cabal-install is a tool to manage Haskell's package building. Cabal is a system for building and packaging Haskell libraries and programs. It defines a common interface for package authors and distributors to easily build their applications in a portable way. Cabal is part of a larger infrastructure for distributing, organizing, and cataloging Haskell libraries and programs. This is a binary repack. Although SBo provides ghc, which, in turn, can theoretically build everything using the Setup.hs files in package distributions, managing versions in Haskell is not trivial, and also sematically dubious, since most Haskell libraries are static. Cabal is intended to remediate this issue. Each cabal-based SlackBuild would have to carry a large number of source files, but, in turn, would avoid having to micro-manage dependencies, and pollute the file system with single-use static libraries.