#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # sl - usefully organize directories and point out interesting files # Invented by Tom Phelps on December 30, 2011. # # home site: http://www.PracticalThought.com/ # # Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Thomas A. Phelps # Licensed under the GNU Public License version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/). # NO WARRANTY. # # # $Revision: 1.89 $ $Date: 2012/02/20 04:20:46 $ # if {[package vcompare [info patchlevel] 8.5] < 0} { puts stderr "ERROR: requires Tcl 8.5"; exit 1 } if { ![catch {set tty [exec stty -a]}] && [regexp {(\d+)\s+columns} $tty all TERMINFO(width)]} { } elseif {[info exists env(COLUMNS)]} {set TERMINFO(width) $env(COLUMNS) } else {set TERMINFO(width) 80} array set TIME [list SECOND 1 MINUTE [expr 60] HOUR [expr 60*60] DAY [expr 60*60*24] MONTH [expr 60*60*24*30] YEAR [expr 60*60*24*365]] array set TIME [list now [clock seconds]] set TIME(epsilon) $TIME(MINUTE) ;# amount that times must differ to be considered different, due to different clocks, delays in file system and network, ... # groups: by suffix, by exact name (modulo compression wrapper), by regexp # This is not intended to be a complete database -- add more and reassign in your ~/.sl.tcl startup file. # are archives like dir (and sorted together)? both labelled collections # tosort: maybe psd/ai/TODO in dev for artist? # group names short so when used as title also separate groups by whitespace # conflicts: .asf audio/video, .iso data/video, .xml doc/usually data, .raw and .bin can be anything set GROUP { special {byascii} {} dir {title prefix by1} {} build {byascii} { Makefile GNUmakefile build.xml -build.number configure INSTALL README } app {bysuffix} { -.so -.a .jar .exe .dll -core } dev {} { .c .cpp .cc .m -.h -.o .java -.class .scala .f .tcl .sh .py -.pyc .pl .scpt .m4 .lua .nib .y -CVS -RCS -TAGS -tags .el -.elc } A2 {title} { .dsk .do .po .2mg .2img .shk .sdk .sea .bsq .bxy .bny .bsc .dc } WWW {} { .html .htm .shtml .php .php3 .ars } aux {bysuffix} { .css .js .url .webloc robots.txt .json } doc {prefix} { .txt .man .1 .3 .dox .chm .tex .bib .sty .dvi .texi .info .nfo .readme Index } book {title} { .ps .pdf .djvu .epub .mobi .cbr .cbz } document {title} { .indd .odt .doc .rtf .docx .ppt .pptx .xls .xlsx } image {title nosfx prefix} { .jpg .jpeg .jp2 .png .gif .tiff .tif .dng .psd .xbm .xpm .pbm .pgm .ppm .ico .bmp .raw Thumbs.db } vector {title} { .ai .svg .wmf .emf } audio {title nosfx prefix} { .aac .mp3 .m4a .m4b .m4p .aif .aiff .snd .flac .ogg .oga .mid .wav .wma .ra .mod } video {title nosfx prefix} { .mpg .mpeg .avi .mov .wmv .mkv .mp4 .m4v .flv .f4v .asf .ram .rm .rmvb .divx .vob .iso } font {title nosfx prefix} { .pfb .pfa -.afm -.pfm .ttf .ttc .dfont .otf .otc .woff -fonts.dir -fonts.list -fonts.scale -encodings.dir } data {} { .xml .plist .strings .data .dat .sfv .md5 .bin } other {byascii} {} archive {title prefix} { .zip .tar .tgz .xz .rar .sit .sitx .cpt .dmg } dotfile {} {} Mac {} { -.DS_Store "-Desktop DB" "-Desktop DF" } ignore {} { .bak bkup .bkup .bup tmp .tmp -old .old -obsolete ignore } } if {([llength $GROUP]%3) != 0} {puts stderr "GROUP: some line missing field"; exit 1} foreach {group flags entries} $GROUP { set G2F($group) $flags foreach x $entries { if {"-" == [string index $x 0]} {set EQ([string range $x 1 end]) -$group } else {set EQ($x) $group} } } set tmp "(?i)README" append tmp {|TODO$|notes|TOSORT} append tmp {|Makefile$|configure$|build.xml} ;#|INSTALL append tmp "|index.html?"; # HTML set EQ(NOTABLE) $tmp array set EQ { WRAPPER {\.(gz|Z|bz2|uu|hqx)$} AUTOBKUP {(.*?)(\.~\d+\.\d+\.)?~$} DEV {(?i)notes|^todo|changelog} DEVDIR {^lib$|^src|(^|[ _-])test|jar|dump} MANDIR {/man/man[^/]+$} MANPAGE {^.+\.[1-9oln][^/]*$} } array set STYLE { group ";01;35;4" file "" dir ";34" special ";36" link ";35" notable ";7" autosearch ";36" recent,file ";31" recent,dir ";31" relrec,file ";33" relrec,dir ";33" relsize ";36" warning ";1;01;31" pre ";36" post "" log ";4" OFF ";0" } # 0 means off, else some value (maybe useful, not necessarily 1) # filter - data - presentation - control - ls options array set SWITCH { version "v1.1.3 of February 19, 2012" site "http://www.PracticalThought.com/" ignore 3 only 0 notable 1 autosearch {\W(urgent|password|pw|live)\W} relsize 5 relchange 10 relread 10 atime 0 vc 1 group 1 grouptitle 1 series 5 prefix 0 shorten 10 nosfx 0 title 0 maxcol 0 summary 2 startup "~/.sl.tcl" expando 2 log 0 F 1 1 0 B {~$|^#.*#$|^\.#} } set SWITCH(abschange) [expr $TIME(DAY)*2] set SWITCH(TAP) [file exists "~/prj/Multivalent"] ;# experimental/aggressive # i18n for words shown every time (but not for error messages) foreach word { file files directory directories ignored second minute hour day month year } { set I18N($word) $word } foreach {key val} { ... ' pre0 " " type-file "" type-directory "/" type-link "->" type-link-external "-->" type-special "_" warn-link-broken "X" warn-empty "0" warn-single "1" warn-box "!" warn-link-hard-multiple "<-" warn-bit-setUID "u" warn-bit-setGID "g" warn-bit-sticky "s" warn-world-writable "W" warn-not-readable-by-user "r" warn-dir-not-searchable-by-user "x" warn-vc-need "^" warn-vc-stale "v" warn-vc-other "v" } { set I18N($key) $val } # mount points of external drives (that might spin down and would be slow spin up) set SWITCH(mounts) {/Volumes} set SWITCH(encoding) [encoding system] encoding system identity # control proc sl {dir {level 0}} { global SWITCH # filenames have different encodings: UTF-8, ISO8859-1, UTF-16 NFD (on OS X) # we need both raw name for file stat and cooked name for display encoding system $SWITCH(encoding); set cooked [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -- "*" ".*"] encoding system identity; set raw [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir -- "*" ".