diff -Naur csmith-csmith-2.3.0/scripts/launchn.pl csmith-csmith-2.3.0.patched/scripts/launchn.pl
--- csmith-csmith-2.3.0/scripts/launchn.pl	2017-06-21 16:50:24.000000000 -0400
+++ csmith-csmith-2.3.0.patched/scripts/launchn.pl	2023-06-10 17:14:02.157839502 -0400
@@ -30,32 +30,31 @@
 # This script illustrates how to run compiler_test.pl in parallel on multi-core machines. Please make sure
-# these processes are terminated at the end of your testing 
+# these processes are terminated at the end of your testing
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Sys::CPU;
 sub usage () {
-    die "usage: launchn.pl <config-file>\n";
+    die "usage: launchn <config-file>\n";
 my $CONFIG_FILE = "";
-my $CPUS = Sys::CPU::cpu_count(); 
+chomp (my $CPUS = `nproc`);
 if (scalar (@ARGV) != 1 || !(-e $ARGV[0]) ) {
 print "looks like we have $CPUS cpus\n";
+chomp ($CONFIG_FILE = `realpath $ARGV[0]`);
 for (my $i=0; $i<$CPUS; $i++) {
     my $dir = "work$i";
     system "rm -rf $dir";
     system "mkdir $dir";
     chdir $dir;
-    system "nice -19 nohup ../compiler_test.pl 0  ../$CONFIG_FILE > output.txt 2>&1 &";
+    system "nice -19 nohup compiler_test 0 $CONFIG_FILE > output.txt 2>&1 &";
     print "start working in $dir\n";
     chdir "..";