_onefetch0000644000175000001440000001226614531732042012645 0ustar pghvlaansusers#compdef onefetch autoload -U is-at-least _onefetch() { typeset -A opt_args typeset -a _arguments_options local ret=1 if is-at-least 5.2; then _arguments_options=(-s -S -C) else _arguments_options=(-s -C) fi local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line _arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \ '*-d+[Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output]:FIELD:(project description head pending version created languages dependencies authors last-change contributors url commits churn lines-of-code size license)' \ '*--disabled-fields=[Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output]:FIELD:(project description head pending version created languages dependencies authors last-change contributors url commits churn lines-of-code size license)' \ '--number-of-authors=[Maximum NUM of authors to be shown]:NUM: ' \ '--number-of-languages=[Maximum NUM of languages to be shown]:NUM: ' \ '--number-of-file-churns=[Maximum NUM of file churns to be shown]:NUM: ' \ '--churn-pool-size=[Minimum NUM of commits from HEAD used to compute the churn summary]:NUM: ' \ '*-e+[Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE]:EXCLUDE: ' \ '*--exclude=[Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE]:EXCLUDE: ' \ '--no-bots=[Exclude \[bot\] commits. Use to override the default pattern]' \ '*-T+[Filters output by language type]:TYPE:(programming markup prose data)' \ '*--type=[Filters output by language type]:TYPE:(programming markup prose data)' \ '*-t+[Changes the text colors (X X X...)]:X: ' \ '*--text-colors=[Changes the text colors (X X X...)]:X: ' \ '--number-separator=[Which thousands SEPARATOR to use]:SEPARATOR:(plain comma space underscore)' \ '--ascii-input=[Takes a non-empty STRING as input to replace the ASCII logo]:STRING:_cmdstring' \ '*-c+[Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art]:X: ' \ '*--ascii-colors=[Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art]:X: ' \ '-a+[Which LANGUAGE'\''s ascii art to print]:LANGUAGE:(abnf abap ada agda arduino assembly autohotkey bash c cmake c# ceylon clojure coffeescript coldfusion coq c++ crystal css d dart dockerfile emacs-lisp elixir elm emojicode erlang f# fish forth fortran fortranmodern gdscript glsl go graphql groovy haskell haxe hcl hlsl holyc html idris java javascript json jsonnet jsx julia jupyter-notebooks kotlin llvm lisp lua makefile markdown nim nix ocaml objective-c odin org pascal perl raku php powershell processing prolog protocol-buffers purescript python qml r racket renpy ruby rust sass scala scheme shell solidity sql svelte swift systemverilog tcl tex toml tsx typescript vala verilog vhdl vimscript visualbasic vue webassembly wolfram xsl xaml xml yaml zig zsh)' \ '--ascii-language=[Which LANGUAGE'\''s ascii art to print]:LANGUAGE:(abnf abap ada agda arduino assembly autohotkey bash c cmake c# ceylon clojure coffeescript coldfusion coq c++ crystal css d dart dockerfile emacs-lisp elixir elm emojicode erlang f# fish forth fortran fortranmodern gdscript glsl go graphql groovy haskell haxe hcl hlsl holyc html idris java javascript json jsonnet jsx julia jupyter-notebooks kotlin llvm lisp lua makefile markdown nim nix ocaml objective-c odin org pascal perl raku php powershell processing prolog protocol-buffers purescript python qml r racket renpy ruby rust sass scala scheme shell solidity sql svelte swift systemverilog tcl tex toml tsx typescript vala verilog vhdl vimscript visualbasic vue webassembly wolfram xsl xaml xml yaml zig zsh)' \ '--true-color=[Specify when to use true color]:WHEN:(auto never always)' \ '-i+[Path to the IMAGE file]:IMAGE:_files' \ '--image=[Path to the IMAGE file]:IMAGE:_files' \ '--image-protocol=[Which image PROTOCOL to use]:PROTOCOL:(kitty sixel iterm)' \ '--color-resolution=[VALUE of color resolution to use with SIXEL backend]:VALUE:(16 32 64 128 256)' \ '-o+[Outputs Onefetch in a specific format]:FORMAT:(json yaml)' \ '--output=[Outputs Onefetch in a specific format]:FORMAT:(json yaml)' \ '--generate=[If provided, outputs the completion file for given SHELL]:SHELL:(bash elvish fish powershell zsh)' \ '--no-title[Hides the title]' \ '--no-merges[Ignores merge commits]' \ '-E[Show the email address of each author]' \ '--email[Show the email address of each author]' \ '--include-hidden[Count hidden files and directories]' \ '-z[Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps]' \ '--iso-time[Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps]' \ '--no-bold[Turns off bold formatting]' \ '--no-color-palette[Hides the color palette]' \ '--no-art[Hides the ascii art or image if provided]' \ '-l[Prints out supported languages]' \ '--languages[Prints out supported languages]' \ '-p[Prints out supported package managers]' \ '--package-managers[Prints out supported package managers]' \ '-h[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \ '--help[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \ '-V[Print version]' \ '--version[Print version]' \ '::input -- Run as if onefetch was started in instead of the current working directory:_files -/' \ && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_onefetch_commands] )) || _onefetch_commands() { local commands; commands=() _describe -t commands 'onefetch commands' commands "$@" } if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_onefetch" ]; then _onefetch "$@" else compdef _onefetch onefetch fi _onefetch.ps10000644000175000001440000001620514531732042013344 0ustar pghvlaansusers using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName 'onefetch' -ScriptBlock { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) $commandElements = $commandAst.CommandElements $command = @( 'onefetch' for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandElements.Count; $i++) { $element = $commandElements[$i] if ($element -isnot [StringConstantExpressionAst] -or $element.StringConstantType -ne [StringConstantType]::BareWord -or $element.Value.StartsWith('-') -or $element.Value -eq $wordToComplete) { break } $element.Value }) -join ';' $completions = @(switch ($command) { 'onefetch' { [CompletionResult]::new('-d', 'd', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output') [CompletionResult]::new('--disabled-fields', 'disabled-fields', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output') [CompletionResult]::new('--number-of-authors', 'number-of-authors', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Maximum NUM of authors to be shown') [CompletionResult]::new('--number-of-languages', 'number-of-languages', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Maximum NUM of languages to be shown') [CompletionResult]::new('--number-of-file-churns', 'number-of-file-churns', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Maximum NUM of file churns to be shown') [CompletionResult]::new('--churn-pool-size', 'churn-pool-size', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Minimum NUM of commits from HEAD used to compute the churn summary') [CompletionResult]::new('-e', 'e', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE') [CompletionResult]::new('--exclude', 'exclude', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-bots', 'no-bots', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Exclude [bot] commits. Use to override the default pattern') [CompletionResult]::new('-T', 'T ', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Filters output by language type') [CompletionResult]::new('--type', 'type', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Filters output by language type') [CompletionResult]::new('-t', 't', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Changes the text colors (X X X...)') [CompletionResult]::new('--text-colors', 'text-colors', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Changes the text colors (X X X...)') [CompletionResult]::new('--number-separator', 'number-separator', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Which thousands SEPARATOR to use') [CompletionResult]::new('--ascii-input', 'ascii-input', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Takes a non-empty STRING as input to replace the ASCII logo') [CompletionResult]::new('-c', 'c', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art') [CompletionResult]::new('--ascii-colors', 'ascii-colors', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art') [CompletionResult]::new('-a', 'a', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Which LANGUAGE''s ascii art to print') [CompletionResult]::new('--ascii-language', 'ascii-language', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Which LANGUAGE''s ascii art to print') [CompletionResult]::new('--true-color', 'true-color', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Specify when to use true color') [CompletionResult]::new('-i', 'i', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Path to the IMAGE file') [CompletionResult]::new('--image', 'image', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Path to the IMAGE file') [CompletionResult]::new('--image-protocol', 'image-protocol', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Which image PROTOCOL to use') [CompletionResult]::new('--color-resolution', 'color-resolution', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'VALUE of color resolution to use with SIXEL backend') [CompletionResult]::new('-o', 'o', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Outputs Onefetch in a specific format') [CompletionResult]::new('--output', 'output', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Outputs Onefetch in a specific format') [CompletionResult]::new('--generate', 'generate', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'If provided, outputs the completion file for given SHELL') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-title', 'no-title', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Hides the title') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-merges', 