*"] # leave encoding as identity for file stat sl2 $dir $raw $cooked $level } proc sl2 {dir raw cooked level} { if {[llength $raw]==0} return global SWITCH GROUP G2F EQ STYLE LOG set LOG {}; array set stats {series 0 pfx 0 pfxch 0} set f [file normalize ~]; file stat $f home; set home(at) [string equal $f [file normalize $dir]] # 1. build up data record for each file log "[color collect log] [llength $raw]" set fcnt 0; set dcnt 0; set igcnt 0; set igl {} set totalsize 0; set totaldir 0; set dotcnt 0 set l {} foreach f $raw show $cooked { set tail [file tail $f]; if {"."==$tail || ".."==$tail} continue set show [file tail $show] file lstat $f stat ;# sometimes we care if it's a link and other times not set type $stat(type); set typec "" set size 0; set mtime $stat(mtime); set atime $stat(atime) lassign [groupbyname $dir $show $type] group iglevel ts t sfx set warning "" if {[regexp $EQ(AUTOBKUP) $show all base] && [file join $dir $base] ni $cooked} {append warning [l10n warn-link-broken] ;# abandoned backup (emacs~, CVS.~.~) } elseif {$SWITCH(ignore) >= $iglevel} { if {$iglevel >= 3} {lappend igl $show} if {$iglevel==2} {incr dotcnt} else {incr igcnt} continue } set style ""; set pre " "; set post "" # a. general if {($stat(mode) & 04000) != 0} {append warning [l10n warn-bit-setUID]} if {($stat(mode) & 02000) != 0} {append warning [l10n warn-bit-setGID]} if {($stat(mode) & 01000) != 0} {append warning [l10n warn-bit-sticky]} append post [peculiar $stat(mode) $type] if {"link"==$type} {set typec [l10n type-link]; set style $STYLE(link)} if {$SWITCH(TAP) && $home(at) && $stat(uid) != $home(uid) && $stat(nlink)==1} {append post " [color owner warning post]=" [uid2name $stat(uid)]} ;# sometimes root # b. by type if {"link"==$type && [external $dir $f]} { # if symbolic link to another disk, don't stat b/c may be very slow (spin up drive or network) # in UNIX can mount volumes anywhere just like directory, so go with OS X convention of /Volumes set typec [l10n type-link-external] # assume dir if not suffix? test on "[file link $f]"? if {$sfx==""} {set style $STYLE(dir); set group dir; incr dcnt} else {incr fcnt} } elseif {![file exists $f]} { append warning [l10n warn-link-broken] } elseif {[file isfile $f]} { set typec [l10n type-file] set style $STYLE(file) if {[file executable $f]} { if {"other"==$group} {set group app} set warning "*$warning" ;#append post "*" } if {$type!="link"} { if {![file readable $f]} {append warning [l10n warn-not-readable-by-user]} set size $stat(size) if {$size==0} { set attrs [file attributes $f] ;# we don't use "file attributes $f -rsrclength" b/c error on non-Mac if {[set x [lsearch -exact $attrs -rsrclength]] >= 0} {set size [lindex $attrs $x+1]} } incr totalsize $size if {$size==0} {append warning [l10n warn-empty]} if {$stat(nlink) > 1} { append warning [l10n warn-link-hard-multiple] ;# or "$stat(nlink)", which is distinct from '0'-length file and '1' file in dir, but less mnemonic #append post $stat(ino) } if {".nib"==$sfx && $size==232960} {set group A2} ;# special cases if {".doc"==$sfx && $size < 22000} {set group doc} } incr fcnt } elseif {[file isdirectory $f]} { #set sfx ".directory" ? set content {} set fread [file readable $f] if {$fread} { set content [glob -nocomplain -directory $f -tails -- "*"] # try to reset atime -- treat read above as metadata read just like stat() set touchfmt [clock format $stat(atime) -format "%Y%m%d%H%M.%S"] ;# [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] catch { exec touch -f -a -t $touchfmt $f } ;# changes ctime, but we value atime over ctime } lassign [classifydir $f $show $content] group size set style $STYLE(dir) if {"link"==$type} { set size 0 } else { set typec [l10n type-directory] incr totaldir [expr $size] if {!$fread} {append warning [l10n warn-not-readable-by-user] } elseif {$size==0} {append warning [l10n warn-empty] } elseif {$size==1 && [file exists "$f/Contents/Info.plist"]} { ;# "*.app" not reliable #set group app -- in /Applications don't split app vs dir-w/app and other, just avoid warning due to single directory } elseif {0 && $size==1} {set show [file join $show [lindex $content 0]] ;# inline singleton file, want to recurse here to a "proc maketuple {file}", probably make name too long as dirname + filename } elseif {$size==1} {append warning [l10n warn-single] } else { append post $size #if {$stat(nlink) < [llength $content]} {append warning "K"} ;# on UFS nlink = . + .. + #files, but on HFS+ external often wrong -- but in HFS+? no aux file for hard links? } if {($stat(mode) & 2) != 0} {append warning [l10n warn-world-writable]} if {![file executable $f]} {append warning [l10n warn-dir-not-searchable-by-user]} } incr dcnt } else { set group "special"; set style $STYLE(special); set typec [l10n type-special] incr fcnt } # c. appearance set display $show ;# default to faithful so no surprises set sortkey [normalizekey $t $sfx] if {$SWITCH(title)} { set display $t ;# "title" implies strip wrapper for every group if {"title" in $G2F($group)} {set display [prettyname $display $type $group]} # if chop suffix may get dups, which are zapped in lsort -unique if {$SWITCH(nosfx) && "nosfx" in $G2F($group) && "file"==$type} {set sortkey [file rootname $sortkey] } else {append display $sfx} } if {$SWITCH(F)} {append display $typec} if {$SWITCH(notable) && [regexp $EQ(NOTABLE) $ts]} {append style $STYLE(notable)} # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... could use a struct here lappend l [list $tail $sfx $type $group $sortkey $style $pre $display $warning $post $size $mtime $atime] } if {[llength $igl]>0} {log "ignored ($igl)"} # comparison w/ls after ignore and before reindeer games set maxlen 0; set cnt [expr $fcnt+$dcnt+[llength $igl]] foreach tuple $l { set len [displaylen [lindex $tuple 0]]; if {$len > $maxlen} {set maxlen $len} } global TERMINFO set cols [expr $TERMINFO(width)/($maxlen+1+1)]; if {$cols==0} {set cols 1} ;# maxlen + 1 for trailing char + 1 for gap log "cf ls -B $TERMINFO(width)/($maxlen+1+1) for $cnt = ${cols}x[iceil $cnt $cols]" # 2. mark up data log "[color mark log] [llength $l]" if {$SWITCH(vc)} { foreach p [info commands "vc-*"] {set l [$p $dir $l]} } set l [relative $l] set datalen 0; set tuplelen [llength [lindex $l 0]]; set reported 0 foreach tuple $l { if {[catch {set user [perfile $dir $tuple]} info]} { if {!