tio - a simple serial device I/O tool tio is a simple serial device tool which features a straightforward command-line and configuration file interface to easily connect to serial TTY devices for basic I/O operations. Features: - Easily connect to serial TTY devices - Automatic connect and reconnect - Sensible defaults (115200 8n1) - Support for non-standard baud rates - Support for mark and space parity - X-modem (1K) and Y-modem file upload - Support for RS-485 mode - List available serial devices by ID - Show RX/TX statistics - Toggle serial lines - Pulse serial lines with configurable pulse duration - Local echo support - Remapping of characters (nl, cr-nl, bs, lowercase to uppercase, etc.) - Line timestamps - Support for delayed output per character - Support for delayed output per line - Hexadecimal mode - Log to file - Autogeneration of log filename - Configuration file support - Activate sub-configurations by name or pattern - Redirect I/O to UNIX socket or IPv4/v6 network socket for scripting or TTY sharing - Pipe input and/or output - Support for simple line request/response handling - Bash completion on options, serial device names, and sub-configuration names - Configurable text color - Visual or audible alert on connect/disconnect - Remapping of prefix key - Man page documentation - Binary size less than 90kB - Plays nicely with [tmux](https://tmux.github.io)