName=gensub( /(\/.*\/)(.*)/, "\\2", "1", appStarterPath ) appName=gensub( /(\/.*\/)(.*)/, "\\2", "1", appPath ) print appName "," appPath "," appStarterName "," appStarterPath "," cpu "," mem "," pid "," rss "," user } ' ) ) # make the array ordered highest to lowest so output looks the way we expect it to # this isn't necessary for -rss, and we can't make %cpu ordered the other way, so # need to reverse it here. -rss is used because on older systems +rss is not supported if [[ $1 == 'cpu' ]];then array_length=${#A_PS_DATA[@]}; while (( $i < $array_length/2 )) do reorder_temp=${A_PS_DATA[i]}f A_PS_DATA[i]=${A_PS_DATA[$array_length-$i-1]} A_PS_DATA[$array_length-$i-1]=$reorder_temp (( i++ )) done fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # echo ${A_PS_DATA[@]} eval $LOGFE } # mdstat syntax information: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg3T1011259 # note that this does NOT use either Disk or Partition information for now, ie, there # is no connection between the data types, but the output should still be consistent get_raid_data() { eval $LOGFS local mdstat='' if [[ $B_MDSTAT_FILE ]];then mdstat="$( cat $FILE_MDSTAT 2>/dev/null )" fi if [[ -n $mdstat ]];then # need to make sure there's always a newline in front of each record type, and # also correct possible weird formats for the output from older kernels etc. mdstat="$( sed -e 's/^md/\nmd/' -e 's/^unused[[:space:]]/\nunused /' \ -e 's/read_ahead/\nread_ahead/' -e 's/^resync=/\nresync=/' -e 's/^Event/\nEvent/' \ -e 's/^[[:space:]]*$//' -e 's/[[:space:]]read_ahead/\nread_ahead/' <<< "$mdstat" )" # some fringe cases do not end as expected, so need to add newlines plus EOF to make sure while loop doesn't spin mdstat=$( echo -e "$mdstat\n\nEOF" ) IFS=$'\n' A_RAID_DATA=( $( gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 RS="\n" } /^personalities/ { KernelRaidSupport = gensub(/personalities[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $0) # clean off the brackets gsub(/[\[\]]/,"",KernelRaidSupport) print "KernelRaidSupport," KernelRaidSupport } /^read_ahead/ { ReadAhead=gensub(/read_ahead (.*)/, "\\1", 1 ) print "ReadAhead," ReadAhead } /^Event:/ { print "raidEvent," $NF } # print logic will search for this value and use it to print out the unused devices data /^unused devices/ { unusedDevices = gensub(/^unused devices:[[:space:]][<]?([^>]*)[>]?.*/, "\\1", 1, $0) print "UnusedDevices," unusedDevices } /^md/ { # reset for each record loop through deviceState = "" bitmapValues = "" blocks = "" chunkSize = "" components = "" device = "" deviceReport = "" finishTime = "" recoverSpeed = "" recoveryProgressBar = "" recoveryPercent = "" raidLevel = "" sectorsRecovered = "" separator = "" superBlock = "" uData = "" while ( !/^[[:space:]]*$/ ) { gsub(/,/, " ", $0 ) gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " ", $0 ) if ( $0 ~ /^md/ ) { device = gensub(/(md.*)[[:space:]]?:/, "\\1", "1", $1 ) } if ( $0 ~ /raid[0-9]+/ ) { raidLevel = gensub(/(.*)raid([0-9]+)(.*)/, "\\2", "g", $0 ) } if ( $0 ~ /(active \(auto-read-only\)|active|inactive)/ ) { deviceState = gensub(/(.*) (active \(auto-read-only\)|active|inactive) (.*)/, "\\2", "1", $0 ) } # gawk will not return all the components using gensub, only last one separator = "" for ( i=3; i<=NF; i++ ) { if ( $i ~ /[hs]d[a-z][0-9]*(\[[0-9]+\])?(\([SF]\))?/ ) { components = components separator $i separator=" " } } if ( $0 ~ /blocks/ ) { blocks = gensub(/(.*[[:space:]]+)?([0-9]+)[[:space:]]blocks.*/, "\\2", "1", $0) } if ( $0 ~ /super[[:space:]][0-9\.]+/ ) { superBlock = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]super[[:space:]]([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0) } if ( $0 ~ /algorithm[[:space:]][0-9\.]+/ ) { algorithm = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]algorithm[[:space:]]([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0) } if ( $0 ~ /\[[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\]/ ) { deviceReport = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]\[([0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\][[:space:]].*/, "\\1", "1", $0) uData = gensub(/.*[[:space:]]\[([U_]+)\]/, "\\1", "1", $0) } # need to avoid this: bitmap: 0/10 pages [0KB], 16384KB chunk # while currently all the normal chunks are marked with k, not kb, this can change in the future if ( $0 ~ /[0-9]+[k] chunk/ && $0 !~ /bitmap/ ) { chunkSize = gensub(/(.*) ([0-9]+[k]) chunk.*/, "\\2", "1", $0) } if ( $0 ~ /^resync=/ ) { sub(/resync=/,"") print "resyncStatus," $0 } if ( $0 ~ /\[[=]*>[\.]*\].*(resync|recovery)/ ) { recoveryProgressBar = gensub(/.*(\[[=]*>[\.]*\]).*/, "\\1",1,$0) } if ( $0 ~ / (resync|recovery)[[:space:]]*=/ ) { recoveryPercent = gensub(/.* (resync|recovery)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+%).*/, "\\1~\\2", 1 ) if ( $0 ~ /[[:space:]]\([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\)/ ) { sectorsRecovered = gensub(/.* \(([0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\).*/, "\\1", 1, $0 ) } if ( $0 ~ /finish[[:space:]]*=/ ) { finishTime = gensub(/.* finish[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[0-9\.]+)([a-z]+) .*/, "\\1 \\2", 1, $0 ) } if ( $0 ~ /speed[[:space:]]*=/ ) { recoverSpeed = gensub(/.* speed[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*([[0-9\.]+)([a-z]+\/[a-z]+)/, "\\1 \\2", 1, $0 ) } } if ( $0 ~ /bitmap/ ) { bitmapValues = gensub(/(.*[[:space:]])?bitmap:(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $0 ) } getline } raidString = device "," deviceState "," raidLevel "," components "," deviceReport "," uData raidString = raidString "," blocks "," superBlock "," algorithm "," chunkSize "," bitmapValues raidString = raidString "," recoveryProgressBar "," recoveryPercent "," sectorsRecovered "," finishTime "," recoverSpeed print raidString } ' <<< "$mdstat" ) ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_RAID_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_RAID_DATA: $temp_array" # echo -e "A_RAID_DATA:\n${A_RAID_DATA[@]}" fi eval $LOGFE } # Repos will be added as we get distro package manager data to create the repo data. # This method will output the file name also, which is useful to create output that's # neat and readable. get_repo_data() { eval $LOGFS local repo_file='' repo_data_working='' repo_data_working2='' repo_line='' local apt_file='/etc/apt/sources.list' yum_repo_dir='/etc/yum.repos.d/' yum_conf='/etc/yum.conf' local pacman_conf='/etc/pacman.conf' pacman_repo_dir='/etc/pacman.d/' pisi_dir='/etc/pisi/' # apt - debian, buntus if [[ -f $apt_file || -d $apt_file.d ]];then REPO_DATA="$( grep -Esv '(^[[:space:]]*$|^[[:space:]]*#)' $apt_file $apt_file.d/*.list )" REPO_FILE_ID='apt sources' # yum - fedora, redhat, centos, etc elif [[ -d $yum_repo_dir || -f $yum_conf ]];then # older redhats put their yum data in /etc/yum.conf for repo_file in $( ls $yum_repo_dir*.repo $yum_conf 2>/dev/null ) do repo_data_working="$( gawk -v repoFile=$repo_file ' # construct the string for the print function to work with, file name: data function print_line( fileName, repoId, repoUrl ){ print fileName ":" repoId repoUrl } BEGIN { FS="\n" IGNORECASE=1 enabledStatus="" repoTitle="" urlData="" } # this is a hack, assuming that each item has these fields listed, we collect the 3 # items one by one, then when the url/enabled fields are set, we print it out and # reset the data. Not elegant but it works. Note that if enabled was not present # we assume it is enabled then, and print the line, reset the variables. This will # miss the last item, so it is printed if found in END /^\[.+\]/ { if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){ print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData ) enabledStatus="" urlData="" repoTitle="" } gsub( /\[|\]/, "", $1 ) # strip out the brackets repoTitle = $1 " ~ " } /^(mirrorlist|baseurl)/ { sub( /(mirrorlist|baseurl)=/, "", $1 ) # strip out the field starter urlData = $1 } /^enabled=/ { enabledStatus = $1 } # print out the line if all 3 values are found, otherwise if a new # repoTitle is hit above, it will print out the line there instead { if ( urlData != "" && enabledStatus != "" && repoTitle != "" ){ if ( enabledStatus !~ /enabled=0/ ){ print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData ) } enabledStatus="" urlData="" repoTitle="" } } END { # print the last one if there is data for it if ( urlData != "" && repoTitle != "" ){ print_line( repoFile, repoTitle, urlData ) } } ' $repo_file )" # then load the global for each file as it gets filled if [[ -n $repo_data_working ]];then if [[ -z $REPO_DATA ]];then REPO_DATA="$repo_data_working" else REPO_DATA="$REPO_DATA $repo_data_working" fi repo_data_working='' fi done REPO_FILE_ID='yum repos' # pisi - pardus elif [[ -d $pisi_dir && -n $( type -p pisi ) ]];then REPO_DATA="$( pisi list-repo )" # now we need to create the structure: repo info: repo path # we do that by looping through the lines of the output and then # putting it back into the : format print repos expects to see while read repo_line do repo_line=$( gawk ' { # need to dump leading/trailing spaces and clear out color codes for irc output sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$0) # gsub(/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]/,"",$0) # leaving this pattern in case need it gsub(/\[([0-9];)?[0-9]+m/,"",$0) print $0 }' <<< $repo_line ) if [[ -n $( grep '://' <<< $repo_line ) ]];then repo_data_working="$repo_data_working:$repo_line\n" else repo_data_working="$repo_data_working$repo_line" fi done <<< "$REPO_DATA" # echo and execute the line breaks inserted REPO_DATA="$( echo -e $repo_data_working )" REPO_FILE_ID='pisi repo' # pacman - archlinux elif [[ -f $pacman_conf ]];then # get list of mirror include files, trim white space off ends repo_data_working="$( gawk ' BEGIN { FS="=" IGNORECASE=1 } /^[[:space:]]*Include/ { sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2) print $2 } ' $pacman_conf )" # sort into unique paths only, to be used to search for server = data repo_data_working=$( sort -bu <<< "$repo_data_working" | uniq ) repo_data_working="$repo_data_working $pacman_conf" for repo_file in $repo_data_working do if [[ -f $repo_file ]];then # inserting a new line after each found / processed match repo_data_working2="$repo_data_working2$( gawk -v repoFile=$repo_file ' BEGIN { FS="=" IGNORECASE=1 } /^[[:space:]]*Server/ { sub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/,"",$2) print repoFile ":" $2 "\\n" } ' $repo_file )" else echo "Error: file listed in $pacman_conf does not exist - $repo_file" fi done # execute line breaks REPO_DATA="$( echo -e $repo_data_working2 )" REPO_FILE_ID='arch repo servers' fi eval $LOGFE } get_runlevel_data() { eval $LOGFS local runlvl='' local runlevel_path=$( type -p runlevel ) if [[ -n $runlevel_path ]];then runlvl="$( $runlevel_path | gawk '{ print $2 }' )" fi echo $runlvl eval $LOGFE } get_sensors_data() { eval $LOGFS local temp_array='' IFS=$'\n' if [[ -n $Sensors_Data ]];then # note: non-configured sensors gives error message, which we need to redirect to stdout # also, -F ':' no space, since some cases have the data starting right after,like - :1287 A_SENSORS_DATA=( $( gawk -F ':' -v userCpuNo="$SENSORS_CPU_NO" ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 core0Temp="" # only if all else fails... cpuTemp="" cpuTempReal="" fanWorking="" indexCountaFanMain=0 indexCountaFanDefault=0 i="" j="" moboTemp="" moboTempReal="" psuTemp="" separator="" sysFanString="" temp1="" temp2="" tempFanType="" # set to 1 or 2 tempUnit="" tempWorking="" tempWorkingUnit="" } # new data arriving: gpu temp in sensors, have to skip that /^('"$SENSORS_GPU_SEARCH"')-pci/ { while ( getline && !