$reported} {puts stderr "$SWITCH(startup): $info"; set reported 1} } elseif {[llength $user] == 0} { ;# NOT [lindex $user 2]=="ignore" b/c show orphaned ~ files } elseif {[llength $user] != $tuplelen} { if {!$reported} {puts stderr "$SWITCH(startup) returned bad list: $user"; set reported 1} } elseif {$SWITCH(only) && ![distinctive $user]} { } else { #puts "[lindex $user 0] -> [lindex $user 4]" lappend ga([lindex $user 3]) $user incr datalen } } if {$datalen == 0} return ;# possible after user processing and -only # 3. display # a. prepare display list: sort, groups # lsort doesn't support a secondary key (we need group then dictionary within group), so custom sort set l {}; set lastgroup "dir"; set gtitcnt 0 foreach {g flags ignore} $GROUP { if {![info exists ga($g)]} continue set gl $ga($g) # "lsort command uses the merge-sort algorithm which is a stable sort" -- hooray! set sortl [lsort -index 4 -dictionary -unique $gl] ;# only sort, or sets order for elements that are equal in subsequent sort if {[set by [lsearch -glob -inline $flags "by*"]] != ""} { if {"bysuffix"==$by} {set sortl [lsort -index 1 -ascii $sortl] } else {set sortl [lsort -index 0 -command $by $sortl]} } # used to make series here, but better to treat series as a unit for proc relative if {$SWITCH(series) && [llength $sortl] >= $SWITCH(series)} {lassign [series $sortl] sortl cnt; incr stats(series) $cnt} ;# series before prefix if {$SWITCH(prefix) && "prefix" in $flags} {lassign [prefix $sortl] sortl cnt1 cnt2; incr stats(pfx) $cnt1; incr stats(pfxch) $cnt2} if {$SWITCH(grouptitle) && $g != $lastgroup} { lappend l [list "" "" "GROUP" "" "" $STYLE(group) " " $g "" "" 0 0 0] ;# "$name ([llength $ga($g)])" like dir? didn't like it set lastgroup $g incr gtitcnt } set l [concat $l $sortl] } if {$stats(series) > 0} {log "series -$stats(series)"} if {$stats(pfx) > 0} {log "prefix $stats(pfx) ($stats(pfxch) chars)"} if {!$SWITCH(group)} {set l [lsort -index 4 -dictionary $l]} # b. display: table, summary line, log log "[color display log] [llength $l]" column $l $gtitcnt if {$SWITCH(summary) && $datalen >= $SWITCH(summary)} { puts -nonewline " [plural $fcnt file files]" if {$fcnt>0} {puts -nonewline " ([kmg $totalsize OFF])"} if {$dotcnt > 0} {puts -nonewline " + [plural $dotcnt dotfile dotfiles [color . warning]]"} if {$igcnt>0} {puts -nonewline " + [plural $igcnt ignored ignored]"} if {$dcnt>0} {puts -nonewline ", [plural $dcnt directory directories] ([plural $totaldir file files])"} #if {$dir!="/"} {puts -nonewline ", .. ([plural [llength [glob $dir/../*]] file files])"} puts "" } if {$SWITCH(log) && [llength $LOG] > 0} {puts "log: [join $LOG {, }]"} if {$SWITCH(expando) && $fcnt<=$SWITCH(expando) && $dcnt==1 && $level < 10} { foreach tuple $l { if {"directory"==[lindex $tuple 2] && [lindex $tuple 10]>0} { ;# && [lindex $tuple 10] < ? ... this is in place of original anemic dir set subdir [lindex $tuple 0] puts [format "\nautoexpand [color %s/ dir]:" $subdir] sl [file join $dir $subdir] [expr $level+1] break } } } } # # organization: grouping # proc groupbyname {dir tsw type} { global EQ SWITCH # distinguish types from wrappers, so doc.txt and photo.jpg are different groups, but doc.txt and doc2.txt.gz are same group #if [catch { set tail [file tail $f] }] {return "other"} ;# "home.insightbb.com/~fourcolorheros" as a path if {[regexp -nocase $EQ(WRAPPER) $tsw]} {set ts [file rootname $tsw]} else {set ts $tsw} if {"file"==$type && [set t [file rootname $ts]]!=""} {set sfx [string tolower [file extension $ts]]} else {set t $ts; set sfx ""} if {[info exists EQ($ts)]} {set g $EQ($ts) ;# can't beat exact } elseif {[regexp $SWITCH(B) $ts]} {set g ignore ;# regex take precedence over suffix since reclassifying to more specific, ignore first } elseif {"."==[string index $ts 0]} {set g dotfile } elseif {[regexp $EQ(DEV) $ts] && ($sfx=="" || $sfx==".txt")} {set g dev } elseif {[regexp $EQ(MANDIR) $dir] && [regexp $EQ(MANPAGE) $ts]} {set g doc } elseif {[info exists EQ($sfx)]} {set g $EQ($sfx) } else {set g other} if {"-"==[string index $g 0]} { set g [string range $g 1 end]; set iglevel 3 } elseif {"dotfile" == $g} { set iglevel 2 } elseif {"ignore" == $g} { set iglevel 1 } else { set iglevel 4 } return [list $g $iglevel $ts $t $sfx] } proc external {dir f} { global SWITCH set link [file link $f] if {[string equal -length [string length $dir] $dir $link]} { return 0 } foreach d $SWITCH(mounts) { if {[string equal -length [string length $d] $d $link]} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc classifydir {f show l} { global EQ GROUP SWITCH set MAXEXT [string length ".torrent"] # 1. by content # a. counts foreach {g ignore1 ignore2} $GROUP {set cc($g) 0} set llen 0; set softignore 0 foreach c $l { lassign [groupbyname $f $c "file"] g iglevel ts t sfx if {$iglevel <= 2} continue elseif {$iglevel==3} {incr softignore} if {$g=="other"} { ;# guess at dir w/o stat (which would be slow on sometimes 1000s of files) set extlen [string length $sfx] if {$extlen==0 || $extlen > $MAXEXT} {set g dir} } incr cc($g); incr llen } # b. analyze set known [expr $llen - $cc(other)] ;# within types that we can identify (though id by suffix is weak) set max 0; set maxg "dir" unset cc(other) cc(A2) cc(ignore) foreach g [array names cc] { set len $cc($g) if {$len > $max} {set max $len; set maxg $g} } set relen 0; foreach c {video audio image WWW} {incr relen $cc($c)} # c. reclassify set g "dir" #puts "[array names cc] $cc(video) + $cc(audio) + $cc(image) + $cc(WWW) > $llen/2" if {"."