'no-merges', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Ignores merge commits') [CompletionResult]::new('-E', 'E ', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Show the email address of each author') [CompletionResult]::new('--email', 'email', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Show the email address of each author') [CompletionResult]::new('--include-hidden', 'include-hidden', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Count hidden files and directories') [CompletionResult]::new('-z', 'z', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps') [CompletionResult]::new('--iso-time', 'iso-time', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-bold', 'no-bold', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Turns off bold formatting') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-color-palette', 'no-color-palette', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Hides the color palette') [CompletionResult]::new('--no-art', 'no-art', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Hides the ascii art or image if provided') [CompletionResult]::new('-l', 'l', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Prints out supported languages') [CompletionResult]::new('--languages', 'languages', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Prints out supported languages') [CompletionResult]::new('-p', 'p', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Prints out supported package managers') [CompletionResult]::new('--package-managers', 'package-managers', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Prints out supported package managers') [CompletionResult]::new('-h', 'h', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print help (see more with ''--help'')') [CompletionResult]::new('--help', 'help', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print help (see more with ''--help'')') [CompletionResult]::new('-V', 'V ', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print version') [CompletionResult]::new('--version', 'version', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print version') break } }) $completions.Where{ $_.CompletionText -like "$wordToComplete*" } | Sort-Object -Property ListItemText } onefetch.bash0000644000175000001440000001553214531732042013421 0ustar pghvlaansusers_onefetch() { local i cur prev opts cmd COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" cmd="" opts="" for i in ${COMP_WORDS[@]} do case "${cmd},${i}" in ",$1") cmd="onefetch" ;; *) ;; esac done case "${cmd}" in onefetch) opts="-d -e -E -T -t -z -c -a -i -o -l -p -h -V --disabled-fields --no-title --number-of-authors --number-of-languages --number-of-file-churns --churn-pool-size --exclude --no-bots --no-merges --email --include-hidden --type --text-colors --iso-time --number-separator --no-bold --ascii-input --ascii-colors --ascii-language --true-color --image --image-protocol --color-resolution --no-color-palette --no-art --output --generate --languages --package-managers --help --version [INPUT]" if [[ ${cur} == -* || ${COMP_CWORD} -eq 1 ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- "${cur}") ) return 0 fi case "${prev}" in --disabled-fields) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "project description head pending version created languages dependencies authors last-change contributors url commits churn lines-of-code size license" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -d) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "project description head pending version created languages dependencies authors last-change contributors url commits churn lines-of-code size license" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --number-of-authors) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --number-of-languages) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --number-of-file-churns) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --churn-pool-size) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --exclude) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -e) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --no-bots) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --type) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "programming markup prose data" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -T) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "programming markup prose data" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --text-colors) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -t) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --number-separator) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "plain comma space underscore" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --ascii-input) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --ascii-colors) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -c) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --ascii-language) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "abnf