/^$/ ) { # do nothing, just skip it } } # dumping the extra + signs after testing for them, nobody has negative temps. # also, note gawk treats ° as a space, so we have to get the C/F data # there are some guesses here, but with more sensors samples it will get closer. # note: using arrays starting at 1 for all fan arrays to make it easier overall # more validation because gensub if fails to get match returns full string, so # we have to be sure we are working with the actual real string before assiging # data to real variables and arrays. Extracting C/F degree unit as well to use # when constructing temp items for array. # note that because of charset issues, no tempUnit="°" tempWorkingUnit degree sign # used, but it is required in testing regex to avoid error. /^(M\/B|MB|SIO|SYS)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { moboTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]*)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } /^CPU(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { cpuTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } /^(P\/S|Power)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { psuTemp=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } $1 ~ /^temp1$/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) if ( temp1 == "" || tempWorking > 0 ) { temp1=tempWorking } tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } $1 ~ /^temp2$/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) if ( temp2 == "" || tempWorking > 0 ) { temp2=tempWorking } tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } # final fallback if all else fails, funtoo user showed sensors putting # temp on wrapped second line, not handled /^(core0|core 0)(.*)\+([0-9]+)(.*)[ \t°](C|F)/ && $2 ~ /^[ \t]*\+([0-9]+)/ { tempWorking=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) if ( core0Temp == "" || tempWorking > 0 ) { core0Temp=tempWorking } tempWorkingUnit=gensub( /[ \t]+\+([0-9\.]+)[ \t°]+([CF])(.*)/, "\\2", 1, $2 ) if ( tempWorkingUnit ~ /^C|F$/ && tempUnit == "" ){ tempUnit=tempWorkingUnit } } # note: can be cpu fan:, cpu fan speed:, etc. Some cases have no space before # $2 starts (like so :1234 RPM), so skip that space test in regex /^CPU(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { aFanMain[1]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) } /^(M\/B|MB|SYS)(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { aFanMain[2]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) } /(Power|P\/S|POWER)(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { aFanMain[3]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) } # note that the counters are dynamically set for fan numbers here # otherwise you could overwrite eg aux fan2 with case fan2 in theory # note: cpu/mobo/ps are 1/2/3 # NOTE: test: ! i in array does NOT work, this appears to be an awk/gawk bug /^(AUX(1)? |CASE(1)? |CHASSIS(1)? )(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { for ( i = 4; i < 7; i++ ){ if ( i in aFanMain ){ ## } else { aFanMain[i]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) break } } } /^(AUX([2-9]) |CASE([2-9]) |CHASSIS([2-9]) )(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { for ( i = 5; i < 30; i++ ){ if ( i in aFanMain ) { ## } else { sysFanNu = i aFanMain[i]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) break } } } # in rare cases syntax is like: fan1: xxx RPM /^(FAN(1)?[ \t:])(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { aFanDefault[1]=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) } /^FAN([2-9]|1[0-9])(.*)[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]RPM/ { fanWorking=gensub( /[ \t]*([0-9]+)[ \t]+(.*)/, "\\1", 1, $2 ) sysFanNu=gensub( /fan([0-9]+)/, "\\1", 1, $1 ) if ( sysFanNu ~ /^([0-9]+)$/ ) { # add to array if array index does not exist OR if number is > existing number if ( sysFanNu in aFanDefault ) { if ( fanWorking >= aFanDefault[sysFanNu] ) { aFanDefault[sysFanNu]=fanWorking } } else { aFanDefault[sysFanNu]=fanWorking } } } END { # first we need to handle the case where we have to determine which temp/fan to use for cpu and mobo: # note, for rare cases of weird cool cpus, user can override in their prefs and force the assignment if ( temp1 != "" && temp2 != "" ){ if ( userCpuNo != "" && userCpuNo ~ /(1|2)/ ) { tempFanType=userCpuNo } else { # first some fringe cases with cooler cpu than mobo: assume which is cpu temp based on fan speed # but only if other fan speed is 0 if ( temp1 >= temp2 && 1 in aFanDefault && 2 in aFanDefault && aFanDefault[1] == 0 && aFanDefault[2] > 0 ) { tempFanType=2 } else if ( temp2 >= temp1 && 1 in aFanDefault && 2 in aFanDefault && aFanDefault[2] == 0 && aFanDefault[1] > 0 ) { tempFanType=1 } # then handle the standard case if these fringe cases are false else if ( temp1 >= temp2 ) { tempFanType=1 } else { tempFanType=2 } } } # need a case for no temps at all reported, like with old intels else if ( temp2 == "" && cpuTemp == "" ){ if ( temp1 == "" && moboTemp == "" ){ tempFanType=1 } else if ( temp1 != "" && moboTemp == "" ){ tempFanType=1 } else if ( temp1 != "" && moboTemp != "" ){ tempFanType=1 } } # then get the real cpu temp, best guess is hottest is real if ( cpuTemp != "" ){ cpuTempReal=cpuTemp } else if ( tempFanType != "" ){ if ( tempFanType == 1 ){ cpuTempReal=temp1 } else { cpuTempReal=temp2 } } else { cpuTempReal=temp1 } # if all else fails, use core0 temp if it is present and cpu is null if ( cpuTempReal == "" && core0Temp != "" ) { cpuTempReal=core0Temp } # then the real mobo temp if ( moboTemp != "" ){ moboTempReal=moboTemp } else if ( tempFanType != "" ){ if ( tempFanType == 1 ) { moboTempReal=temp2 } else { moboTempReal=temp1 } } else { moboTempReal=temp2 } # then set the cpu fan speed if ( aFanMain[1] == "" ) { # note, you cannot test for aFanDefault[1] or [2] != "" # because that creates an array item in gawk just by the test itself if ( tempFanType == 1 && 1 in aFanDefault ) { aFanMain[1]=aFanDefault[1] aFanDefault[1]="" } else if ( tempFanType == 2 && 2 in aFanDefault ) { aFanMain[1]=aFanDefault[2] aFanDefault[2]="" } } # then we need to get the actual numeric max array count for both fan arrays for (i = 0; i <= 29; i++) { if ( i in aFanMain && i > indexCountaFanMain ) { indexCountaFanMain=i } } for (i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { if ( i in aFanDefault && i > indexCountaFanDefault ) { indexCountaFanDefault=i } } # clear out any duplicates. Primary fan real trumps fan working always if same speed for (i = 1; i <= indexCountaFanMain; i++) { if ( i in aFanMain && aFanMain[i] != "" && aFanMain[i] != 0 ) { for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) { if ( j in aFanDefault && aFanMain[i] == aFanDefault[j] ) { aFanDefault[j] = "" } } } } # now see if you can find the fast little mobo fan, > 5000 rpm and put it as mobo # note that gawk is returning true for some test cases when aFanDefault[j] < 5000 # which has to be a gawk bug, unless there is something really weird with arrays # note: 500 > aFanDefault[j] < 1000 is the exact trigger, and if you manually # assign that value below, the > 5000 test works again, and a print of the value # shows the proper value, so the corruption might be internal in awk. # Note: gensub is the culprit I think, assigning type string for range 501-1000 but # type integer for all others, this triggers true for > for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) { if ( j in aFanDefault && int( aFanDefault[j] ) > 5000 && aFanMain[2] == "" ) { aFanMain[2] = aFanDefault[j] aFanDefault[j] = "" # then add one if required for output if ( indexCountaFanMain < 2 ) { indexCountaFanMain = 2 } } } # then construct the sys_fan string for echo, note that iteration 1 # makes: fanDefaultString separator null, ie, no space or , for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanDefault; j++) { fanDefaultString = fanDefaultString separator aFanDefault[j] separator="," } separator="" # reset to null for next loop # then construct the sys_fan string for echo for (j = 1; j <= indexCountaFanMain; j++) { fanMainString = fanMainString separator aFanMain[j] separator="," } # and then build the temps: if ( moboTempReal != "" ) { moboTempReal = moboTempReal tempUnit } if ( cpuTempReal != "" ) { cpuTempReal = cpuTempReal tempUnit } # if they are ALL null, print error message. psFan is not used in output currently if ( cpuTempReal == "" && moboTempReal == "" && aFanMain[1] == "" && aFanMain[2] == "" && aFanMain[3] == "" && fanDefaultString == "" ) { print "No active sensors found. Have you configured your sensors yet?" } else { # then build array arrays: print cpuTempReal "," moboTempReal "," psuTemp # this is for output, a null print line does NOT create a new array index in bash if ( fanMainString == "" ) { fanMainString="," } print fanMainString print fanDefaultString } }' <<< "$Sensors_Data" ) ) fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" temp_array=${A_SENSORS_DATA[@]} log_function_data "A_SENSORS_DATA: $temp_array" # echo "A_SENSORS_DATA: ${A_SENSORS_DATA[@]}" eval $LOGFE } get_sensors_output() { local sensors_path=$( type -p sensors ) sensors_data='' if [[ -n $sensors_path ]];then sensors_data="$( $sensors_path 2>/dev/null )" if [[ -n "$sensors_data" ]];then # make sure the file ends in newlines then characters, the newlines are lost in the echo unless # the data ends in some characters sensors_data="$sensors_data\n\n###" fi fi echo -e "$sensors_data" } get_unmounted_partition_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_unmounted_working='' mounted_partitions='' separator='' unmounted_fs='' local dev_working='' uuid_working='' label_working='' if [[ $B_PARTITIONS_FILE == 'true' ]];then # set dev disk label/uuid data globals get_partition_dev_data 'label' get_partition_dev_data 'uuid' # create list for slicing out the mounted partitions for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_unmounted_working=( ${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if [[ -n ${a_unmounted_working[6]} ]];then mounted_partitions="$mounted_partitions$separator${a_unmounted_working[6]}" separator='|' fi done A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA=( $( grep -Ev '('$mounted_partitions')$' $FILE_PARTITIONS | gawk ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE=1 } # note that size 1 means it is a logical extended partition container # lvm might have dm-1 type syntax # need to exclude loop type file systems, squashfs for example /[a-z][0-9]+$|dm-[0-9]+$/ && $3 != 1 && $NF !~ /loop/ { size = sprintf( "%.2f", $3*1024/1000**3 ) print $4 "," size "G" }' ) ) for (( i=0; i < ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_unmounted_working=( ${A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" label_working=$( grep -E "${a_unmounted_working[0]}$" <<< "$DEV_DISK_LABEL" | gawk '{ print $(NF - 2) }' ) uuid_working=$( grep -E "${a_unmounted_working[0]}$" <<< "$DEV_DISK_UUID" | gawk '{ print $(NF - 2) }' ) unmounted_fs=$( get_unmounted_partition_filesystem "/dev/${a_unmounted_working[0]}" ) IFS="," A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]=${a_unmounted_working[0]}","${a_unmounted_working[1]}","$label_working","$uuid_working","$unmounted_fs IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" done fi # echo "${A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}" # echo "${A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]}" eval $LOGFE } # a few notes, normally file -s requires root, but you can set user rights in /etc/sudoers. # list of file systems: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_systems # args: $1 - /dev/ to be tested for get_unmounted_partition_filesystem() { eval $LOGFS local partition_filesystem='' sudo_command='' if [[ $B_FILE_TESTED != 'true' ]];then B_FILE_TESTED='true' FILE_PATH=$( type -p file ) fi if [[ $B_SUDO_TESTED != 'true' ]];then B_SUDO_TESTED='true' SUDO_PATH=$( type -p sudo ) fi if [[ -n $FILE_PATH && -n $1 ]];then # only use sudo if not root, -n option requires sudo -V 1.7 or greater. sudo will just error out # which is the safest course here for now, otherwise that interactive sudo password thing is too annoying # important: -n makes it non interactive, no prompt for password if [[ $B_ROOT != 'true' && -n $SUDO_PATH ]];then sudo_command='sudo -n ' fi # this will fail if regular user and no sudo present, but that's fine, it will just return null # note the hack that simply slices out the first line if > 1 items found in string # also, if grub/lilo is on partition boot sector, no file system data is available partition_filesystem=$( eval $sudo_command $FILE_PATH -s $1 | grep -Eio '(ext2|ext3|ext4|ext5|ext[[:space:]]|ntfs|fat32|fat16|fat[[:space:]]\(.