==[string index $show 0]} {set g dotfile } elseif {[lsearch -nocase -glob $l "VIDEO_TS*"] >= 0} {set g video ;# VIDEO_TS/ or VIDEO_TS.VOB } elseif {$cc(dir) >= 3} { # hierarchy } elseif {$relen>0 && ($relen >= $llen/2 || $llen<=4)} { ;# media special case if {$cc(video) > 0} {set g video } elseif {$cc(audio) > $cc(image)} {set g audio } elseif {$cc(WWW) >= 2 || ($cc(WWW)==1 && $relen<=2) || ($cc(WWW)>=1 && [lsearch -nocase -glob $l "index.htm*"]>=0)} { #set g WWW -- keep as a group so not image/, but don't reclassify b/c gets mixed in with other .html in site } else {set g image} } elseif {$max >= [expr $known/2]} { ;# other groups if {$maxg!="WWW"} {set g $maxg} } # 2. by name if {[regexp $EQ(DEVDIR) $show]} {set g dev} # Xelseif {"doc"==$show || "man"==$show} {set g doc} => by content #puts "$show -> $g $cc($g) of $known/$llen" set size [expr $llen-$softignore]; if {$SWITCH(TAP) && $g!="dir" && 0 < $cc($g)&&$cc($g) < $size} {set size "$cc($g)+[expr $size-$cc($g)]"} return [list $g $size] } proc normalizekey {t sfx} { # Xset s [string tolower $s] => no, some sorts case sensitive set s $t if {[regexp {^(\.)} $s all pfx]} {set s [string range $s [string length $pfx] end]} {set pfx ""} regsub -all {#(\d)} $s {\1} s; ;# "#" vs plain "" regsub -all {(\D)(\d+)} $s {\1~\2} s ;# if compare something w/number vs something without put number afterward, because first movie in series not given a number regsub -all {[-\. _\t]+} $s { } s ;# normalize word separators into single space -- maybe all punctuation? regsub -all -nocase {(^| )(the|a|an) } $s {\1} s ;# "a" and "an" may be too aggressive, but try it and let experience guide if {$s==""} {set s $t} else {set s "$pfx$s$sfx"} ;# oops, we were too aggressive #puts "$t -> $s" return $s } # # data: relatively recent, relatively large, version control # proc relative {l} { global STYLE TIME SWITCH # recent, both absolute and relative set abscutoff [expr $TIME(now)-$SWITCH(abschange)] set sizel {}; set mtimel {}; set atimel {} foreach tuple $l { lappend sizel [expr [lindex $tuple 10]] ;# yeah compares sizes of files and dirs, but works out OK lappend mtimel [lindex $tuple 11] if {[lindex $tuple 2]!="directory"} {lappend atimel [lindex $tuple 12]} } log "NOW = $TIME(now)" lassign [cutoff relsize $sizel 1] cutoffsize repz lassign [cutoff relchange $mtimel [expr 5*$TIME(MINUTE)]] cutoffm repm ;# e.g., time to rip a CD lassign [cutoff relread $atimel [expr 5*$TIME(MINUTE)]] cutoffa repa set l2 {} foreach tuple $l { lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime; set size [expr $size] #if {$size > $cutoffsize} {set style "[lindex $tuple 5];1"} #if {$mtime >= $abscutoff} {set pre " " ;# # other chars like "*" and '^" blend in too much, colorize too much #} elseif {$mtime > $cutoffm} {set pre "."} ;# ">" so run of same across border ignores all (prefer few to too many) # bold visually stronger than indent and recent more important than largest, so bold on recent... but bold unreliable? # often recent also notable (index.html), bold dir blend in with groups set sub [expr {$type=="directory"?"dir":"file"}] if {$SWITCH(relsize) && ($size > $cutoffsize || ($size==$cutoffsize && $repz))} { set pre " " ;# indent, could also outdent if single space char if {"file"==$type} {append post " " [kmg $size post]} ;# dir already has size set repz 0 ;# choose only one as the representative } if {$SWITCH(abschange) && $mtime >= $abscutoff} { append style $STYLE(recent,$sub) if {$mtime > $cutoffm || $TIME(now)-$mtime < $TIME(HOUR)} {append post " <" [ago $mtime]; set repm 0} } elseif {$SWITCH(relchange) && ($mtime > $cutoffm || ($mtime==$cutoffm && $repm))} { append style $STYLE(relrec,$sub); append post " <" [ago $mtime]; set repm 0 } # can't do absolute (last day, say) due to OS X Spotlight, access since last mod, not dir b/c we do a glob our own damn selves # Spotlight: no benefit b/c continuously touching and not resetting, but doesn't cause bad results b/c touches everything so no few most recent and if <=4 files we don't mark anyhow if {"directory"==$type} { # don't do dirs -- always being touched } elseif {$SWITCH(atime) > 0} { ;# if explicitly turned on absolute, don't confuse with relative if {$TIME(now) - $atime <= $SWITCH(atime)} { set pre "->[string range $pre 2 end]"; append post " -" [ago $atime]; set repa 0 ;# "=>" so different than relative? no, won't have both kinds at the same time, string range in case also relsize } } elseif {$SWITCH(relread) && ($atime > $cutoffa || ($atime==$cutoffa && $repa)) && $atime > $mtime + $TIME(MINUTE)} { set pre "->[string range $pre 2 end]"; append post " -" [ago $atime]; set repa 0 } lappend l2 [list $tail $sfx $type $group $sortkey $style $pre $display $warning $post $size $mtime $atime] } return $l2 } proc cutoff {what l by} { global SWITCH set pct $SWITCH($what) set llen [llength $l]; if {$llen==0 || $pct==0} return elseif {$llen==1} {return [list [lindex $l 0] 1]} set l [lsort -command bybignum -decreasing $l]; set max [lindex $l 0] set cut [expr (($llen*$pct)/100)+1]; if {$cut>$pct} {set cut $pct} set val [lindex $l $cut]; set rep 0 if {$llen > 4} { ;# have to differ by a meaningful amount -- if all downloaded within a couple minutes a year ago, that's just random set median [expr $llen/2] set beat [expr [lindex $l $median] + $by] if {$val < $beat} {set val $beat} } if {$max <= $val} { set val $max if {!