pcem-roms (rom file collection for PCem) pcem-roms is a collection of rom files that can be used with the PCem emulator. Once installed, the files will be in /usr/share/pcem/roms, ready to be used by PCem. These files are all proprietary (excluding xtide), and the archive comes from upstream without a license. Granted, none of the roms in the collection could be described as "recent" by any stretch of the imagination. Some files for the mach64g were included at the time PCem 17 was released, but have since been removed from the upstream GitHub repository. They are mostly Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 drivers and other Windows utilities. Although these files will not be installed by default, use EXTRAS=yes to include them. Two rom files are known to be missing from the collection: Hyundai Super 16T super16t_v1.12ta.bin Hyundai Super 16TE super16te_v2.00id.bin