*\)|vfat|fatx|tfat|swap|btrfs|ffs[[:space:]]|hfs\+|hfs[[:space:]]plus|hfs[[:space:]]extended[[:space:]]version[[:space:]][1-9]|hfsj|hfs[[:space:]]|jfs[[:space:]]|nss[[:space:]]|reiserfs|reiser4|ufs2|ufs[[:space:]]|xfs[[:space:]]|zfs[[:space:]])' | grep -Em 1 '.*' ) if [[ -n $partition_filesystem ]];then echo $partition_filesystem fi fi eval $LOGFE } ## return uptime string get_uptime() { eval $LOGFS ## note: removing gsub(/ /,"",a); to get get space back in there, goes right before print a local uptime_value="$( uptime | gawk '{ a = gensub(/^.*up *([^,]*).*$/,"\\1","g",$0) print a }' )" echo "$uptime_value" log_function_data "uptime_value: $uptime_value" eval $LOGFE } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### special data handling for specific options and conditions #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- # args: $1 - string to strip color code characters out of # returns count of string length minus colors calculate_line_length() { local string="$1" # ansi:  irc: \x0312 string=$( sed -e "s/\x1b\[[0-9]\{1,2\}\(;[0-9]\{1,2\}\)\{0,2\}m//g" -e "s/\\\x0[0-9]\{1,3\}//g" <<< $string ) count=$( wc -c <<< $string ) echo $count } ## multiply the core count by the data to be calculated, bmips, cache # args: $1 - string to handle; $2 - cpu count calculate_multicore_data() { eval $LOGFS local string_number=$1 string_data='' if [[ -n $( grep -Ei '( mb| kb)' <<< $1 ) ]];then string_data=" $( gawk '{print $2}' <<< $1 )" # add a space for output string_number=$( gawk '{print $1}' <<< $1 ) fi # handle weird error cases where it's not a number if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9\.,]+$' <<< $string_number ) ]];then string_number=$( echo $string_number $2 | gawk '{ total = $1*$2 print total }' ) elif [[ $string_number == '' ]];then string_number='Not Available' else # I believe that the above returns 'unknown' by default so no need for extra text string_number="$string_number " fi echo "$string_number$string_data" log_function_data "string_numberstring_data: $string_number$string_data" eval $LOGFE } # prints out shortened list of flags, the main ones of interest # args: $1 - string of cpu flags to process process_cpu_flags() { eval $LOGFS # must have a space after last item in list for RS=" " local cpu_flags_working="$1 " # nx = AMD stack protection extensions # lm = Intel 64bit extensions # sse, sse2, pni = sse1,2,3,4,5 gfx extensions # svm = AMD pacifica virtualization extensions # vmx = Intel IVT (vanderpool) virtualization extensions cpu_flags=$( echo "$cpu_flags_working" | gawk ' BEGIN { RS=" " count = 0 i = 1 # start at one because of for increment issue flag_string = "" } /^(lm|nx|pni|svm|vmx|(sss|ss)e([2-9])?([a-z])?(_[0-9])?)$/ { if ( $0 == "pni" ){ a_flags[i] = "sse3" } else { a_flags[i] = $0 } i++ } END { count = asort( a_flags ) # note: why does gawk increment before the loop and not after? weird. for ( i=0; i <= count; i++ ){ if ( flag_string == "" ) { flag_string = a_flags[i] } else { flag_string = flag_string " " a_flags[i] } } print flag_string }' ) #grep -oE '\<(nx|lm|sse[0-9]?|pni|svm|vmx)\>' | tr '\n' ' ')) if [[ -z $cpu_flags ]];then cpu_flags="-" fi echo "$cpu_flags" log_function_data "cpu_flags: $cpu_flags" eval $LOGFE } #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### print and processing of output data #### ------------------------------------------------------------------- #### MASTER PRINT FUNCTION - triggers all line item print functions ## main function to print out, master for all sub print functions. print_it_out() { eval $LOGFS # note that print_it_out passes local variable values on to its children, # and in some cases, their children, with Lspci_Data local Lspci_Data='' # only for verbose if [[ $B_SHOW_SHORT_OUTPUT == 'true' ]];then print_short_data else Lspci_Data="$( get_lspci_data )" if [[ $B_SHOW_SYSTEM == 'true' ]];then print_system_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_MACHINE == 'true' ]];then print_machine_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_CPU == 'true' || $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then print_cpu_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_GRAPHICS == 'true' ]];then print_gfx_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_AUDIO == 'true' ]];then print_audio_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_NETWORK == 'true' ]];then print_networking_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_DISK_TOTAL == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK == 'true' || $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then print_hard_disk_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_PARTITIONS == 'true' ]];then print_partition_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then print_raid_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_UNMOUNTED_PARTITIONS == 'true' ]];then print_unmounted_partition_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_SENSORS == 'true' ]];then print_sensors_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_REPOS == 'true' ]];then print_repo_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA == 'true' || $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'true' ]];then print_ps_data fi if [[ $B_SHOW_INFO == 'true' ]];then print_info_data fi fi eval $LOGFE } #### SHORT OUTPUT PRINT FUNCTION, ie, verbosity 0 # all the get data stuff is loaded here to keep execution time down for single line print commands # these will also be loaded in each relevant print function for long output print_short_data() { eval $LOGFS local current_kernel=$( uname -rm ) # | gawk '{print $1,$3,$(NF-1)}' ) local processes="$(( $( ps aux | wc -l ) - 1 ))" local short_data='' i='' b_background_black='false' local memory=$( get_memory_data ) local up_time="$( get_uptime )" # set A_CPU_CORE_DATA get_cpu_core_count local cpc_plural='' cpu_count_print='' model_plural='' local cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]} local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[3]} local cpu_core_alpha=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[1]} local cpu_type=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[2]} if [[ $cpu_physical_count -gt 1 ]];then cpc_plural='(s)' model_plural='s' cpu_count_print="$cpu_physical_count " fi local cpu_data_string="${cpu_count_print}${cpu_core_alpha} core" # local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]} # load A_HDD_DATA get_hdd_data_basic ## note: if hdd_model is declared prior to use, whatever string you want inserted will ## be inserted first. In this case, it's desirable to print out (x) before each disk found. local a_hdd_data_count=$(( ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1 )) IFS="," local a_hdd_basic_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$a_hdd_data_count]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" local hdd_capacity=${a_hdd_basic_working[0]} local hdd_used=${a_hdd_basic_working[1]} # load A_CPU_DATA get_cpu_data IFS="," local a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[0]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" local cpu_model="${a_cpu_working[0]}" ## assemble data for output local cpu_clock="${a_cpu_working[1]}" # old CPU3 # this gets that weird min/max final array item local min_max_clock_nu=$(( ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} - 1 )) local min_max_clock=${A_CPU_DATA[$min_max_clock_nu]} local script_patch_number=$( get_patch_version_string ) #set_color_scheme 12 if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'false' ]];then for i in $C1 $C2 $CN do case "$i" in "$GREEN"|"$WHITE"|"$YELLOW"|"$CYAN") b_background_black='true' ;; esac done if [[ $b_background_black == 'true' ]];then for i in C1 C2 CN do ## these need to be in quotes, don't know why if [[ ${!i} == $NORMAL ]];then declare $i="${!i}15,1" else declare $i="${!i},1" fi done #C1="${C1},1"; C2="${C2},1"; CN="${CN},1" fi fi short_data="${C1}CPU$cpc_plural${C2}${SEP1}${cpu_data_string} ${cpu_model}$model_plural (${cpu_type}) clocked at ${min_max_clock}${SEP2}${C1}Kernel${C2}${SEP1}${current_kernel}${SEP2}${C1}Up${C2}${SEP1}${up_time}${SEP2}${C1}Mem${C2}${SEP1}${memory}${SEP2}${C1}HDD${C2}${SEP1}${hdd_capacity}($hdd_used)${SEP2}${C1}Procs${C2}${SEP1}${processes}${SEP2}" if [[ $SHOW_IRC -gt 0 ]];then short_data="${short_data}${C1}Client${C2}${SEP1}${IRC_CLIENT}${IRC_CLIENT_VERSION}${SEP2}" fi short_data="${short_data}${C1}$SCRIPT_NAME${C2}${SEP1}$SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER$script_patch_number${SEP2}${CN}" if [[ $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then short_data="${short_data} $NORMAL" fi print_screen_output "$short_data" eval $LOGFE } #### LINE ITEM PRINT FUNCTIONS # print sound card data print_audio_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' card_id='' audio_data='' a_audio_data='' port_data='' pci_bus_id='' local a_audio_working='' alsa_driver='' alsa_data='' port_plural='' module_version='' local bus_usb_text='' bus_usb_id='' line_starter='Audio:' alsa='' alsa_version='' # set A_AUDIO_DATA and get alsa data get_audio_data get_audio_alsa_data # alsa driver data now prints out no matter what if [[ -n $A_ALSA_DATA ]];then IFS="," if [[ -n ${A_ALSA_DATA[0]} ]];then alsa=${A_ALSA_DATA[0]} else alsa='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_ALSA_DATA[1]} ]];then alsa_version=${A_ALSA_DATA[1]} else alsa_version='N/A' fi alsa_data="${C1}Sound:${C2} $alsa ${C1}ver$SEP3${C2} $alsa_version" IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" fi # note, error handling is done in the get function, so this will never be null, but # leaving the test just in case it's changed. if [[ -n ${A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} ]];then for (( i=0; i< ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_audio_working=( ${A_AUDIO_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" port_data='' alsa_driver='' audio_data='' port_plural='' module_version='' pci_bus_id='' bus_usb_text='' bus_usb_id='' if [[ ${#A_AUDIO_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then card_id="-$(( $i + 1 ))" fi if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[3]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_audio_working[3]}" 'audio' ) elif [[ -n ${a_audio_working[1]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_audio_working[1]}" 'audio' ) fi # we're testing for the presence of the 2nd array item here, which is the driver name if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[1]} ]];then alsa_driver=" ${C1}driver$SEP3${C2} ${a_audio_working[1]}" fi if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[2]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ $( wc -w <<< ${a_audio_working[2]} ) -gt 1 ]];then port_plural='s' fi port_data=" ${C1}port$port_plural$SEP3${C2} ${a_audio_working[2]}" fi if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[4]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ ${a_audio_working[1]} != 'USB Audio' ]];then bus_usb_text='bus-ID' else bus_usb_text='usb-ID' fi bus_usb_id=${a_audio_working[4]} pci_bus_id=" ${C1}$bus_usb_text$SEP3${C2} $bus_usb_id" fi if [[ -n ${a_audio_working[0]} ]];then audio_data="${C1}Card$card_id:${C2} ${a_audio_working[0]}$alsa_driver$port_data$pci_bus_id" fi # only print alsa on last line if short enough, otherwise print on its own line if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then if [[ -n $alsa_data && $( calculate_line_length "${audio_data}$alsa_data" ) -lt $LINE_MAX ]];then audio_data="$audio_data $alsa_data" alsa_data='' fi fi if [[ -n $audio_data ]];then audio_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$audio_data" ) print_screen_output "$audio_data" line_starter=' ' fi done fi if [[ -n $alsa_data ]];then alsa_data=$( sed 's/ALSA/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture/' <<< $alsa_data ) alsa_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$alsa_data" ) print_screen_output "$alsa_data" fi eval $LOGFE } print_cpu_data() { eval $LOGFS local cpu_data='' i='' cpu_clock_speed='' cpu_multi_clock_data='' local