unaesgcm is An AES-256-GCM de-/encryption utility specializing on `aesgcm`-scheme URLs as described in the [OMEMO media sharing XMPP extension (XEP-0454)](https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0454.html) and as implemented in modern XMPP clients. The latter meaning, in particular, that the initialization vector size is not restricted to 96 bits. The utility consists of: * `unaesgcm` command for decrypting local files; * `aesgcm-open` command for fetching URLs, decrypting and opening files with associated applications; * a desktop entry handling `aesgcm` URLs using a GUI-friendly flavor of the above command; * `aesgcm` command for encrypting local files that exists mostly for symmetry. The utility is intended mainly for development/debugging, as the URLs with this scheme are supposed to be invisible to XMPP users, in ideal.