abap ada agda arduino assembly autohotkey bash c cmake c# ceylon clojure coffeescript coldfusion coq c++ crystal css d dart dockerfile emacs-lisp elixir elm emojicode erlang f# fish forth fortran fortranmodern gdscript glsl go graphql groovy haskell haxe hcl hlsl holyc html idris java javascript json jsonnet jsx julia jupyter-notebooks kotlin llvm lisp lua makefile markdown nim nix ocaml objective-c odin org pascal perl raku php powershell processing prolog protocol-buffers purescript python qml r racket renpy ruby rust sass scala scheme shell solidity sql svelte swift systemverilog tcl tex toml tsx typescript vala verilog vhdl vimscript visualbasic vue webassembly wolfram xsl xaml xml yaml zig zsh" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -a) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "abnf abap ada agda arduino assembly autohotkey bash c cmake c# ceylon clojure coffeescript coldfusion coq c++ crystal css d dart dockerfile emacs-lisp elixir elm emojicode erlang f# fish forth fortran fortranmodern gdscript glsl go graphql groovy haskell haxe hcl hlsl holyc html idris java javascript json jsonnet jsx julia jupyter-notebooks kotlin llvm lisp lua makefile markdown nim nix ocaml objective-c odin org pascal perl raku php powershell processing prolog protocol-buffers purescript python qml r racket renpy ruby rust sass scala scheme shell solidity sql svelte swift systemverilog tcl tex toml tsx typescript vala verilog vhdl vimscript visualbasic vue webassembly wolfram xsl xaml xml yaml zig zsh" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --true-color) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "auto never always" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --image) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -i) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -f "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --image-protocol) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "kitty sixel iterm" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --color-resolution) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "16 32 64 128 256" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --output) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "json yaml" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; -o) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "json yaml" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; --generate) COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "bash elvish fish powershell zsh" -- "${cur}")) return 0 ;; *) COMPREPLY=() ;; esac COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- "${cur}") ) return 0 ;; esac } complete -F _onefetch -o nosort -o bashdefault -o default onefetch onefetch.elv0000644000175000001440000000673214531732042013274 0ustar pghvlaansusers use builtin; use str; set edit:completion:arg-completer[onefetch] = {|@words| fn spaces {|n| builtin:repeat $n ' ' | str:join '' } fn cand {|text desc| edit:complex-candidate $text &display=$text' '(spaces (- 14 (wcswidth $text)))$desc } var command = 'onefetch' for word $words[1..-1] { if (str:has-prefix $word '-') { break } set command = $command';'$word } var completions = [ &'onefetch'= { cand -d 'Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output' cand --disabled-fields 'Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output' cand --number-of-authors 'Maximum NUM of authors to be shown' cand --number-of-languages 'Maximum NUM of languages to be shown' cand --number-of-file-churns 'Maximum NUM of file churns to be shown' cand --churn-pool-size 'Minimum NUM of commits from HEAD used to compute the churn summary' cand -e 'Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE' cand --exclude 'Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE' cand --no-bots 'Exclude [bot] commits. Use to override the default pattern' cand -T 'Filters output by language type' cand --type 'Filters output by language type' cand -t 'Changes the text colors (X X X...)' cand --text-colors 'Changes the text colors (X X X...)' cand --number-separator 'Which thousands SEPARATOR to use' cand --ascii-input 'Takes a non-empty STRING as input to replace the ASCII logo' cand -c 'Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art' cand --ascii-colors 'Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art' cand -a 'Which LANGUAGE''s ascii art to print' cand --ascii-language 'Which LANGUAGE''s ascii art to print' cand --true-color 'Specify when to use true color' cand -i 'Path to the IMAGE file' cand --image 'Path to the IMAGE file' cand --image-protocol 'Which image PROTOCOL to use' cand --color-resolution 'VALUE of color resolution to use with SIXEL backend' cand -o 'Outputs Onefetch in a specific format' cand --output 'Outputs Onefetch in a specific format' cand --generate 'If provided, outputs the completion file for given SHELL' cand --no-title 'Hides the title' cand --no-merges 'Ignores merge commits' cand -E 'Show the email address of each author' cand --email 'Show the email address of each author' cand --include-hidden 'Count hidden files and directories' cand -z 'Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps' cand --iso-time 'Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps' cand --no-bold 'Turns off bold formatting' cand --no-color-palette 'Hides the color palette' cand --no-art 'Hides the ascii art or image if provided' cand -l 'Prints out supported languages' cand --languages 'Prints out supported languages' cand -p 'Prints out supported package managers' cand --package-managers 'Prints out supported package managers' cand -h 'Print help (see more with ''--help'')' cand --help 'Print help (see more with ''--help'')' cand -V 'Print version' cand --version 'Print version' } ] $completions[$command] } onefetch.fish0000644000175000001440000001010514531732042013424 0ustar pghvlaansuserscomplete -c onefetch -s d -l disabled-fields -d 'Allows you to disable FIELD(s) from appearing in the output' -r -f -a "{project '',description '',head '',pending '',version '',created '',languages '',dependencies '',authors '',last-change '',contributors '',url '',commits '',churn '',lines-of-code '',size '',license ''}" complete -c onefetch -l number-of-authors -d 'Maximum NUM of authors to be shown' -r complete -c onefetch -l number-of-languages -d 'Maximum NUM of languages to be shown' -r complete -c onefetch -l number-of-file-churns -d 'Maximum NUM of file churns to be shown' -r complete -c onefetch -l churn-pool-size -d 'Minimum NUM of commits from HEAD used to compute the churn summary' -r complete -c onefetch -s e -l exclude -d 'Ignore all files & directories matching EXCLUDE' -r complete -c onefetch -l no-bots -d 'Exclude [bot] commits. Use to override the default pattern' -r complete -c onefetch -s T -l type -d 'Filters output by language type' -r -f -a "{programming '',markup '',prose '',data ''}" complete -c onefetch -s t -l text-colors -d 'Changes the text colors (X X X...)' -r complete -c onefetch -l number-separator -d 'Which thousands SEPARATOR to use' -r -f -a "{plain '',comma '',space '',underscore ''}" complete -c onefetch -l ascii-input -d 'Takes a non-empty STRING as input to replace the ASCII logo' -r -f -a "(__fish_complete_command)" complete -c onefetch -s c -l ascii-colors -d 'Colors (X X X...) to print the ascii art' -r complete -c onefetch -s a -l ascii-language -d 'Which LANGUAGE\'s ascii art to print' -r -f -a "{abnf '',abap '',ada '',agda '',arduino '',assembly '',autohotkey '',bash '',c '',cmake '',c# '',ceylon '',clojure '',coffeescript '',coldfusion '',coq '',c++ '',crystal '',css '',d '',dart '',dockerfile '',emacs-lisp '',elixir '',elm '',emojicode '',erlang '',f# '',fish '',forth '',fortran '',fortranmodern '',gdscript '',glsl '',go '',graphql '',groovy '',haskell '',haxe '',hcl '',hlsl '',holyc '',html '',idris '',java '',javascript '',json '',jsonnet '',jsx '',julia '',jupyter-notebooks '',kotlin '',llvm '',lisp '',lua '',makefile '',markdown '',nim '',nix '',ocaml '',objective-c '',odin '',org '',pascal '',perl '',raku '',php '',powershell '',processing '',prolog '',protocol-buffers '',purescript '',python '',qml '',r '',racket '',renpy '',ruby '',rust '',sass '',scala '',scheme '',shell '',solidity '',sql '',svelte '',swift '',systemverilog '',tcl '',tex '',toml '',tsx '',typescript '',vala '',verilog '',vhdl '',vimscript '',visualbasic '',vue '',webassembly '',wolfram '',xsl '',xaml '',xml '',yaml '',zig '',zsh ''}" complete -c onefetch -l true-color -d 'Specify when to use true color' -r -f -a "{auto '',never '',always ''}" complete -c onefetch -s i -l image -d 'Path to the IMAGE file' -r -F complete -c onefetch -l image-protocol -d 'Which image PROTOCOL to use' -r -f -a "{kitty '',sixel '',iterm ''}" complete -c onefetch -l color-resolution -d 'VALUE of color resolution to use with SIXEL backend' -r -f -a "{16 '',32 '',64 '',128 '',256 ''}" complete -c onefetch -s o -l output -d 'Outputs Onefetch in a specific format' -r -f -a "{json '',yaml ''}" complete -c onefetch -l generate -d 'If provided, outputs the completion file for given SHELL' -r -f -a "{bash '',elvish '',fish '',powershell '',zsh ''}" complete -c onefetch -l no-title -d 'Hides the title' complete -c onefetch -l no-merges -d 'Ignores merge commits' complete -c onefetch -s E -l email -d 'Show the email address of each author' complete -c onefetch -l include-hidden -d 'Count hidden files and directories' complete -c onefetch -s z -l iso-time -d 'Use ISO 8601 formatted timestamps' complete -c onefetch -l no-bold -d 'Turns off bold formatting' complete -c onefetch -l no-color-palette -d 'Hides the color palette' complete -c onefetch -l no-art -d 'Hides the ascii art or image if provided' complete -c onefetch -s l -l languages -d 'Prints out supported languages' complete -c onefetch -s p -l package-managers -d 'Prints out supported package managers' complete -c onefetch -s h -l help -d 'Print help (see more with \'--help\')' complete -c onefetch -s V -l version -d 'Print version'