$SWITCH(only)} {set rep 1; log "$what rep=$val"} ;# single representative value to characterize, but if -only prefer nothing } else {log "$what > $val @ $cut"} return [list $val $rep] } proc peculiar {mode type} { # 1. anything peculiar? # zots if {($mode & 0777) == 0} { return [color "---------" warning post] } set h 0 set powner [expr ($mode>>6)&0x7]; set pgroup [expr ($mode>>3)&0x7]; set pothers [expr $mode&0x7] # owner/w/x but no r if {($powner&4)==0} {set h [expr $h|(4<<6)]} if {(1 <= $pgroup&&$pgroup <= 3)} {set h [expr $h|(4<<3)]} if {(1 <= $pothers&&$pothers <= 3)} {set h [expr $h|4]} # more important but lower perm set p [expr $powner & $pgroup]; if {$p != $pgroup} {set h [expr $h|(($pgroup - $p)<<6)]} set p [expr $powner & $pothers]; if {$p != $pothers} {set h [expr $h|(($pothers - $p)<<6)]} set p [expr $pgroup & $pothers]; if {$p != $pothers} {set h [expr $h|(($pothers - $p)<<3)]} # directory: r,w but not x if {"directory"==$type} { if {($powner&6)!=0 && ($powner&1)==0} {set h [expr $h|(1<<6)]} if {($pgroup&6)!=0 && ($pgroup&1)==0} {set h [expr $h|(1<<3)]} if {($pothers&6)!=0 && ($pothers&1)==0} {set h [expr $h|1]} } if {$h==0} {return ""} # 2. if so, then highlight that bit set post " "; set rwx [perm $mode] for {set bit 8} {$bit>=0} {incr bit -1} { set c [string index $rwx [expr 8-$bit]] if {((1<<$bit)&$h) != 0} {append post [color $c warning post] } else {append post $c} } return $post } # version control proc vc-rcs {dir l} { set rep "$dir/RCS"; if {![file readable $rep]} {return $l} set l2 {} foreach tuple $l { lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime set fv [file join $rep "$tail,v"] if {[file exists $fv] && [file mtime $fv] < $mtime} {append warning [l10n warn-vc-need]} # RCS repository is local, so theoretically can't have stale local copy lappend l2 [list $tail $sfx $type $group $sortkey $style $pre $display $warning $post $size $mtime $atime] } return $l2 } proc vc-cvs {dir l} { global TIME set cvs "$dir/CVS"; if {![file readable $cvs] || ![file readable $cvs/Root]} {return $l} set fid [open "$cvs/Root"]; set root [read -nonewline $fid]; close $fid set fid [open "$cvs/Repository"]; set rep [read -nonewline $fid]; close $fid set fid [open "$cvs/Entries"]; set entries [read $fid]; close $fid set data {} foreach line [split $entries "\n"] { lassign [split $line "/"] pre name ver date options tagdate lappend data [list $name $ver $date] } set rep [file join $root $rep] if {![file exists $rep]} {puts [color "can't find CVS repository: $rep" warning]} ;# maybe even blink set l2 {} foreach tuple $l { lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime set rec [lsearch -exact -index 0 -inline $data $tail] if {$rec==""} { # not under version control } elseif {[regexp {^[-0]} [set civer [lindex $rec 1]]]} { # locally added (version 0) or removed (negative version number), not yet checked in append warning [l10n warn-vc-need] } else { # repository updated, local stale set citime [clock scan [lindex $rec 2] -gmt true] if {![file exists [set fv [file join $rep "$tail,v"]]]} { #append warning [l10n warn-link-broken] -- maybe not local } elseif {[file mtime $fv] > $citime+$TIME(epsilon)} { ;# preliminary check to reduce #files that have to read set fid [open $fv]; set head [read $fid 4096]; close $fid if {[regexp {head\s[(\d\.)]+;} all repver] && $civer != $repver} { append warning [l10n warn-vc-stale] } } # local changed since last if {$mtime > $citime+$TIME(epsilon)} { append warning [l10n warn-vc-need] } } lappend l2 [list $tail $sfx $type $group $sortkey $style $pre $display $warning $post $size $mtime $atime] } return $l2 } # # display: filter, series, prefix, layout # proc distinctive {tuple} { global STYLE lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime set show 0 if {$type=="file"} { if {$style!=$STYLE(file) || $pre!=" " || ($warning!="" && $warning!="*" && $warning!="*<-") || $post!=""} {set show 1} } elseif {$type=="directory"} { if {$style!=$STYLE(dir) || $pre!=" " || ($warning!="" && $warning!="1") || [llength $post]>1} {set show 1} } return $show } proc prettyname {d type group} { # SWITCH(title) is not on by default because you have type the exact name in, # but it's OK if you use file completion and are aware that the filename display may not be exactly the same. regsub -all {([a-z])([A-Z])} $d {\1 \2} d ;# camelCase -> camel Case regsub -all {[\._ ]+} $d { } d return $d } # requires list sorted in dictionary order proc series {l} { global SWITCH set KEY 0 ;# 0=tail, 4=sortkey, 7=displayname set RX_RELZ { [\.\d]{1,4}[BKMGTPEZY]} set seriesl {}; set cnt 0 for {set i 0; set imax [llength $l]} {$i<$imax} {} { set tuple [lindex $l $i] set relz 0 for {set j $i} {$j<$imax} {incr j} { set tuple2 [lindex $l $j] if {[lindex $tuple2 2]=="directory"} {break ;# dir already kind of a series } elseif {$j==$i} { } elseif {![serieseq [lindex $t $KEY] [lindex $tuple2 $KEY]]} {break } elseif {[lindex $tuple2 8] != ""} {break ;# keep warnings } elseif {[set post2 [lindex $tuple2 9]] != ""} { if {[regexp $RX_RELZ $post2 all] && [string length $post2]==[string length $all]} {incr relz} else break } set t $tuple2 ;# progressive } set slen [expr $j-$i] if {$slen >= 3} { set post [lindex $tuple 9] if {$relz && ![regexp $RX_RELZ $post]} {append post " " [kmg [lindex $tuple 10] post]} ;# maybe also do this if length of series >100 or would qualify by relsize percentage (set zlen [expr 100/$SWITCH(relsize)]), size of first tuple is representative but maybe instead show largest in series or sum append post "..." $slen lset tuple 9 $post set i $j ;# j at first mismatch, which is next start incr cnt [expr $slen-1] } else {incr i} lappend seriesl $tuple } return [list $seriesl $cnt] } proc serieseq {f1 f2} { set len [string length $f1] if {[string length $f2] != $len} {return 0} set i 0 # if [string length [file rootname]] >= 10 then