PACKAGE NAME: schroot-1.6.10-i586-3gv.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1171 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4684 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_libraries|bzip2,aaa_libraries|gcc,aaa_libraries|gcc-g++,aaa_libraries|xz,aaa_libraries|zlib,aaa_libraries|zstd,boost,pam,util-linux PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: schroot: schroot (secure chroot utility) schroot: schroot: Schroot is an evolution of the Unix chroot command, with enhancements schroot: that make it well suited for software development, especially for schroot: testing build and install scripts such as Slackbuild scripts where schroot: virtualization is not necessary. schroot: schroot: schroot: schroot: schroot: