./ install/ install/doinst.sh install/slack-desc opt/ opt/jalview/ opt/jalview/jalview usr/ usr/bin/ usr/bin/jalview usr/doc/ usr/doc/jalview- usr/doc/jalview- usr/doc/jalview- usr/share/ usr/share/applications/ usr/share/applications/jalview.desktop usr/share/pixmaps/ usr/share/pixmaps/jalview.png lview.SlackBuild... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching jalview.desktop... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching jalview.info... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching jalview.png... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Fetching slack-desc... 0%100%100%100%100%100%Done Slackware package maker, version 3.14159265. Searching for symbolic links: No symbolic links were found, so we won't make an installation script. You can make your own later in ./install/doinst.sh and rebuild the package if you like. This next step is optional - you can set the directories in your package to some sane permissions. If any of the directories in your package have special permissions, then DO NOT reset them here! Would you like to reset all directory permissions to 755 (drwxr-xr-x) and directory ownerships to root.root ([y]es, [n]o)? n Creating Slackware package: /usr/src/slapt-src/academic/jalview/jalview- Slackware package /usr/src/slapt-src/academic/jalview/jalview- created. Installing package jalview- | jalview (A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer) | | Jalview is a free program developed for the interactive editing, | analysis and visualization of multiple sequence alignments (MSA). | It can also work with sequence annotation, secondary structure | information, phylogenetic trees and 3D molecular structures. | | Home: http://www.jalview.org/ | References: /usr/doc/jalview-2.10.0b1/References | | | |