bmip_data='' cpu_cache='' cpu_vendor='' cpu_flags='' ##print_screen_output "A_CPU_DATA[0]=\"${A_CPU_DATA[0]}\"" # Array A_CPU_DATA always has one extra element: max clockfreq found. # that's why its count is one more than you'd think from cores/cpus alone # load A_CPU_DATA get_cpu_data IFS="," local a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[0]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" local cpu_model="${a_cpu_working[0]}" ## assemble data for output local cpu_clock="${a_cpu_working[1]}" cpu_vendor=${a_cpu_working[5]} # set A_CPU_CORE_DATA get_cpu_core_count local cpc_plural='' cpu_count_print='' model_plural='' local cpu_physical_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[0]} local cpu_core_count=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[3]} local cpu_core_alpha=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[1]} local cpu_type=${A_CPU_CORE_DATA[2]} if [[ $cpu_physical_count -gt 1 ]];then cpc_plural='(s)' cpu_count_print="$cpu_physical_count " model_plural='s' fi local cpu_data_string="${cpu_count_print}${cpu_core_alpha} core" # Strange (and also some expected) behavior encountered. If print_screen_output() uses $1 # as the parameter to output to the screen, then passing " ${ARR[@]} " # will output only and first element of ARR. That "@" splits in elements and "*" _doesn't_, # is to be expected. However, that text2 is consecutively truncated is somewhat strange, so take note. # This has been confirmed by #bash on freenode. # The above mentioned only emerges when using the debugging markers below ## print_screen_output "a_cpu_working=\"***${a_cpu_working[@]} $hostName+++++++\"----------" if [[ -z ${a_cpu_working[2]} ]];then a_cpu_working[2]="unknown" fi cpu_data=$( create_print_line "CPU$cpc_plural:" "${C1}${cpu_data_string}${C2} ${a_cpu_working[0]}$model_plural (${cpu_type})" ) if [[ $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then # update for multicore, bogomips x core count. if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then # if [[ $cpu_vendor != 'intel' ]];then bmip_data=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[4]}" "$(( $cpu_core_count * $cpu_physical_count ))" ) # else # bmip_data="${a_cpu_working[4]}" # fi bmip_data=" ${C1}bmips$SEP3${C2} $bmip_data" fi ## note: this handles how intel reports L2, total instead of per core like AMD does # note that we need to multiply by number of actual cpus here to get true cache size if [[ $cpu_vendor != 'intel' ]];then cpu_cache=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[2]}" "$(( $cpu_core_count * $cpu_physical_count ))" ) else cpu_cache=$( calculate_multicore_data "${a_cpu_working[2]}" "$cpu_physical_count" ) fi # only print shortened list if [[ $B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL != 'true' ]];then cpu_flags=$( process_cpu_flags "${a_cpu_working[3]}" ) cpu_flags=" ${C1}flags$SEP3${C2} ($cpu_flags)" fi cpu_data="$cpu_data${C2} ${C1}cache$SEP3${C2} $cpu_cache$cpu_flags$bmip_data${CN}" fi # we don't this printing out extra line unless > 1 cpu core if [[ ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} -gt 2 && $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then cpu_clock_speed='' # null < verbosity level 5 else cpu_data="$cpu_data ${C1}clocked at${C2} ${a_cpu_working[1]} MHz${CN}" fi cpu_data="$cpu_data $cpu_clock_speed" print_screen_output "$cpu_data" # we don't this printing out extra line unless > 1 cpu core if [[ ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]} -gt 2 && $B_SHOW_CPU == 'true' ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_CPU_DATA[@]}-1; i++ )) do IFS="," a_cpu_working=(${A_CPU_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # note: the first iteration will create a first space, for color code separation below cpu_multi_clock_data="$cpu_multi_clock_data ${C1}$(( i + 1 )):${C2} ${a_cpu_working[1]} MHz${CN}" # someone actually appeared with a 16 core system, so going to stop the cpu core throttle # if this had some other purpose which we can't remember we'll add it back in #if [[ $i -gt 10 ]];then # break #fi done if [[ -n $cpu_multi_clock_data ]];then cpu_multi_clock_data=$( create_print_line " " "${C1}Clock Speeds:${C2}$cpu_multi_clock_data" ) print_screen_output "$cpu_multi_clock_data" fi fi if [[ $B_CPU_FLAGS_FULL == 'true' ]];then print_cpu_flags_full "${a_cpu_working[3]}" fi eval $LOGFE } # takes list of all flags, split them and prints x per line # args: $1 - cpu flag string print_cpu_flags_full() { eval $LOGFS local cpu_flags_full="$1" a_cpu_flags='' line_starter='' local i=0 counter=0 max_length=18 max_length_add=18 flag='' flag_data='' # build the flag line array for flag in $cpu_flags_full do a_cpu_flags[$counter]="${a_cpu_flags[$counter]}$flag " if [[ $i -ge $max_length ]];then (( counter++ )) max_length=$(( $max_length + $max_length_add )) fi ((i++)) done # then print it out for (( i=0; i < ${#a_cpu_flags[@]};i++ )) do if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then line_starter="${C1}CPU Flags$SEP3${C2} " else line_starter='' fi flag_data=$( create_print_line " " "$line_starter${a_cpu_flags[$i]}" ) print_screen_output "$flag_data" done eval $LOGFE } print_gfx_data() { eval $LOGFS local gfx_data='' i='' card_id='' root_alert='' root_x_string='' a_gfx_working='' local b_is_mesa='false' display_full_string='' gfx_bus_id='' gfx_card_data='' local res_tty='Resolution' xorg_data='' x_vendor_string='' local spacer='' x_driver='' x_driver_string='' x_driver_plural='' direct_render_string='' local separator_loaded='' separator_unloaded='' separator_failed='' local loaded='' unloaded='' failed='' local line_starter='Graphics:' local screen_resolution="$( get_graphics_res_data )" # set A_GFX_CARD_DATA get_graphics_card_data # set A_X_DATA get_graphics_x_data local x_vendor=${A_X_DATA[0]} local x_version=${A_X_DATA[1]} # set A_GLX_DATA get_graphics_glx_data local glx_renderer="${A_GLX_DATA[0]}" local glx_version="${A_GLX_DATA[1]}" # this can contain a long No case debugging message, so it's being sliced off # note: using grep -ioE '(No|Yes)' <<< ${A_GLX_DATA[2]} did not work in Arch, no idea why local glx_direct_render=$( gawk '{print $1}' <<< "${A_GLX_DATA[2]}" ) # set A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS get_graphics_driver if [[ ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]} -eq 0 ]];then x_driver=' N/A' else for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_gfx_working=( ${A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" case ${a_gfx_working[1]} in loaded) loaded="$loaded$separator_loaded${a_gfx_working[0]}" separator_loaded=',' ;; unloaded) unloaded="$unloaded$separator_unloaded${a_gfx_working[0]}" separator_unloaded=',' ;; failed) failed="$failed$separator_failed${a_gfx_working[0]}" separator_failed=',' ;; esac done fi if [[ -n $loaded ]];then x_driver="${x_driver} $loaded" fi if [[ -n $unloaded ]];then x_driver="${x_driver} (unloaded: $unloaded)" fi if [[ -n $failed ]];then x_driver="${x_driver} ${RED}FAILED:${C2} $failed" fi if [[ ${#A_GRAPHIC_DRIVERS[@]} -gt 1 ]];then x_driver_plural='s' fi x_driver_string="${C1}driver$x_driver_plural$SEP3${C2}$x_driver " # some basic error handling: if [[ -z $screen_resolution ]];then screen_resolution='N/A' fi if [[ -z $x_vendor || -z $x_version ]];then x_vendor_string="${C1}X-Vendor:${C2} N/A " else x_vendor_string="${C1}$x_vendor$SEP3${C2} $x_version " fi if [[ $B_ROOT == 'true' ]];then root_x_string='for root ' if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL == 'true' || $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' ]];then res_tty='tty size' fi fi if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_X != 'true' ]];then root_x_string="${root_x_string}out of X" res_tty='tty size' fi if [[ -n $root_x_string ]];then root_x_string="${C1}Advanced Data:${C2} N/A $root_x_string" fi display_full_string="$x_vendor_string$x_driver_string${C1}${res_tty}$SEP3${C2} ${screen_resolution} $root_x_string" if [[ ${#A_GFX_CARD_DATA[@]} -gt 0 ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_GFX_CARD_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_gfx_working=( ${A_GFX_CARD_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" gfx_bus_id='' gfx_card_data=${a_gfx_working[0]} if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_gfx_working[1]} ]];then gfx_bus_id=" ${C1}bus-ID$SEP3${C2} ${a_gfx_working[1]}" else gfx_bus_id=" ${C1}bus-ID$SEP3${C2} N/A" fi fi if [[ ${#A_GFX_CARD_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then card_id="Card-$(($i+1)):" else card_id='Card:' fi gfx_data="${C1}$card_id${C2} $gfx_card_data$gfx_bus_id " if [[ ${#A_GFX_CARD_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then gfx_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${gfx_data}" ) print_screen_output "$gfx_data" line_starter=' ' gfx_data='' fi done # handle cases where card detection fails, like in PS3, where lspci gives no output, or headless boxes.. else gfx_data="${C1}Card:${C2} Failed to Detect Video Card! " fi if [[ -n $gfx_data && $( calculate_line_length "${gfx_data}$display_full_string" ) -lt $LINE_MAX ]];then gfx_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${gfx_data}$display_full_string" ) else if [[ -n $gfx_data ]];then gfx_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$gfx_data" ) print_screen_output "$gfx_data" line_starter=' ' fi gfx_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$display_full_string" ) fi print_screen_output "$gfx_data" # if [[ -z $glx_renderer || -z $glx_version ]];then # b_is_mesa='true' # fi ## note: if glx render or version have no content, then mesa is true # if [[ $B_SHOW_X_DATA == 'true' ]] && [[ $b_is_mesa != 'true' ]];then if [[ $B_SHOW_X_DATA == 'true' && $B_ROOT != 'true' ]];then if [[ -z $glx_renderer ]];then glx_renderer='N/A' fi if [[ -z $glx_version ]];then glx_version='N/A' fi if [[ -z $glx_direct_render ]];then glx_direct_render='N/A' fi if [[ $B_HANDLE_CORRUPT_DATA == 'true' || $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then direct_render_string=" ${C1}Direct Rendering$SEP3${C2} ${glx_direct_render}${CN}" fi gfx_data="${C1}GLX Renderer$SEP3${C2} ${glx_renderer} ${C1}GLX Version$SEP3${C2} ${glx_version}${CN}$direct_render_string" gfx_data=$( create_print_line " " "$gfx_data" ) print_screen_output "$gfx_data" fi eval $LOGFE } print_hard_disk_data() { eval $LOGFS local hdd_data='' hdd_data_2='' a_hdd_working='' hdd_temp_data='' hdd_string='' local hdd_serial='' local dev_data='' size_data='' hdd_model='' usb_data='' hdd_name='' divisor=5 local Line_Starter='Drives:' # inherited by print_optical_drives # load A_HDD_DATA get_hdd_data_basic ## note: if hdd_model is declared prior to use, whatever string you want inserted will ## be inserted first. In this case, it's desirable to print out (x) before each disk found. local a_hdd_data_count=$(( ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1 )) IFS="," local a_hdd_basic_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[$a_hdd_data_count]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" local hdd_capacity="${a_hdd_basic_working[0]}" local hdd_used=${a_hdd_basic_working[1]} if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_DISK == 'true' || $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then ## note: the output part of this should be in the print hdd data function, not here get_hard_drive_data_advanced for (( i=0; i < ${#A_HDD_DATA[@]} - 1; i++ )) do # this adds the (x) numbering in front of each disk found, and creates the full disk string IFS="," a_hdd_working=( ${A_HDD_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if [[ $B_SHOW_DISK == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_hdd_working[3]} ]];then usb_data="${a_hdd_working[3]} " else usb_data='' fi dev_data="/dev/${a_hdd_working[0]} " size_data=" ${C1}size$SEP3${C2} ${a_hdd_working[1]}" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n $dev_data ]];then hdd_temp_data=$( get_hdd_temp_data "$dev_data" ) # error handling is done in get data function if [[ -n $hdd_temp_data ]];then hdd_temp_data=" ${C1}temp$SEP3${C2} ${hdd_temp_data}C" else hdd_temp_data='' fi fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then hdd_serial=$( get_hdd_serial_number "${a_hdd_working[0]}" ) if [[ -z $hdd_serial ]];then hdd_serial='N/A' fi hdd_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} $hdd_serial" divisor=1 # print every line else divisor=2 # for modulus line print out, either 2 items for full, or default for short fi dev_data="${C1}id$SEP3${C2} /dev/${a_hdd_working[0]} " fi hdd_name="${C1}model$SEP3${C2} ${a_hdd_working[2]}" hdd_string="$usb_data$dev_data$hdd_name$size_data$hdd_serial$hdd_temp_data" hdd_model="${hdd_model}${C1}$(($i+1)):${C2} $hdd_string " # printing line one, then new lines according to $divisor setting, and after, if leftovers, print that line. case $i in 0) if [[ $divisor -eq 1 ]];then hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${C1}HDD Total Size:${C2} ${hdd_capacity} (${hdd_used})" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" Line_Starter=' ' hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${hdd_model}" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" hdd_model='' else hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${C1}HDD Total Size:${C2} ${hdd_capacity} (${hdd_used}) ${hdd_model}" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" hdd_model='' Line_Starter=' ' fi ;; *) # using modulus here, if divisible by $divisor, print line, otherwise skip if [[ $(( $i % $divisor )) -eq 0 ]];then hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${hdd_model}${CN}" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" hdd_model='' Line_Starter=' ' fi ;; esac done # then print any leftover items if [[ -n $hdd_model ]];then hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${hdd_model}${CN}" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" fi else hdd_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "${C1}HDD Total Size:${C2} ${hdd_capacity} (${hdd_used})${CN}" ) print_screen_output "$hdd_data" Line_Starter=' ' fi if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' || $B_SHOW_BASIC_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then print_optical_drive_data fi eval $LOGFE } print_info_data() { eval $LOGFS local info_data='' line_starter='Info:' local runlvl='' client_data='' local memory="$( get_memory_data )" local processes="$(( $( ps aux | wc -l ) - 1 ))" local up_time="$( get_uptime )" local script_patch_number=$( get_patch_version_string ) local gcc_string='' gcc_installed='' gcc_others='' closing_data='' if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then get_gcc_system_version if [[ ${#A_GCC_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]];then if [[ -n ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[0]} ]];then gcc_installed=${A_GCC_VERSIONS[0]} else gcc_installed='N/A' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && -n ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[1]} ]];then gcc_others=" ${C1}alt$SEP3${C2} $( tr ',' '/' <<< ${A_GCC_VERSIONS[1]} )" fi gcc_installed="${C1}Gcc sys$SEP3${C2} $gcc_installed$gcc_others " fi fi # Some code could look superfluous but BitchX doesn't like lines not ending in a newline. F*&k that bitch! # long_last=$( echo -ne "${C1}Processes$SEP3${C2} ${processes}${CN} | ${C1}Uptime$SEP3${C2} ${up_time}${CN} | ${C1}Memory$SEP3${C2} ${MEM}${CN}" ) info_data="${C1}Processes$SEP3${C2} ${processes} ${C1}Uptime$SEP3${C2} ${up_time} ${C1}Memory$SEP3${C2} ${memory}${CN} " # this only triggers if no X data is present or if extra data switch is on if [[ $B_SHOW_X_DATA != 'true' || $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then runlvl="$( get_runlevel_data )" if [[ -n $runlvl ]];then info_data="${info_data}${C1}Runlevel$SEP3${C2} ${runlvl} " fi fi if [[ $SHOW_IRC -gt 0 ]];then client_data="${C1}Client$SEP3${C2} ${IRC_CLIENT}${IRC_CLIENT_VERSION} " fi info_data="${info_data}$gcc_installed" closing_data="$client_data${C1}$SCRIPT_NAME$SEP3${C2} $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER$script_patch_number${CN}" if [[ -n $info_data && $( calculate_line_length "$info_data$closing_data" ) -gt $LINE_MAX ]];then info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" ) print_screen_output "$info_data" info_data="$closing_data" line_starter=' ' else info_data="${info_data}$closing_data" fi info_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$info_data" ) if [[ $SCHEME -gt 0 ]];then info_data="${info_data} ${NORMAL}" fi print_screen_output "$info_data" eval $LOGFE } print_machine_data() { eval $LOGFS local system_line='' mobo_line='' bios_line='' chassis_line='' local mobo_vendor='' mobo_model='' mobo_version='' mobo_serial='' local bios_vendor='' bios_version='' bios_date='' local system_vendor='' product_name='' product_version='' product_serial='' product_uuid='' local chassis_vendor='' chassis_type='' chassis_version='' chassis_serial='' local b_skip_system='false' b_skip_chassis='false' # set A_MACHINE_DATA get_machine_data IFS=',' ## keys for machine data are: # 0-sys_vendor 1-product_name 2-product_version 3-product_serial 4-product_uuid # 5-board_vendor 6-board_name 7-board_version 8-board_serial # 9-bios_vendor 10-bios_version 11-bios_date ## with extra data: # 12-chassis_vendor 13-chassis_type 14-chassis_version 15-chassis_serial if [[ ${#A_MACHINE_DATA[@]} -gt 0 ]];then # note: in some case a mobo/version will match a product name/version, do not print those # but for laptops, or even falsely id'ed desktops with batteries, let's print it all if it matches # there can be false id laptops if battery appears so need to make sure system is filled if [[ -z ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} ]];then b_skip_system='true' else if [[ $B_PORTABLE != 'true' ]];then # ibm / ibm can be true; dell / quantum is false, so in other words, only do this # in case where the vendor is the same and the version is the same and not null, # otherwise the version information is going to be different in all cases I think if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]} ]];then if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]] || \ [[ -z ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]} ]];then b_skip_system='true' fi fi fi fi # no point in showing chassis if system isn't there, it's very unlikely that would be correct if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $b_skip_system != 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} && ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]} == ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]];then b_skip_chassis='true' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]} && $b_skip_chassis != 'true' ]];then # no need to print the vendor string again if it's the same if [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]} != ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} ]];then chassis_vendor=" ${A_MACHINE_DATA[12]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[13]} ]];then chassis_type=" ${C1}type$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[13]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]} ]];then chassis_version=" ${C1}version$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[14]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[15]} && $B_OUTPUT_FILTER != 'true' ]];then chassis_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[15]}" fi if [[ -n "$chassis_vendor$chassis_type$chassis_version$chassis_serial" ]];then chassis_line="${C1}Chassis$SEP3${C2}$chassis_vendor$chassis_type$chassis_version$chassis_serial" fi fi fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]} ]];then mobo_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[5]} else mobo_vendor='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]} ]];then mobo_model=${A_MACHINE_DATA[6]} else mobo_model='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]} ]];then mobo_version=" ${C1}version$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[7]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[8]} && $B_OUTPUT_FILTER != 'true' ]];then mobo_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[8]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[9]} ]];then bios_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[9]} else bios_vendor='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[10]} ]];then bios_version=${A_MACHINE_DATA[10]} else bios_version='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[11]} ]];then bios_date=${A_MACHINE_DATA[11]} else bios_date='N/A' fi mobo_line="${C1}Mobo$SEP3${C2} $mobo_vendor ${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $mobo_model$mobo_version$mobo_serial" bios_line="${C1}Bios$SEP3${C2} $bios_vendor ${C1}version$SEP3${C2} $bios_version ${C1}date$SEP3${C2} $bios_date" if [[ $( calculate_line_length "$mobo_line$bios_line" ) -lt $LINE_MAX ]];then mobo_line="$mobo_line $bios_line" bios_line='' fi if [[ $b_skip_system == 'true' ]];then system_line=$mobo_line mobo_line='' else # this has already been tested for above so we know it's not null system_vendor=${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} if [[ $B_PORTABLE == 'true' ]];then system_vendor="$system_vendor (portable)" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]} ]];then product_name=${A_MACHINE_DATA[1]} else product_name='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]} ]];then product_version=" ${C1}version$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[2]}" fi if [[ -n ${A_MACHINE_DATA[3]} && $B_OUTPUT_FILTER != 'true' ]];then product_serial=" ${C1}serial$SEP3${C2} ${A_MACHINE_DATA[3]} " fi system_line="${C1}System$SEP3${C2} $system_vendor ${C1}product$SEP3${C2} $product_name$product_version$product_serial" if [[ -n $chassis_line && $( calculate_line_length "$system_line$chassis_line" ) -lt $LINE_MAX ]];then system_line="$system_line $chassis_line" chassis_line='' fi fi IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" else system_line="${C2}No /sys/class/dmi machine data - try newer kernel, or install dmidecode${CN}" fi # patch to dump all of above if dmidecode was data source and non root user if [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-non-root-user' || ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-no-smbios-dmi-data' ]];then if [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-non-root-user' ]];then system_line="${C2}No /sys/class/dmi, using dmidecode: you must be root to run dmidecode${CN}" elif [[ ${A_MACHINE_DATA[0]} == 'dmidecode-no-smbios-dmi-data' ]];then system_line="${C2}No /sys/class/dmi, using dmidecode: no machine data available${CN}" fi mobo_line='' bios_line='' chassis_line='' fi system_line=$( create_print_line "Machine:" "$system_line" ) print_screen_output "$system_line" if [[ -n $mobo_line ]];then mobo_line=$( create_print_line " " "$mobo_line" ) print_screen_output "$mobo_line" fi if [[ -n $bios_line ]];then bios_line=$( create_print_line " " "$bios_line" ) print_screen_output "$bios_line" fi if [[ -n $chassis_line ]];then chassis_line=$( create_print_line " " "$chassis_line" ) print_screen_output "$chassis_line" fi eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - module name (could be > 1, so loop it ); $2 - audio (optional) print_module_version() { eval $LOGFS local module_versions='' module='' version='' prefix='' modules=$1 # note that sound driver data tends to have upper case, but modules are lower if [[ $2 == 'audio' ]];then if [[ -z $( grep -E '^snd' <<< $modules ) ]];then prefix='snd_' # sound modules start with snd_ fi modules=$( tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' <<< $modules ) modules=$( tr '-' '_' <<< $modules ) # special intel processing, generally no version info though if [[ $modules == 'hda intel' ]];then modules='hda_intel' elif [[ $modules == 'intel ich' ]];then modules='intel8x0' fi fi for module in $modules do version=$( get_module_version_number "$prefix$module" ) if [[ -n $version ]];then module_versions="$module_versions $version" fi done if [[ -n $module_versions ]];then echo " ${C1}ver$SEP3${C2}$module_versions" fi eval $LOGFE } print_networking_data() { eval $LOGFS local i='' card_id='' network_data='' a_network_working='' port_data='' driver_data='' local card_string='' port_plural='' module_version='' pci_bus_id='' bus_usb_text='' local bus_usb_id='' line_starter='Network:' card_string='' card_data='' # set A_NETWORK_DATA get_networking_data # will never be null because null is handled in get_network_data, but in case we change # that leaving this test in place. if [[ -n ${A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_network_working=( ${A_NETWORK_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" bus_usb_id='' bus_usb_text='' card_data='' card_string='' driver_data='' module_version='' network_data='' pci_bus_id='' port_data='' port_plural='' if [[ ${#A_NETWORK_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then card_id="-$(( $i + 1 ))" fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[1]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then module_version=$( print_module_version "${a_network_working[1]}" ) fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[1]} ]];then driver_data="${C1}driver$SEP3${C2} ${a_network_working[1]}$module_version " fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[2]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ $( wc -w <<< ${a_network_working[2]} ) -gt 1 ]];then port_plural='s' fi port_data="${C1}port$port_plural$SEP3${C2} ${a_network_working[2]} " fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[4]} && $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ -z $( grep '^usb-' <<< ${a_network_working[4]} ) ]];then bus_usb_text='bus-ID' bus_usb_id=${a_network_working[4]} else bus_usb_text='usb-ID' bus_usb_id=$( cut -d '-' -f '2-4' <<< ${a_network_working[4]} ) fi pci_bus_id="${C1}$bus_usb_text$SEP3${C2} $bus_usb_id" fi card_string="${C1}Card$card_id:${C2} ${a_network_working[0]} " card_data="$driver_data$port_data$pci_bus_id" if [[ $( calculate_line_length "$card_string$card_data" ) -gt $LINE_MAX ]];then network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string" ) line_starter=' ' card_string='' print_screen_output "$network_data" fi network_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$card_string$card_data" ) line_starter=' ' print_screen_output "$network_data" if [[ $B_SHOW_ADVANCED_NETWORK == 'true' ]];then print_network_advanced_data fi done fi if [[ $B_SHOW_IP == 'true' ]];then print_networking_ip_data fi eval $LOGFE } print_network_advanced_data() { eval $LOGFS local network_data='' if_id='N/A' duplex='N/A' mac_id='N/A' speed='N/A' oper_state='N/A' local b_is_wifi='false' speed_string='' duplex_string='' # first check if it's a known wifi id'ed card, if so, no print of duplex/speed if [[ -n $( grep -Esi '(wireless|wifi|wi-fi|wlan|802\.11|centrino)' <<< ${a_network_working[0]} ) ]];then b_is_wifi='true' fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[5]} ]];then if_id=${a_network_working[5]} fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[6]} ]];then oper_state=${a_network_working[6]} fi # no print out for wifi since it doesn't have duplex/speed data availabe # note that some cards show 'unknown' for state, so only testing explicitly # for 'down' string in that to skip showing speed/duplex if [[ $b_is_wifi != 'true' && $oper_state != 'down' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_network_working[7]} ]];then # make sure the value is strictly numeric before appending Mbps if [[ -n $( grep -E '^[0-9\.,]+$' <<< "${a_network_working[7]}" ) ]];then speed="${a_network_working[7]} Mbps" else speed=${a_network_working[7]} fi fi speed_string="${C1}speed$SEP3${C2} $speed " if [[ -n ${a_network_working[8]} ]];then duplex=${a_network_working[8]} fi duplex_string="${C1}duplex$SEP3${C2} $duplex " fi if [[ -n ${a_network_working[9]} ]];then if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then mac_id=$FILTER_STRING else mac_id=${a_network_working[9]} fi fi network_data="${C1}IF:${C2} $if_id ${C1}state$SEP3${C2} $oper_state $speed_string$duplex_string${C1}mac$SEP3${C2} $mac_id" network_data=$( create_print_line " " "$network_data" ) print_screen_output "$network_data" eval $LOGFE } print_networking_ip_data() { eval $LOGFS local ip=$( get_networking_wan_ip_data ) local wan_ip_data='' a_interfaces_working='' interfaces='' i='' local if_id='' if_ip='' if_ipv6='' if_ipv6_string='' full_string='' if_string='' local if_id_string='' if_ip_string='' local line_max=$(( $LINE_MAX - 50 )) # set A_INTERFACES_DATA get_networking_local_ip_data # first print output for wan ip line. Null is handled in the get function if [[ -z $ip ]];then ip='N/A' else if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then ip=$FILTER_STRING fi fi wan_ip_data="${C1}WAN IP:${C2} $ip " # then create the list of local interface/ip i=0 ## loop starts with 1 by auto-increment so it only shows cards > 1 while [[ -n ${A_INTERFACES_DATA[i]} ]] do IFS="," a_interfaces_working=(${A_INTERFACES_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if_id='N/A' if_ip='N/A' if_ipv6='N/A' if_ipv6_string='' if [[ -z $( grep '^Interface' <<< ${a_interfaces_working[0]} ) ]];then if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[1]} ]];then if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then if_ip=$FILTER_STRING else if_ip=${a_interfaces_working[1]} fi fi if_ip_string=" ${C1}ip$SEP3${C2} $if_ip" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[3]} ]];then if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then if_ipv6=$FILTER_STRING else if_ipv6=${a_interfaces_working[3]} fi fi if_ipv6_string=" ${C1}ip-v6$SEP3${C2} $if_ipv6" fi fi if [[ -n ${a_interfaces_working[0]} ]];then if_id=${a_interfaces_working[0]} fi if_string="$wan_ip_data$if_string${C1}IF:${C2} $if_id$if_ip_string$if_ipv6_string " wan_ip_data='' if [[ $( calculate_line_length "$if_string" ) -gt $line_max ]];then full_string=$( create_print_line " " "$if_string" ) print_screen_output "$full_string" if_string='' fi ((i++)) done # then print out anything not printed already if [[ -n $if_string ]];then full_string=$( create_print_line " " "$if_string" ) print_screen_output "$full_string" fi eval $LOGFE } print_optical_drive_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_drives='' drive_data='' counter='' local drive_id='' drive_links='' vendor='' speed='' multisession='' mcn='' audio='' local dvd='' state='' rw_support='' rev='' separator='' drive_string='' get_optical_drive_data # 0 - true dev path, ie, sr0, hdc # 1 - dev links to true path # 2 - device vendor - for hdx drives, vendor model are one string from proc # 3 - device model # 4 - device rev version if [[ ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} -gt 0 ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_drives=(${A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" audio='' drive_data='' drive_id='' drive_links='' dvd='' mcn='' multisession='' rev='' rw_support='' separator='' speed='' state='' vendor='' if [[ ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} -eq 1 && -z ${a_drives[0]} && -z ${a_drives[1]} ]];then drive_string="No optical drives detected." B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL='false' else if [[ ${#A_OPTICAL_DRIVE_DATA[@]} -gt 1 ]];then counter="-$(( i + 1 ))" fi if [[ -z ${a_drives[0]} ]];then drive_id='N/A' else drive_id="/dev/${a_drives[0]}" fi drive_links=$( sed 's/~/,/g' <<< ${a_drives[1]} ) if [[ -z $drive_links ]];then drive_links='N/A' fi if [[ -n ${a_drives[2]} ]];then vendor=${a_drives[2]} if [[ -n ${a_drives[3]} ]];then vendor="$vendor ${a_drives[3]}" fi fi if [[ -z $vendor ]];then if [[ -n ${a_drives[3]} ]];then vendor=${a_drives[3]} else vendor='N/A' fi fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_drives[4]} ]];then rev=${a_drives[4]} else rev='N/A' fi rev=" ${C1}rev$SEP3${C2} $rev" fi drive_string="$drive_id ${C1}model$SEP3${C2} $vendor$rev ${C1}dev-links$SEP3${C2} $drive_links" fi drive_data="${C1}Optical${counter}:${C2} $drive_string" drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data" ) print_screen_output "$drive_data" Line_Starter=' ' # 5 - speed # 6 - multisession support # 7 - MCN support # 8 - audio read # 9 - cdr # 10 - cdrw # 11 - dvd read # 12 - dvdr # 13 - dvdram # 14 - state if [[ $B_SHOW_FULL_OPTICAL == 'true' ]];then if [[ -z ${a_drives[5]} ]];then speed='N/A' else speed="${a_drives[5]}x" fi if [[ -z ${a_drives[8]} ]];then audio='N/A' elif [[ ${a_drives[8]} == 1 ]];then audio='yes' else audio='no' fi audio=" ${C1}audio$SEP3${C2} $audio" if [[ -z ${a_drives[6]} ]];then multisession='N/A' elif [[ ${a_drives[6]} == 1 ]];then multisession='yes' else multisession='no' fi multisession=" ${C1}multisession$SEP3${C2} $multisession" if [[ -z ${a_drives[11]} ]];then dvd='N/A' elif [[ ${a_drives[11]} == 1 ]];then dvd='yes' else dvd='no' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ -z ${a_drives[14]} ]];then state='N/A' else state="${a_drives[14]}" fi state=" ${C1}state$SEP3${C2} $state" fi if [[ -n ${a_drives[9]} && ${a_drives[9]} == 1 ]];then rw_support='cd-r' separator=',' fi if [[ -n ${a_drives[10]} && ${a_drives[10]} == 1 ]];then rw_support="${rw_support}${separator}cd-rw" separator=',' fi if [[ -n ${a_drives[12]} && ${a_drives[12]} == 1 ]];then rw_support="${rw_support}${separator}dvd-r" separator=',' fi if [[ -n ${a_drives[13]} && ${a_drives[13]} == 1 ]];then rw_support="${rw_support}${separator}dvd-ram" separator=',' fi if [[ -z $rw_support ]];then rw_support='none' fi drive_data="${C1}Features: speed$SEP3${C2} $speed$multisession$audio ${C1}dvd$SEP3${C2} $dvd ${C1}rw$SEP3${C2} $rw_support$state" drive_data=$( create_print_line "$Line_Starter" "$drive_data" ) print_screen_output "$drive_data" fi done else : fi eval $LOGFE } print_partition_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_partition_working='' partition_used='' partition_data='' local counter=0 i=0 a_partition_data='' line_starter='' line_max=$(( $LINE_MAX - 35 )) local partitionIdClean='' part_dev='' full_dev='' part_label='' full_label='' local part_uuid='' full_uuid='' dev_remote='' full_fs='' line_max_label_uuid=$(( $LINE_MAX - 10 )) # set A_PARTITION_DATA get_partition_data for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_partition_working=(${A_PARTITION_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" full_label='' full_uuid='' if [[ $B_SHOW_PARTITIONS_FULL == 'true' ]] || [[ ${a_partition_working[4]} == 'main' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_partition_working[2]} ]];then partition_used="${C1}used$SEP3${C2} ${a_partition_working[2]} (${a_partition_working[3]}) " else partition_used='' # reset partition used to null fi if [[ -n ${a_partition_working[5]} ]];then full_fs="${a_partition_working[5]}" else full_fs='N/A' # reset partition used to null fi full_fs="${C1}fs$SEP3${C2} $full_fs " if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_partition_working[6]} ]];then if [[ -z $( grep -E '(^//|:/)' <<< ${a_partition_working[6]} ) ]];then part_dev="/dev/${a_partition_working[6]}" dev_remote='dev' else part_dev="${a_partition_working[6]}" dev_remote='remote' fi else dev_remote='dev' part_dev='N/A' fi full_dev="${C1}$dev_remote$SEP3${C2} $part_dev " if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' && $dev_remote != 'remote' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_partition_working[7]} ]];then part_label="${a_partition_working[7]}" else part_label='N/A' fi full_label="${C1}label$SEP3${C2} $part_label " fi if [[ $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' && $dev_remote != 'remote' ]];then if [[ -n ${a_partition_working[8]} ]];then part_uuid="${a_partition_working[8]}" else part_uuid='N/A' fi full_uuid="${C1}uuid$SEP3${C2} $part_uuid" fi fi # don't show user names in output if [[ $B_OUTPUT_FILTER == 'true' ]];then partitionIdClean=$( sed -r "s|/home/([^/]+)/(.