assume must be a common prefix if {$len >= 6+4} { ;# [string length "999999"]==6 + 4 for suffix (though some groups have no suffix) for {} {$i < 4} {incr i} { if {[string index $f1 $i] != [string index $f2 $i]} { return 0 } } } set alphaseries 0 for {} {$i<$len} {incr i} { set c1 [string index $f1 $i]; set c2 [string index $f2 $i] if {$c1==$c2} { } elseif {[string is integer $c1] && [string is integer $c2]} { } elseif {$alphaseries} {break } elseif {[string is alpha $c1] && [string is alpha $c2]} { #scan $c1 "%c" v1; scan $c2 "%c" v2 #X if {$v1+1==$v2} {set alphaseries 1} else {return 0} => too strict set alphaseries 1 } elseif {[string is integer $c1] && [string is alpha $c2]} { ;# 0..9 over to a..z set alphaseries 1 } else break } return [expr $i==$len] } # requires list in display order proc prefix {l} { global SWITCH set l2 {}; set lastd ""; set lastlen 0 set cnt 0; set cntch 0 foreach tuple $l { set d [lindex $tuple 7]; set len [string length $d] set pfx 0 set i 0; set imax [expr $lastlen<$len?$lastlen:$len] for {set lastc ""} {$i<$imax} {incr i; set lastc $c2} { set c1 [string index $lastd $i]; set c2 [string index $d $i] # breakpoints -- computed on text to be elided not on base if {$c2==" "} {set pfx [expr $i+1] ;# not A-Za-z0-9 } elseif {[string is punct $c2] || $c2=="\u001b"} {set pfx $i ;# not A-Za-z0-9 } elseif {$lastc==""} { } elseif {[string is lower $lastc] && [string is upper $c2]} {set pfx $i ;# camelCase } elseif {[string is alpha $lastc] && [string is digit $c2]} {set pfx $i ;# letter->number } # elseif >=3 chars x >= 4 names ? if {$c1 != $c2} break } if {$i==$imax && ![string is digit $lastc]} {set pfx $i} if {$pfx >= $SWITCH(prefix)} { lset tuple 7 "[format {%*s} $pfx { }][string range $d $pfx end]" ;# $pfx-1 spaces and ~ not appealing incr cnt; incr cntch $pfx } lappend l2 $tuple set lastd $d; set lastlen $len } return [list $l2 $cnt $cntch] } # sorting comparators proc byascii {f1 f2} { return [string compare $f1 $f2] } proc by1 {f1 f2} { return [string compare -length 1 $f1 $f2] } # would like to use lsort -integer but handle a file size larger than 4GB on 32-bit machines, (return non-bignum result!) proc bybignum {n1 n2} { return [expr {$n1<$n2?-1:[expr $n1==$n2?0:1]}] } # "[l10n file]" vs "$l10n(file)" -- same number of chars proc l10n {word} { global I18N if {[info exists I18N($word)]} {set word $I18N($word)} return $word } set COLSEP 1 ;# min space between columns, but effectively +2=3 from 'pre', almost always appears to be much more due to different name lengths and markings. ls is 1 set NAMEMIN 40 ;# so 2 cols on 80-col screen proc column {l gtitcnt} { global TERMINFO NAMEMIN COLSEP SWITCH # 1. compute widths needed by tuples, with max that allows >=COLSMIN set llen [llength $l] set width [expr $TERMINFO(width)-1] ;# right margin (get left margin for free with pre==" ") if {$SWITCH(1)} {set width 1} set colsmin [expr $width / $NAMEMIN] if {$colsmin <= 1 || !$SWITCH(shorten) || $llen < $SWITCH(shorten)} {set namemax 1000000 ;# if few to show give them what they want } else {set namemax [expr ($width - $COLSEP * ($colsmin-1)) / $colsmin]} set ll {} ;# "ll" = list + lengths set maxlen 0 foreach tuple $l { lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime set len [expr [displaylen $display]+[string length $pre]+[displaylen $post]+[string length $warning]] if {$len > $maxlen} {set maxlen $len} if {$len > $namemax} {set lenx $namemax} {set lenx $len} lappend ll [list $tail $sfx $type $group $sortkey $style $pre $display $warning $post $size $mtime $atime $len $lenx] } if {$maxlen > $namemax} {log "|cell| $maxlen->$namemax"} set maxw [expr $maxlen<$namemax?$maxlen:$namemax]; set colsuni [expr $width/($maxw+$COLSEP)]; if {$colsuni==0} {set colsuni 1} log "uni $width/$maxw=${colsuni}x[iceil $llen $colsuni]" # 2. compute col x row, and cols widths # a. max out columns set rows $llen ;# possible that tail > screen width, in which case wraparound for {set c $colsuni} {1} {set c [iceil $llen [expr $r-1]]} { set r [iceil $llen $c] lassign [tailor $ll 0 $llen $r] sumx wxl if {$sumx > $width} { log "X[llength $wxl]x$r = $sumx"; break } set rows $r; if {$r==1} break } # b. aesthetic refinements if {$rows==1 && $gtitcnt>=1} {incr rows; log "rows 1->2 for [plural $gtitcnt title titles]"} lassign [bump $ll $rows $width] ll1 bot1; set cols1 [iceil [llength $ll1] $rows] log "tailored ${cols1}x$rows bot=$bot1" if {$SWITCH(maxcol) || $rows == 1 || $cols1 == 1} { ;# single row quite readable so keep, need a col to take away or bump into set ll $ll1 } else { ;# if title at bottom then bump, swap +1 row for -1 col (easier to read, but don't drastically reshape) set rows2 [expr $rows+1]; lassign [bump $ll $rows2 $width] ll2 bot2; set cols2 [iceil [llength $ll2] $rows2] if {$bot2 < $bot1} {set ll $ll2; incr rows; log "row+1 ${cols2}x$rows2 (< bot=$bot1->$bot2)" } elseif {$bot2==$bot1 && $cols2+1==$cols1 && $cols2>=4} {set ll $ll2; incr rows; log "row+1 ${cols2}x$rows2 (< cols)" } else {set ll $ll1; log "X${cols2}x[expr $rows2] bot=$bot2"} } # if extra space, give to maxed out columns (only -- don't space out columns across screen like ls) set llen [llength $ll]; lassign [tailor $ll 0 $llen $rows] sumx wxl wl; set cols [llength $wxl] ;# final #cols based on #rows set slack [expr $width - $sumx]; set slack0 $slack for {set ate 1} {$ate} {} { set ate 0 for {set i 0} {$i<$cols && $slack>0} {incr i} { if {[set x [lindex $wxl $i]] < [lindex $wl $i]} {lset wxl $i [expr $x+1]; incr slack -1; incr ate} } } if {$slack < $slack0} {log "+[expr $slack0-$slack] widths"} # if extra space, space out columns a little more (but not a lot) set gut [expr $cols-1] if {$slack >= $gut} { log "+1*$gut gutter" ;# just +1 space, not until exhaust slack for {set i 0} {$i<$gut} {incr i} { lset wxl $i [expr [lindex $wxl $i]+1] } } # if prefix on and all names in column have prefix, then close up gap set pfxl {} for {set i 0; set j 0; set pfx 1000} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { if {![string is space -failindex p [lindex $ll $i 7]] && $p < $pfx} {set pfx $p} if {$j+1==$rows || $i+1==$llen} {lappend pfxl $pfx; set j 0; set pfx 1000} else {incr j} } #puts "col pfx: $pfxl for ${cols}x$rows <= $llen" # 3. display if {$SWITCH(1)} {set wxl [list $namemax]} set shortened 0 for {set i 0} {$i<$rows} {incr i} { for {set j 0; set n $i} {$n<$llen} {incr j; incr n $rows} { set tuple [lindex $ll $n] set w [lindex $wxl $j]; set hasnextcol [expr $n+$rows < $llen] ;# stricter than $j+1<$cols if {[llength $tuple]==0} { set gap [expr $w-$COLSEP] } else { lassign $tuple tail sfx type group sortkey style pre display warning post size mtime atime len lenx puts -nonewline [color $pre pre] if {$style!=""} {puts -nonewline [colorcode $style]} set availw $w if {$hasnextcol} {incr availw -$COLSEP} elseif {$j+1<$cols} {incr availw [lindex $wxl [expr $j+1]]} ;# spill into next column if {$availw >= $len} {set show $display; set gap [expr $availw-$len] } else { incr availw -[expr [string length $pre]+[displaylen $post]+[string length $warning]] set show [shorten $display $availw]; set gap [expr $availw-[displaylen $show]]; incr shortened } # have to do autosearch at the last second, possible that proc shorten stripped text that would have matched set auto $SWITCH(autosearch); if {$auto!="" && $auto!=0 && [regexp -nocase -indices $auto $show num]} { lassign $num n1 n2 #puts "$show: $num -> $n1 $n2" set a [string range $show 0 $n1-1]; set b [string range $show $n1 $n2]; set c [string range $show $n2+1 end] set show "$a[color $b autosearch $style]$c" } #puts -nonewline [string range $show [lindex $pfxl $j] end] puts -nonewline $show if {$style!=""} {puts -nonewline [colorcode OFF]} if {$warning!=""} {puts -nonewline [color $warning warning]} puts -nonewline [color $post post] } if {$hasnextcol} {puts -nonewline [format "%-*s" [expr $gap+$COLSEP] " "]} } puts "" } if {$shortened>0} {log "$shortened names shortened"} } proc tailor {l i llen rows} { log "tailor" global COLSEP # width of cols = width of widest cell set sumx 0; set wl {}; set wxl {} for {} {$i<$llen} {incr i $rows} { set max 0; set maxx 0 for {set j $i; set jmax [expr $i+$rows]} {$j<$jmax && $j<$llen} {incr j} { set len [lindex $l $j 13]; set lenx [lindex $l $j 14] if {$len > $max} {set max $len} if {$lenx > $maxx} {set maxx $lenx} } if {$i+$rows < $llen} {incr max $COLSEP; incr maxx $COLSEP} incr sumx $maxx; lappend wl $max; lappend wxl $maxx } # X if have extra space, give to maxed out columns => premature. Maybe could bump title, but can't b/c allowed to expand. return [list $sumx $wxl $wl] ;# #cols == [llength $wl] } # if group title at bottom of column, bump to next column, if we can (free cell, widths OK) proc bump {ll rows width} { set llen [llength $ll]; set bot 0 for {set i [expr $rows-1]; set imax [expr $rows>1?$llen:0]} {$i<$imax} {incr i $rows} { if {"GROUP"==[lindex $ll $i 2]} {incr bot} } if {$bot==0} {return [list $ll $bot]} lassign [tailor $ll 0 $llen $rows] sumx wxl set bumpl {}; set botbump 0 for {set i 0; set c 0; set r 0; set left 0} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { set tuple [lindex $ll $i] if {$r==0} {incr left [lindex $wxl $c]} if {$r+1==$rows && "GROUP"==[lindex $tuple 2]} { # bump? lassign [tailor $ll $i $llen $rows] sumx wxl2 if {$left + $sumx <= $width} { lappend bumpl {} set wxl $wxl2; set c 0; set r 0; incr left [lindex $wxl 0] } else {incr botbump} ;# puts "can't: [lindex $tuple 0] $left + $sumx !<= $width" } lappend bumpl $tuple if {$r+1 < $rows} {incr r} else {incr c; set r 0} } # possible that bumping gives more titles at bottom # (unimplmented: edge case where first bumps OK then if stop would win) if {$botbump < $bot} { log "bot $bot->$botbump after bump @ rows=$rows" set ll $bumpl; set bot $botbump } return [list $ll $bot] } # # generally useful utility procs: color, pretty print (size, time, shorten text) # # (color info gleaned from GNU ls.c) # 0=end, 1=bold or brighter, 2=darker, 3=italics, 4=underline, 5=slowly blink, 6=rapidly blink, 7=rev, 8=hidden, 9=crossout # 3x=foreground, 4x=background, where x is 0=black, 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, 7=white set COLORIZE 1; #if {![info exists env(TERM)] || ![string match "*color*" $env(TERM)]} {set colorize 0} -- assume color proc color {txt {style ""} {context OFF}} { if {[string is space $txt]} {return $txt} set on [colorcode $style]; if {$on==""} {return $txt} set off ""; if {$context!="OFF"} {set off [colorcode OFF]} set reset [colorcode $context] return "$on$txt$off$reset" } proc colorcode {style} { global COLORIZE; if {!$COLORIZE || $style==""} {return ""} if {![regexp {^[;0-9]+$} $style]} {global STYLE; set style $STYLE($style)} return "\u001b\[[string range $style 1 end]m" } proc plural {n singular plural {pfx ""}} { if {$n<=0} {set txt "---" } elseif {$n==1} {set txt "$n $pfx[l10n $singular]" ;# set txt "a $singular" ? } else {set txt "$n $pfx[l10n $plural]"} return $txt } proc displaylen {s} { set len 0 for {set i 0; set imax [string length $s]} {$i<$imax} {incr i} { scan [string index $s $i] "%c" c if {(0x300 <= $c&&$c <= 0x36f) || (0x1dc0 <= $c&&$c <= 0x1dff)} { # combining (accent) } elseif {0x1b==$c} { # color code while {[string index $s $i] != "m"} { incr i } } else { incr len } } return $len } set K 1024 ;# maybe you prefer 1000 proc kmg {size context} { global K set SFX "BKMGTPEZY" if {$size < $K} {return "${size}B"} set pretty "(too big)" for {set po2 1.0; set i 0} {$i<5} {set po2 $next; incr i} { set next [expr $po2*$K] if {$size < $next} { set dsize [expr $size/$po2] set fmt [expr {$dsize<10? "%.1f": "%.0f"}] set pretty [format $fmt $dsize]; if {[string match "*.0" $pretty]} {set pretty [string range $pretty 0 end-2]} ;# e/f/g not right #append pretty [string index $SFX $i] append pretty "[color [string index $SFX $i] relsize $context]" break } } return [string trim $pretty] } proc ago {time} { global TIME set s ""; set u "" set age [expr $TIME(now) - $time] if {[expr abs($age)] < 10} {set s "NOW" } elseif {$age < 0} {set s "FUTURE" } elseif {$age < 2*$TIME(MINUTE)} {set s $age; set u "second" } elseif {$age < 2*$TIME(HOUR)} {set s [expr $age/$TIME(MINUTE)]; set u "minute" } elseif {$age < 2*$TIME(DAY)} {set s [expr $age/$TIME(HOUR)]; set u "hour" } elseif {$age < $TIME(YEAR)} {set s [expr $age/$TIME(DAY)]; set u "day" } elseif {$age < 3*$TIME(YEAR)} {set s [expr ($age+2*$TIME(MONTH))/$TIME(YEAR)]; set u "year" ;# format "%3.1f" would be too precise } else {set s [clock format $time -format "%Y"]} if {$u != ""} {append s [string index [l10n $u] 0]} return $s } proc perm {mode} { set txt "" for {set s 6} {$s >= 0} {incr s -3} { set m [expr $mode>>$s] append txt [expr ($m & 4)?"r":"-"] append txt [expr ($m & 2)?"w":"-"] append txt [expr ($m & 1)?"x":"-"] } return $txt } proc shorten {txt w} { set len [displaylen $txt]; if {$len <= $w} { return $txt } # throw out articles and prepositions regsub -nocase -all {(^|\W)(a|an|the)\W} $txt " " txt ;# can't remove from start of word b/c have to type in regsub -nocase -all {\W(of|from|for|in|to|and|volume|vol)\W} $txt "/" txt ;# [l10n "..."] ? set len [displaylen $txt]; if {$len <= $w} { return $txt } # short name: .... . 8 chars at end take care of yyyy.sfx # most important: files (start of name, numbers, suffix), dirs (start of name, numbers, end / and little more) # could give up a couple of chars of gutter in this case... or not now that down to 3 and ->, pass in slack? how different than w? global SWITCH set e [l10n "..."]; set elen [string length $e] ;# don't use three character "..." b/c already space constrained and may use twice set mid $e; set tail 3 ;# three-letter suffix not four to double count '.' for ellipsis and sfx if {$w <= 10} { ;# emergency mode, usually have NAMEMIN==38 so even with COLSEP/pre/post/warning don't execute very short cases (here and below) set tail 0 } elseif {[regexp -indices {(\d+)} $txt all num]} { lassign $num n1 n2; set num [string range $txt $n1 $n2]; set numlen [string length $num] if {5+1+$numlen+1+$tail > $w} { # number too many digits, give up showing number } else { if {8+$numlen+8 <= $w} {set tail 8} if {$n2 <= $w-$elen-$tail-1} { } elseif {[set x [expr $len-$tail-$elen-$numlen-1]] <= $n1} {set tail [expr $len-($x>$n1?$x:$n1)] } else { ;# no overlap set mid "$e$num$e" if {$len-$tail-1 <= $n2} {set tail [expr $len-($n2+1)]} ;# don't show number and again partially when could make head longer } } } else { if {$w >= 20} {set tail 8} } if {$tail>0 && ([set c [string index $txt end-[expr $tail-1]]]==" " || $c==".")} {incr tail -1} ;# space char not informative, give real estate to head # if chop on combining accent then should +1, but I'm not going to worry about that set head [expr $w-[string length $mid]-$tail] set a [string range $txt 0 $head-1] if {[string last "\u001b\[" $a] > [string last "\u001b\[0m" $a]} {global STYLE; append a [color $STYLE(OFF)]} #if {[string index $txt $a]==" "} {incr tail}--tail may be trying to stay away from number return "$a$mid[string range $txt end-[expr $tail-1] end]" } # map numeric user id to symbolic proc uid2name {uid} { global n2scache if {![info exists n2scache($uid)]} { catch { regexp {uid=\d+\(([^)]+)\)} [exec id $uid] all sym } if {![info exists sym]} {set sym $uid} ;# can't resolve set n2scache($uid) $sym } return $n2scache($uid) } # integer ceiling function proc iceil { num den } { return [expr ($num + $den - 1) / ($den)] } # # execution # proc log {ev} { global LOG #if {$ev ni $LOG} ... lappend LOG $ev } proc commandline {argv} { global TERMINFO SWITCH set argi 0; set argc [llength $argv] for {} {$argi<$argc} {incr argi} { set opt [lindex $argv $argi] if {[string match "--?*" $opt]} {set opt [string range $opt 1 end]} switch -glob -- $opt { -only {array set SWITCH { only 1 relsize 0 series 0 prefix 0 title 0 summary 0 } } -atime {set SWITCH(atime) [lindex $argv [incr argi]]} -a {set SWITCH(ignore) 0} -1 {set SWITCH(1) 1} -startup {set SWITCH(startup) [lindex $argv [incr argi]]} -help {puts "see $SWITCH(site)"; exit 0} -version {puts "sl $SWITCH(version)"; exit 0} -width {set TERMINFO(width) [lindex $argv [incr argi]]} -log {set SWITCH(log) 1} -- { incr argi; break } -* { puts stderr "sl: no such option: $opt"; exit 1 } default { break } } } return $argi } proc main {argv {argi 0}} { set l [lrange $argv $argi end]; if {[llength $l]==0} {set l [list .]} # validate, group together files by dir set g(0) 1; unset g(0) ;# make 0-length array set dirl {} foreach f $l { if {![file exists $f]} {puts stderr "$f: no such file or directory" } elseif {![file readable $f]} {puts stderr "$f: not readable" } elseif {[file isdirectory $f]} {lappend dirl $f } else {lappend g([file dirname $f]) $f} } set fl [array names g] # OK if empty b/c all invalid # iterate set fcnt [expr [llength $fl]+[llength $dirl]]; set first 1 foreach dir [lsort $fl] { if {!$first} {puts ""} if {$fcnt > 1} {puts "$dir:"} sl2 $dir $g($dir) $g($dir) 0 ;# no raw names set first 0 } foreach dir $dirl { if {!$first} {puts ""} if {$fcnt > 1} {puts "$dir:"} sl $dir set first 0 } } # # extensions: change global variables, per-file property control, redefine procs (like vc, shorten, even main) # proc perfile {dir tuple} { return $tuple } if {![info exists META] || $META(sl)=="run"} { set argi [commandline $argv] if {[file readable $SWITCH(startup)]} {source $SWITCH(startup)} main $argv $argi }