chexquest (Chex Quest 1 and 2, first-person shooter games) Chex Quest is an award-winning promotional game created by Digital Cafe and released in 1996, utilizing the Doom engine. The player is embodied as Chex Warrior, a hero attempting to rescue captured Chex people from evil slime creatures known as Flemoids who have invaded the Intergalactic Federation of Cereals' mining outpost on the planet Bazoik. The game was made available inside boxes of Chex cereal. It featured five levels. Because the market for the cereal consisted largely of children, the game was made to be deliberately non-violent: for example, the enemies in the game are not killed, but are instead transported back to their home dimension. Chex Quest 2: Flemoids Take Chextropolis is the second installment in the Chex Quest series, released in 1997. It is an add-on to the original, as the first Chex Quest is required to play it. To play the games, you will need a compatible Doom engine installed. The recommended engines are gzdoom, zdoom, and crispy-doom. You can also try odamex, prboom-plus, doomretro, or skulltag, but they're not 100% compatible. You won't need any .wad files from any of the Doom games, since Chex Quest is a total conversion. The package includes both games, wrapper scripts to launch them from the command line, and desktop entries to launch them from the KDE or XFCE menu. See also: games/chexquest3, for the last game in the series.