*)|/home/$FILTER_STRING/\2|" <<< ${a_partition_working[0]} ) else partitionIdClean=${a_partition_working[0]} fi id_size_fs="${C1}ID:${C2} $partitionIdClean ${C1}size$SEP3${C2} ${a_partition_working[1]} $partition_used$full_fs$full_dev" label_uuid="$full_label$full_uuid" # label/uuid always print one per line, so only wrap if it's very long if [[ $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' && $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' && $( calculate_line_length "$id_size_fs$label_uuid" ) -gt $line_max_label_uuid ]];then a_partition_data[$counter]="$id_size_fs" ((counter++)) a_partition_data[$counter]="$label_uuid" else a_partition_data[$counter]="${a_partition_data[$counter]}$id_size_fs$label_uuid" fi # because these lines can vary widely, using dynamic length handling here if [[ $B_SHOW_LABELS == 'true' || $B_SHOW_UUIDS == 'true' ]] || [[ $( calculate_line_length "${a_partition_data[$counter]}" ) -gt $line_max ]];then ((counter++)) fi fi done # print out all lines, line starter on first line for (( i=0; i < ${#a_partition_data[@]};i++ )) do if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then line_starter='Partition:' else line_starter=' ' fi partition_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_partition_data[$i]}" ) print_screen_output "$partition_data" done eval $LOGFE } print_ps_data() { eval $LOGFS local b_print_first='true' if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_CPU_DATA == 'true' ]];then get_ps_data 'cpu' print_ps_item 'cpu' "$b_print_first" b_print_first='false' fi if [[ $B_SHOW_PS_MEM_DATA == 'true' ]];then get_ps_data 'mem' print_ps_item 'mem' "$b_print_first" fi eval $LOGFE } # args: $1 - cpu/mem; $2 true/false print_ps_item() { eval $LOGFS local a_ps_data='' ps_data='' line_starter='' line_start_data='' full_line='' local app_name='' app_pid='' app_cpu='' app_mem='' throttled='' app_daemon='' local b_print_first=$2 line_counter=0 i=0 count_nu='' extra_data='' if [[ -n $PS_THROTTLED ]];then throttled=" ${C1} - throttled from${C2} $PS_THROTTLED" fi case $1 in cpu) line_start_data="${C1}CPU - % used - top ${C2} $PS_COUNT ${C1}active$throttled " ;; mem) line_start_data="${C1}Memory - MB / % used - top ${C2} $PS_COUNT ${C1}active$throttled" ;; esac if [[ $b_print_first == 'true' ]];then line_starter='Processes:' else line_starter=' ' fi # appName, appPath, appStarterName, appStarterPath, cpu, mem, pid, vsz, user ps_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$line_start_data" ) print_screen_output "$ps_data" for (( i=0; i < ${#A_PS_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_ps_data=(${A_PS_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # handle the converted app names, with ~..~ means it didn't have a path if [[ -n $( grep -E '^~.*~$' <<< ${a_ps_data[0]} ) ]];then app_daemon='daemon' else app_daemon='command' fi app_name=" ${C1}$app_daemon$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[0]}" if [[ ${a_ps_data[0]} != ${a_ps_data[2]} ]];then app_name="$app_name ${C1}(started by$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[2]}${C1})${C2}" fi app_pid=" ${C1}pid$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[6]}" # ${C1}user:${C2} ${a_ps_data[8]} case $1 in cpu) app_cpu=" ${C1}cpu$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[4]}%" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then extra_data=" ${C1}mem$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[7]}MB (${a_ps_data[5]}%)${C2}" fi ;; mem) app_mem=" ${C1}mem$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[7]}MB (${a_ps_data[5]}%)${C2}" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then extra_data=" ${C1}cpu$SEP3${C2} ${a_ps_data[4]}%" fi ;; esac (( line_counter++ )) count_nu="${C1}$line_counter:${C2}" full_line="$count_nu$app_cpu$app_mem$app_name$app_pid$extra_data" ps_data=$( create_print_line " " "$full_line" ) print_screen_output "$ps_data" done eval $LOGFE } print_raid_data() { eval $LOGFS local device='' device_string='' device_state='' raid_level='' device_components='' local device_report='' u_data='' blocks='' super_blocks='' algorithm='' chunk_size='' local bitmap_values='' recovery_progress_bar='' recovery_percent='' recovered_sectors='' local finish_time='' recovery_speed='' raid_counter=0 device_counter=1 basic_counter=1 local a_partition_working='' raid_data='' kernel_support='' read_ahead='' unused_devices='' local basic_raid='' basic_raid_separator='' basic_raid_plural='' inactive='' local component_separator='' device_id='' print_string='' loop_limit=0 array_count_unused='' local array_count='' raid_event='' b_print_lines='true' get_raid_data for (( i=0; i < ${#A_RAID_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_partition_working=(${A_RAID_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # reset on each iteration algorithm='' bitmap_values='' blocks='' component_separator='' device='' device_components='' device_id='' device_report='' device_state='' failed='' finish_time='' inactive='' raid_event='' raid_level='' recovery_percent='' recovery_progress_bar='' recovered_sectors='' recovery_speed='' spare='' super_blocks='' u_data='' if [[ -n $( grep '^md' <<< ${a_partition_working[0]} ) ]];then if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' ]];then if [[ $basic_raid != '' ]];then basic_raid_plural='s' fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} == 'inactive' ]];then inactive=" - ${a_partition_working[1]}" fi basic_raid="$basic_raid$basic_raid_separator${C1}$basic_counter${SEP3}${C2} /dev/${a_partition_working[0]}$inactive" basic_raid_separator=' ' (( basic_counter++ )) else device_id="-$device_counter" device="/dev/${a_partition_working[0]}" (( device_counter++ )) if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} != '' ]];then device_state=" - ${a_partition_working[1]}" fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[2]} == '' ]];then raid_level='N/A' else raid_level=${a_partition_working[2]} fi # there's one case: md0 : inactive that has to be protected against if [[ ${a_partition_working[2]} == '' && ${a_partition_working[1]} == 'inactive' ]];then raid_level='' else raid_level=" ${C1}raid${SEP3}${C2} $raid_level" fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[4]} != '' ]];then device_report="${a_partition_working[4]}" else device_report="N/A" fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[6]} != '' ]];then blocks=${a_partition_working[6]} else blocks='N/A' fi blocks=" ${C1}blocks${SEP3}${C2} $blocks" if [[ ${a_partition_working[9]} != '' ]];then chunk_size=${a_partition_working[9]} else chunk_size='N/A' fi chunk_size=" ${C1}chunk size${SEP3}${C2} $chunk_size" if [[ ${a_partition_working[10]} != '' ]];then bitmap_value='true' bitmap_value=" ${C1}bitmap${SEP3}${C2} $bitmap_value" fi fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[5]} != '' ]];then u_data=" ${a_partition_working[5]}" fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[7]} != '' ]];then super_blocks=" ${C1}super blocks${SEP3}${C2} ${a_partition_working[7]}" fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[8]} != '' ]];then algorithm=" ${C1}algorithm${SEP3}${C2} ${a_partition_working[8]}" fi fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[3]} == '' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} != 'inactive' ]];then device_components='N/A' fi else for component in ${a_partition_working[3]} do if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then component=$( sed 's/\[[0-9]\+\]//' <<< $component ) fi if [[ -n $( grep 'F' <<< $component ) ]];then component=$( sed -e 's/(F)//' -e 's/F//' <<< $component ) failed="$failed $component" component='' elif [[ -n $( grep 'S' <<< $component ) ]];then component=$( sed -e 's/(S)//' -e 's/S//' <<< $component ) spare="$spare $component" component='' else device_components=$device_components$component_separator$component component_separator=' ' fi done if [[ $failed != '' ]];then failed=" ${C1}FAILED${SEP3}${C2}$failed${C2}" fi if [[ $spare != '' ]];then spare=" ${C1}spare${SEP3}${C2}$spare${C2}" fi if [[ $device_components != '' ]];then if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then if [[ $device_report != 'N/A' ]];then device_components="$device_report - $device_components" fi fi device_components=" ${C1}components${SEP3}${C2} $device_components$failed$spare" fi fi a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id${SEP3}${C2} $device$device_state$raid_level$device_components" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && ${a_partition_working[1]} != 'inactive' ]];then a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id${SEP3}${C2} $device$device_state$device_components" (( raid_counter++ )) print_string="${C1}Info${SEP3}${C2}$raid_level ${C1}report${SEP3}${C2} $device_report$u_data" print_string="$print_string$blocks$chunk_size$bitmap_value$super_blocks$algorithm" a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="$print_string" else a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Device$device_id${SEP3}${C2} $device$device_state$raid_level$device_components" fi (( raid_counter++ )) # now let's do the recover line if required if [[ ${a_partition_working[12]} != '' ]];then recovery_percent=$( cut -d '~' -f 2 <<< ${a_partition_working[12]} ) if [[ ${a_partition_working[14]} != '' ]];then finish_time=${a_partition_working[14]} else finish_time='N/A' fi finish_time=" ${C1}time remaining${SEP3}${C2} $finish_time" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[13]} != '' ]];then recovered_sectors=" ${C1}sectors${SEP3}${C2} ${a_partition_working[13]}" fi fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[11]} != '' ]];then recovery_progress_bar=" ${a_partition_working[11]}" fi if [[ ${a_partition_working[15]} != '' ]];then recovery_speed=" ${C1}speed${SEP3}${C2} ${a_partition_working[15]}" fi fi a_raid_data[$raid_counter]="${C1}Recovering${SEP3}${C2} $recovery_percent$recovery_progress_bar$recovered_sectors$finish_time$recovery_speed" (( raid_counter++ )) fi fi elif [[ ${a_partition_working[0]} == 'KernelRaidSupport' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} == '' ]];then kernel_support='N/A' else kernel_support=${a_partition_working[1]} fi kernel_support=" ${C1}supported${SEP3}${C2} $kernel_support" elif [[ ${a_partition_working[0]} == 'ReadAhead' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} != '' ]];then read_ahead=${a_partition_working[1]} read_ahead=" ${C1}read ahead${SEP3}${C2} $read_ahead" fi elif [[ ${a_partition_working[0]} == 'UnusedDevices' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} == '' ]];then unused_devices='N/A' else unused_devices=${a_partition_working[1]} fi unused_devices="${C1}Unused Devices${SEP3}${C2} $unused_devices" elif [[ ${a_partition_working[0]} == 'raidEvent' ]];then if [[ ${a_partition_working[1]} != '' ]];then raid_event=${a_partition_working[1]} raid_event=" ${C1}Raid Event${SEP3}${C2} ${a_partition_working[1]}" fi fi done if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID == 'true' && $basic_raid != '' ]];then a_raid_data[0]="${C1}Device$basic_raid_plural${SEP3}${C2} $basic_raid" fi if [[ $B_MDSTAT_FILE != 'true' ]];then if [[ $B_SHOW_RAID_R == 'true' ]];then a_raid_data[0]="No RAID data available - $FILE_MDSTAT is missing - is md_mod kernel module loaded?" else b_print_lines='false' fi else if [[ ${a_raid_data[0]} == '' ]];then if [[ $B_SHOW_BASIC_RAID != 'true' ]];then a_raid_data[0]="No RAID devices detected - /proc/mdstat and md_mod kernel raid module present" else b_print_lines='false' fi fi # now let's add on the system line and the unused device line. Only print on -xx if [[ $kernel_support$read_ahead$raid_event != '' ]];then array_count=${#a_raid_data[@]} a_raid_data[array_count]="${C1}System${SEP3}${C2}$kernel_support$read_ahead$raid_event" loop_limit=1 fi if [[ $unused_devices != '' ]];then array_count_unused=${#a_raid_data[@]} a_raid_data[array_count_unused]="$unused_devices" loop_limit=2 fi fi # we don't want to print anything if it's -b and no data is present, just a waste of a line if [[ $b_print_lines == 'true' ]];then # print out all lines, line starter on first line for (( i=0; i < ${#a_raid_data[@]} - $loop_limit;i++ )) do if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then line_starter='RAID:' else line_starter=' ' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $array_count != '' ]];then if [[ $i == 0 ]];then raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[array_count]}" ) print_screen_output "$raid_data" line_starter=' ' fi fi raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[i]}" ) print_screen_output "$raid_data" if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' && $array_count_unused != '' ]];then if [[ $i == $(( array_count_unused - 2 )) ]];then raid_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "${a_raid_data[array_count_unused]}" ) print_screen_output "$raid_data" fi fi done fi eval $LOGFE } # currently only apt using distros support this feature, but over time we can add others print_repo_data() { eval $LOGFS local repo_count=0 repo_line='' file_name='' file_content='' file_name_holder='' local repo_full='' b_print_next_line='false' get_repo_data if [[ -n $REPO_DATA ]];then # loop through the variable's lines one by one, update counter each iteration while read repo_line do (( repo_count++ )) file_name=$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< $repo_line ) file_content=$( cut -d ':' -f 2-6 <<< $repo_line ) # this will dump unwanted white space line starters. Some irc channels # use bots that show page title for urls, so need to break the url by adding # a white space. if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_SHELL != 'true' ]];then file_content=$( echo $file_content | sed 's|://|: //|' ) else file_content=$( echo $file_content ) fi # check file name, if different, update the holder for print out if [[ $file_name != $file_name_holder ]];then if [[ $REPO_FILE_ID != 'pisi repo' ]];then repo_full="${C1}Active $REPO_FILE_ID in file:${C2} $file_name" else repo_full="${C1}$REPO_FILE_ID:${C2} $file_name" fi file_name_holder=$file_name b_print_next_line='true' else repo_full=$file_content fi # first line print Repos: if [[ $repo_count -eq 1 ]];then repo_full=$( create_print_line "Repos:" "$repo_full" ) else repo_full=$( create_print_line " " "$repo_full" ) fi print_screen_output "$repo_full" # this prints the content of the file as well as the file name if [[ $b_print_next_line == 'true' ]];then repo_full=$( create_print_line " " "$file_content" ) print_screen_output "$repo_full" b_print_next_line='false' fi done <<< "$REPO_DATA" else repo_full=$( create_print_line "Repos:" "${C1}Error:${C2} $SCRIPT_NAME does not support this feature for your distro yet." ) print_screen_output "$repo_full" fi eval $LOGFE } print_script_version() { local script_patch_number=$( get_patch_version_string ) local script_version="${C1}$SCRIPT_NAME$SEP3${C2} $SCRIPT_VERSION_NUMBER$script_patch_number${CN}" # great trick from: http://ideatrash.net/2011/01/bash-string-padding-with-sed.html # left pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/& /;ta' # right pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ &/;ta' # center pad: sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ & /;ta' #local line_max=$(( $LINE_MAX - 10 )) #script_version="$( sed -e :a -e "s/^.\{1,$line_max\}$/ &/;ta" <<< $script_version )" # use to create padding if needed # script_version=$( create_print_line "Version:" "$script_version" ) print_screen_output "$script_version" } print_sensors_data() { eval $LOGFS local mobo_temp='' cpu_temp='' psu_temp='' cpu_fan='' mobo_fan='' ps_fan='' sys_fans='' sys_fans2='' local temp_data='' fan_data='' fan_data2='' b_is_error='false' fan_count=0 gpu_temp='' local a_sensors_working='' local Sensors_Data="$( get_sensors_output )" get_sensors_data IFS="," a_sensors_working=( ${A_SENSORS_DATA[0]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" # initial error cases, for missing app or unconfigured sensors. Note that array 0 # always has at least 3 items, cpu/mobo/psu temp in it. If the count is 0, then # no sensors are installed/configured if [[ ${#a_sensors_working[@]} -eq 0 ]];then cpu_temp="None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?" b_is_error='true' else for (( i=0; i < ${#A_SENSORS_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_sensors_working=( ${A_SENSORS_DATA[i]} ) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" case $i in # first the temp data 0) if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[0]} ]];then cpu_temp=${a_sensors_working[0]} else cpu_temp='N/A' fi cpu_temp="${C1}System Temperatures: cpu$SEP3${C2} $cpu_temp " if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then mobo_temp=${a_sensors_working[1]} else mobo_temp='N/A' fi mobo_temp="${C1}mobo$SEP3${C2} $mobo_temp " if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[2]} ]];then psu_temp="${C1}psu$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[2]} " fi gpu_temp=$( get_gpu_temp_data ) # dump the unneeded screen data for single gpu systems if [[ $( wc -w <<< $gpu_temp ) -eq 1 && $B_EXTRA_DATA != 'true' ]];then gpu_temp=$( cut -d ':' -f 2 <<< $gpu_temp ) fi if [[ -n $gpu_temp ]];then gpu_temp="${C1}gpu$SEP3${C2} ${gpu_temp} " fi ;; # then the fan data from main fan array 1) for (( j=0; j < ${#a_sensors_working[@]}; j++ )) do case $j in 0) # we need to make sure it's either cpu fan OR cpu fan and sys fan 1 if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[0]} ]];then cpu_fan="${a_sensors_working[0]}" elif [[ -z ${a_sensors_working[0]} && -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then cpu_fan="${a_sensors_working[1]}" else cpu_fan='N/A' fi cpu_fan="${C1}Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu$SEP3${C2} $cpu_fan " (( fan_count++ )) ;; 1) if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[1]} ]];then mobo_fan="${C1}mobo$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[1]} " (( fan_count++ )) fi ;; 2) if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[2]} ]];then ps_fan="${C1}psu$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[2]} " (( fan_count++ )) fi ;; [3-9]|[1-9][0-9]) if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[$j]} ]];then fan_number=$(( $j - 2 )) # sys fans start on array key 5 # wrap after fan 6 total if [[ $fan_count -lt 7 ]];then sys_fans="$sys_fans${C1}sys-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} " else sys_fans2="$sys_fans2${C1}sys-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} " fi (( fan_count++ )) fi ;; esac done ;; 2) for (( j=0; j < ${#a_sensors_working[@]}; j++ )) do case $j in [0-9]|[1-9][0-9]) if [[ -n ${a_sensors_working[$j]} ]];then fan_number=$(( $j + 1 )) # sys fans start on array key 5 # wrap after fan 6 total if [[ $fan_count -lt 7 ]];then sys_fans="$sys_fans${C1}fan-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} " else sys_fans2="$sys_fans2${C1}fan-$fan_number$SEP3${C2} ${a_sensors_working[$j]} " fi (( fan_count++ )) fi ;; esac done ;; esac done fi # turning off all output for case where no sensors detected or no sensors output # unless -s used explicitly. So for -F type output won't show unless valid or -! 1 used if [[ $b_is_error != 'true' || $B_SHOW_SENSORS == 'true' || $B_TESTING_1 == 'true' ]];then temp_data="$cpu_temp$mobo_temp$psu_temp$gpu_temp" temp_data=$( create_print_line "Sensors:" "$temp_data" ) print_screen_output "$temp_data" # don't print second or subsequent lines if error data fan_data="$cpu_fan$mobo_fan$ps_fan$sys_fans" if [[ $b_is_error != 'true' && -n $fan_data ]];then fan_data=$( create_print_line " " "$fan_data" ) print_screen_output "$fan_data" # and then second wrapped fan line if needed if [[ -n $sys_fans2 ]];then fan_data2=$( create_print_line " " "$sys_fans2" ) print_screen_output "$fan_data2" fi fi fi eval $LOGFE } print_system_data() { eval $LOGFS local system_data='' bits='' desktop_environment='' dm_data='' de_extra_data='' local host_kernel_string='' de_distro_string='' host_string='' desktop_type='Desktop' local host_name=$HOSTNAME local current_kernel=$( uname -rm ) # | gawk '{print $1,$3,$(NF-1)}' ) local distro="$( get_distro_data )" local tty_session=$( basename "$( tty 2>/dev/null )" | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) # I think these will work, maybe, if logged in as root and in X if [[ $B_RUNNING_IN_X == 'true' ]];then desktop_environment=$( get_desktop_environment ) if [[ -z $desktop_environment ]];then desktop_environment='N/A' fi if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then de_extra_data=$( get_desktop_extra_data ) if [[ -n $de_extra_data ]];then de_extra_data=" ${C1}info$SEP3${C2} $de_extra_data" fi fi else if [[ -z $tty_session && $B_CONSOLE_IRC == 'true' ]];then tty_session=$( get_console_irc_tty ) fi if [[ -n $tty_session ]];then tty_session=" $tty_session" fi desktop_environment="tty$tty_session" desktop_type='Console' fi # having dm type can be useful if you are accessing remote system # or are out of X and don't remember which dm is running the system if [[ $B_EXTRA_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then dm_data=$( get_display_manager ) # here we only want the dm info to show N/A if in X if [[ -z $dm_data && $B_RUNNING_IN_X == 'true' ]];then dm_data='N/A' fi # only print out of X if dm_data has info, then it's actually useful, but # for headless servers, no need to print dm stuff. if [[ -n $dm_data ]];then dm_data=" ${C1}dm$SEP3${C2} $dm_data" fi fi de_distro_string="${C1}$desktop_type$SEP3${C2} $desktop_environment$de_extra_data$dm_data ${C1}Distro$SEP3${C2} $distro" if [[ $B_EXTRA_DATA == 'true' ]];then gcc_string=$( get_gcc_kernel_version ) if [[ -n $gcc_string ]];then gcc_string=", ${C1}gcc$SEP3${C2} $gcc_string" fi fi # check for 64 bit first if [[ -n $( uname -m | grep -o 'x86_64' ) ]];then bits="64" else bits="32" fi bits=" (${bits} bit${gcc_string})" if [[ $B_SHOW_HOST == 'true' ]];then if [[ -z $HOSTNAME ]];then if [[ -n $( type p hostname ) ]];then host_name=$( hostname ) fi if [[ -z $host_name ]];then host_name='N/A' fi fi host_string="${C1}Host$SEP3${C2} $host_name " system_data=$( create_print_line "System:" "$host_string$host_name ${C1}Kernel$SEP3${C2}" ) fi host_kernel_string="$host_string${C1}Kernel$SEP3${C2} $current_kernel$bits " if [[ $( calculate_line_length "$host_kernel_string$de_distro_string" ) -lt $LINE_MAX ]];then system_data="$host_kernel_string$de_distro_string" system_data=$( create_print_line "System:" "$system_data" ) else system_data=$( create_print_line "System:" "$host_kernel_string" ) print_screen_output "$system_data" system_data=$( create_print_line " " "$de_distro_string" ) fi print_screen_output "$system_data" eval $LOGFE } print_unmounted_partition_data() { eval $LOGFS local a_unmounted_data='' line_starter='' unmounted_data='' full_fs='' local full_dev='' full_size='' full_label='' full_uuid='' full_string='' if [[ -z ${A_PARTITION_DATA} ]];then get_partition_data fi get_unmounted_partition_data if [[ ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]} -ge 1 ]];then for (( i=0; i < ${#A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[@]}; i++ )) do IFS="," a_unmounted_data=(${A_UNMOUNTED_PARTITION_DATA[i]}) IFS="$ORIGINAL_IFS" if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[0]} ]];then full_dev='N/A' else full_dev="/dev/${a_unmounted_data[0]}" fi full_dev="${C1}ID:${C2} $full_dev" if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[1]} ]];then full_size='N/A' else full_size=${a_unmounted_data[1]} fi full_size="${C1}size$SEP3${C2} $full_size" if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[2]} ]];then full_label='N/A' else full_label=${a_unmounted_data[2]} fi full_label="${C1}label$SEP3${C2} $full_label" if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[3]} ]];then full_uuid='N/A' else full_uuid=${a_unmounted_data[3]} fi full_uuid="${C1}uuid$SEP3${C2} $full_uuid" if [[ -z ${a_unmounted_data[4]} ]];then full_fs='' else full_fs="${C1}fs$SEP3${C2} ${a_unmounted_data[4]}" fi full_string="$full_dev $full_size $full_label $full_uuid $full_fs" if [[ $i -eq 0 ]];then line_starter='Unmounted:' else line_starter=' ' fi unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "$line_starter" "$full_string" ) print_screen_output "$unmounted_data" done else unmounted_data=$( create_print_line "Unmounted:" "No unmounted partitions detected" ) print_screen_output "$unmounted_data" fi eval $LOGFE } ######################################################################## #### SCRIPT EXECUTION ######################################################################## main $@ ## From the End comes the Beginning ## note: this EOF is needed for smxi handling, this is what triggers the full download ok ###**EOF**###